The Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) is a national Kenyan not-for-profit women’s rights organization. We are committed to advancing women’s rights; and work towards achieving a society free from all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). COVAW was founded in 1995 as a response to the silence of the Kenyan society to addressing VAWG.

Over the years, COVAW has invested in empowering women and girls to claim their rights; enabling equitable access to services, resources and opportunities; facilitating greater access to justice for survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV); and supporting change agents opposed to and committed to eradication of all forms of VAWG.

COVAW’s interventions deliberately address norms, attitudes, laws, policies and practices that affect women and girl’s safety and wellbeing in general. This is done through supporting development and implementation of gender progressive laws, policies and guidelines and consistent engagement with different actors to prevent and respond to VAWG and to hold perpetrators of these violations accountable. Our key actors are the community, civil society, government and private sector.

In its delivery of programs COVAW strives to uphold the highest levels of accountability guided by related finance management policies, practices and standards.

COVAW would like to engage a reputable audit firm to carry-out the statutory audit for the financial year ending December 31, 2024. The contract will be for a three-year audit period, to the completion of the audit for the year ending December 31, 2026 based on performance.

2.0 Audit Objectives

The objective of the COVAW audit is to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisation. The audit will be performed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”) in addition to local Kenyan 2

Standards. The audit report will include an Independent Auditors Report (Opinion) on the financial statements. The audit will also include such other required schedules or analyses as COVAW has determined are necessary in order to ensure that organisation resources are being properly managed.

The Audit shall also perform the following: –

 Assess level of compliance with all applicable Government of Kenya legal registration requirements as well as with all other statutory requirements (NGO Board, KRA, NHIF, NSSF, HELB, Employment etc.) as applicable.

 Assessing levels of application of, and compliance with applicable/relevant Donor management guidelines as contained in specific grant agreements for each grant.

 Assess whether appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounting have been kept.

 Verify whether the financial statements were prepared in accordance with applicable standards mentioned and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the project.

 Assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system to monitor expenditure and other financial transactions and ensure safe custody of project financed assets and that they were used for the intended purpose.

 Assess whether the project assets are real, used for intended purpose and are properly recorded and managed in the fixed assets register in accordance with the COVAW policies.

3.0 Scope of Work

The auditor shall undertake this engagement in accordance with the minimum Terms of Reference detailed below and:

 in conformity with International and Local Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”). The findings and recommendations shall include an action plan for COVAW organizational and accounting improvements depending on findings and its implications and shall accommodate management. These standards must in all material respects include such tests and auditing procedures as the auditor considers necessary under the circumstances.

 in compliance with the Code of Ethics for professional accountants issued by ICPAK.

The auditor must ascertain whether;

I. Expenditures are legitimate, complete and accurate; that funds have been used in accordance with the conditions of agreements and only for the provided purposes.

II. Goods and services have been procured in accordance with sound procurement procedures with due attention to economy and efficiency. That vendors are selected objectively.

III. Tax and social security remittances have been made in accordance with the Kenyan tax laws and for the period which the audit opinion relates.

IV. All necessary supporting documents, records and accounts have been kept in respect of all project activities, with clear linkages between the books of account and reports.

V. The existing financial practices and procedures are sound, in line with the Financial Policies and Administration Procedures Manual in place.

VI. Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Practices as appropriate, and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisations Financial Year-End.

VII. Any other applicable terms and needs that may arise from time to time depending on applicable legislation at the time of audit.

4. Internal Control Systems

The auditor will conduct review of the internal control systems to have sufficient knowledge of the procedures and systems. The auditor will assess the soundness and adequacy of COVAWs procedures, and whether those procedures are consistently applied in the normal course of operations. In the process of reviewing the internal control system, the auditor needs also to examine areas like governance, achievement of objectives, budget utilisation, asset management and procurement. The auditor should report any observations/findings on each of the above section in the management letter. The above-defined scope does not in any way restrict the audit procedures or the techniques that the auditor may wish to use in forming an opinion on the financial statements.

5.0 Key Deliverables

The auditor is expected to present two types of reports: An opinion on the Financial Statements and a report on the internal control of the organisation through a management Letter.

(a) The report on the Financial Statements will contain:

i) A professional opinion on the financial statements and supporting schedules.

ii) Accounting standards that have been applied indicating the effect of any deviations from those standards.

iii) The audit standards that were applied.

(b) The Management Letter will cover findings and recommendations on any deficiencies on governance, project/program implementation, financial management, procurement and fixed asset management. It will also highlight areas of risk that need to be flagged out to the management and stakeholders.

The auditors on completion of the audit work will submit three (3) original copies of the audit report appended to the financial statements along with the reports to the attention of the Board of Directors.

6.0 General

The auditor will be given access to all legal documents, correspondence and any other information that may reasonably be deemed necessary to enable him/her to undertake the audit. This should include, but not be limited to, copies of all organisational policies, copies of the previous annual audit reports, and the relevant finance management and procurement guidelines.

7.0 Duration of the assignment

The audit work shall be completed within one (1) month from the date of commencement.

8.0 Qualifications of the consultant/firm

The Audit firm MUST meet the following qualifications to be considered;

i. Demonstrate that the firm holds the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies required to perform its responsibilities with due professional care.

ii. The firm must have been in operation continuously for the last seven years carrying out auditing and taxation duties in Kenya.

iii. The firm must have at least five years of experience in Auditing Not-for-profit organizations.

iv. The firm must be registered in Kenya and adhere to all legal requirements to operate in Kenya.

v. The firm must be registered by the relevant regulating accounting/Auditing body registered in Kenya.

vi. Audit firm and staff must be independent of COVAW

vii. The following documents are mandatory requirements for all proposal submissions;

 A copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation.

 A copy of PIN Certificate.

 Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.

 Audited Accounts for the last 3 years.

 Company Profile and detailed CVs of the firm’s Partners.

 ICPAK Membership and Certificate of Good Standing.

In addition to the above mandatory documents, the selection criteria will include the following:

i. A list of similar non-profit organizations served by your firm. The firm will be required to provide at least two recommendation letters from the past audited Not for Profit clients.

ii. Your staff assignments and availability to complete the audit on a timely basis.

iii. Participation of senior audit personnel assigned to the engagement.

iv. Availability of staff to respond to questions within the scope of the engagement and the charge, if any, for services outside the scope of the audit.

Interested /firm should submit;

a) One-page cover letter that summarizes capacity to undertake the assignment and commitment to participate in person;

b) Four-page technical proposal highlighting;

 Proposed fee for the engagement including a schedule for additional services that may be necessary beyond the scope of the audit engagement.

 Detailed audit plan/methodology including your approach to risk and fraud detection.

 Qualifications and Experience of partners and/or proposed staff for the assignment.

 Estimated number of hours to complete the audit by classification of your employees, i.e. partners, senior, junior.

 Detail of logistical expenses expected to be incurred, i.e. stationery, mileage, per diem, telephone, etc.

 Time requirements.

Applications will be reviewed as they are received, by a selection committee based on the above pre-determined objective criteria. Upon shortlisting, the consultant(s)/ consulting firm will be invited for an interview. The proposal should be submitted through [email protected] with subject “EOI: EXTERNAL AUDITORS” by Wednesday 11th December 2024

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COVAW, is non-profit making National Women's Human rights organization registered in Kenya under the NGO Coordination Act.

Since inception, COVAW has continued to be instrumental in placing violence against women as a crime and a human rights violation and has spearheaded the campaign towards women having the right to be free from violence, the right to self defence and the right to state protection. COVAW believes that people have the capacity to learn and change their attitudes towards women. COVAW beneficiaries are therefore women and girls.

COVAW is committed to breaking the circle of violence and silence around it. To achieve this we work at the regional, national and community level towards empowering women and girls to claim their rights, improve quality service provision to enhance access to justice, and build change agents opposed to and committed to eradication of all forms of violence against women. We recognize that violence can be physical, sexual, psychological harm, including threats, and that violence against women is both a consequence and a cause of gender inequality.

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0 USD Nairobi CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW)

The Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) is a national Kenyan not-for-profit women’s rights organization. We are committed to advancing women’s rights; and work towards achieving a society free from all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). COVAW was founded in 1995 as a response to the silence of the Kenyan society to addressing VAWG.

Over the years, COVAW has invested in empowering women and girls to claim their rights; enabling equitable access to services, resources and opportunities; facilitating greater access to justice for survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV); and supporting change agents opposed to and committed to eradication of all forms of VAWG.

COVAW’s interventions deliberately address norms, attitudes, laws, policies and practices that affect women and girl’s safety and wellbeing in general. This is done through supporting development and implementation of gender progressive laws, policies and guidelines and consistent engagement with different actors to prevent and respond to VAWG and to hold perpetrators of these violations accountable. Our key actors are the community, civil society, government and private sector.

In its delivery of programs COVAW strives to uphold the highest levels of accountability guided by related finance management policies, practices and standards.

COVAW would like to engage a reputable audit firm to carry-out the statutory audit for the financial year ending December 31, 2024. The contract will be for a three-year audit period, to the completion of the audit for the year ending December 31, 2026 based on performance.

2.0 Audit Objectives

The objective of the COVAW audit is to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisation. The audit will be performed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”) in addition to local Kenyan 2

Standards. The audit report will include an Independent Auditors Report (Opinion) on the financial statements. The audit will also include such other required schedules or analyses as COVAW has determined are necessary in order to ensure that organisation resources are being properly managed.

The Audit shall also perform the following: -

 Assess level of compliance with all applicable Government of Kenya legal registration requirements as well as with all other statutory requirements (NGO Board, KRA, NHIF, NSSF, HELB, Employment etc.) as applicable.

 Assessing levels of application of, and compliance with applicable/relevant Donor management guidelines as contained in specific grant agreements for each grant.

 Assess whether appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounting have been kept.

 Verify whether the financial statements were prepared in accordance with applicable standards mentioned and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the project.

 Assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system to monitor expenditure and other financial transactions and ensure safe custody of project financed assets and that they were used for the intended purpose.

 Assess whether the project assets are real, used for intended purpose and are properly recorded and managed in the fixed assets register in accordance with the COVAW policies.

3.0 Scope of Work

The auditor shall undertake this engagement in accordance with the minimum Terms of Reference detailed below and:

 in conformity with International and Local Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”). The findings and recommendations shall include an action plan for COVAW organizational and accounting improvements depending on findings and its implications and shall accommodate management. These standards must in all material respects include such tests and auditing procedures as the auditor considers necessary under the circumstances.

 in compliance with the Code of Ethics for professional accountants issued by ICPAK.

The auditor must ascertain whether;

I. Expenditures are legitimate, complete and accurate; that funds have been used in accordance with the conditions of agreements and only for the provided purposes.

II. Goods and services have been procured in accordance with sound procurement procedures with due attention to economy and efficiency. That vendors are selected objectively.

III. Tax and social security remittances have been made in accordance with the Kenyan tax laws and for the period which the audit opinion relates.

IV. All necessary supporting documents, records and accounts have been kept in respect of all project activities, with clear linkages between the books of account and reports.

V. The existing financial practices and procedures are sound, in line with the Financial Policies and Administration Procedures Manual in place.

VI. Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Practices as appropriate, and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisations Financial Year-End.

VII. Any other applicable terms and needs that may arise from time to time depending on applicable legislation at the time of audit.

4. Internal Control Systems

The auditor will conduct review of the internal control systems to have sufficient knowledge of the procedures and systems. The auditor will assess the soundness and adequacy of COVAWs procedures, and whether those procedures are consistently applied in the normal course of operations. In the process of reviewing the internal control system, the auditor needs also to examine areas like governance, achievement of objectives, budget utilisation, asset management and procurement. The auditor should report any observations/findings on each of the above section in the management letter. The above-defined scope does not in any way restrict the audit procedures or the techniques that the auditor may wish to use in forming an opinion on the financial statements.

5.0 Key Deliverables

The auditor is expected to present two types of reports: An opinion on the Financial Statements and a report on the internal control of the organisation through a management Letter.

(a) The report on the Financial Statements will contain:

i) A professional opinion on the financial statements and supporting schedules.

ii) Accounting standards that have been applied indicating the effect of any deviations from those standards.

iii) The audit standards that were applied.

(b) The Management Letter will cover findings and recommendations on any deficiencies on governance, project/program implementation, financial management, procurement and fixed asset management. It will also highlight areas of risk that need to be flagged out to the management and stakeholders.

The auditors on completion of the audit work will submit three (3) original copies of the audit report appended to the financial statements along with the reports to the attention of the Board of Directors.

6.0 General

The auditor will be given access to all legal documents, correspondence and any other information that may reasonably be deemed necessary to enable him/her to undertake the audit. This should include, but not be limited to, copies of all organisational policies, copies of the previous annual audit reports, and the relevant finance management and procurement guidelines.

7.0 Duration of the assignment

The audit work shall be completed within one (1) month from the date of commencement.

8.0 Qualifications of the consultant/firm

The Audit firm MUST meet the following qualifications to be considered;

i. Demonstrate that the firm holds the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies required to perform its responsibilities with due professional care.

ii. The firm must have been in operation continuously for the last seven years carrying out auditing and taxation duties in Kenya.

iii. The firm must have at least five years of experience in Auditing Not-for-profit organizations.

iv. The firm must be registered in Kenya and adhere to all legal requirements to operate in Kenya.

v. The firm must be registered by the relevant regulating accounting/Auditing body registered in Kenya.

vi. Audit firm and staff must be independent of COVAW

vii. The following documents are mandatory requirements for all proposal submissions;

 A copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation.

 A copy of PIN Certificate.

 Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.

 Audited Accounts for the last 3 years.

 Company Profile and detailed CVs of the firm’s Partners.

 ICPAK Membership and Certificate of Good Standing.

In addition to the above mandatory documents, the selection criteria will include the following:

i. A list of similar non-profit organizations served by your firm. The firm will be required to provide at least two recommendation letters from the past audited Not for Profit clients.

ii. Your staff assignments and availability to complete the audit on a timely basis.

iii. Participation of senior audit personnel assigned to the engagement.

iv. Availability of staff to respond to questions within the scope of the engagement and the charge, if any, for services outside the scope of the audit.

Interested /firm should submit;

a) One-page cover letter that summarizes capacity to undertake the assignment and commitment to participate in person;

b) Four-page technical proposal highlighting;

 Proposed fee for the engagement including a schedule for additional services that may be necessary beyond the scope of the audit engagement.

 Detailed audit plan/methodology including your approach to risk and fraud detection.

 Qualifications and Experience of partners and/or proposed staff for the assignment.

 Estimated number of hours to complete the audit by classification of your employees, i.e. partners, senior, junior.

 Detail of logistical expenses expected to be incurred, i.e. stationery, mileage, per diem, telephone, etc.

 Time requirements.

Applications will be reviewed as they are received, by a selection committee based on the above pre-determined objective criteria. Upon shortlisting, the consultant(s)/ consulting firm will be invited for an interview. The proposal should be submitted through [email protected] with subject “EOI: EXTERNAL AUDITORS” by Wednesday 11th December 2024


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