SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, invites Secondary school, Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD student members all over the world to apply for the Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship.
Eligible Countries: All
To Be Taken At (Country): Any
Course Level: Secondary school, Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD.
Eligibility Criteria: All Students, both full- and part-time are eligible to apply.
- You must be a Student Member of SPIE. Standard Student Membership Fee is $20 (US).
- High school, pre-university, secondary school students will receive a one-year complimentary Student Membership. Fill in the Pre-College Membership Application Form and return to scholarships@spie.org
- Must be enrolled in an optics or photonics program or related field
- Must be in school for the full academic year beginning Fall 2018
- Two recommendations are required. Family members/relatives/students are not eligible to write recommendations.
- If applicable, all Annual Scholarship Reports must be on file with SPIE if you received a scholarship previously. Please contact scholarships@spie.org to confirm that your report is on file (if applicable).
- Incomplete applications will not be submitted for consideration.
- All students will be notified of the results of their application in May
Selection Criteria: The key criterion in evaluating and ranking applications is the “prospect for long-term contribution that the granting of an award will make to the field of optics, photonics or related field.” Need, in and of itself, shall not be considered as a criterion.
All scholarship applications are judged on their own merit, based on the experience and education level of the individual student. High school (pre-university, secondary school), undergraduate, and graduate students will be judged relative to other applicants with similar educational backgrounds.
Value of Award: The Education Scholarship award amounts vary from $2,500 to $11,000 and typically support tuition, books, research activities, and other education-related expenses.
Method of Application: Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship Application
Visit the Program Webpage for Details
Scholarship Application Deadline: 15th February 2019