3 Fully Funded Scholarships At University Of Ghana, 2019

Applications are invited from Individuals who are interested in pursuing a degree program at University of Ghana.

The aim is to show how the global is productive of the local, and how institutions, actors, practices, norms and discourse mix to produce novel forms of security governance and global-local linkages.

Course Level: PhD

Eligible Countries: Ghana

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must;

  • Hold a master’s degree in the social sciences, political science, law or inter-disciplinary studies.
  • Be highly motivated to develop a scientific career, and to pursue doctoral studies according to the approved study plan.
  • Possess and demonstrate good scientific writing skills.
  • Have a strong methodological and conceptual background in the relevant scientific disciplines or areas.
  • Ideally have ethnographic fieldwork experience.
  • Ideally have worked with security related issues in Accra, Tamale or elsewhere.
  • Be a constructive and engaged team worker.


Method of Application: Potential applicants are invited to prepare a 4-5-page concept note (maximum 2,000 words) which, with reference to the selected PhD focus (please select from above), outlines a detailed focus for the proposed PhD project as well as research assumptions and questions. Applicants, who wish to apply for the PhrD position under two or more thematic areas, should develop a separate concept note for each of the focus areas. The following details must be included in the concept note:

  • Statement of the research problem and how it will be investigated through more specific research questions.
  • Discussion of the analytical framework of the research problem in light of relevant theory.
  • Description of the geographical and socio-political context of the study (Accra/Tamale).
  • Presentation of the research design and the methods that will be employed to generate the data.
  • Practical considerations.
  • Ethical considerations.
  • Time plan.

Please make sure to clearly indicate which of the PhD positions you apply for.

Also Apply:  £5,000 Cardiff University PhD Music Scholarship – UK

In addition to this concept note, the application should be accompanied by a CV, including a list of publications as well as names and contact details of a 2-3 academic references.

The application should be submitted online to Dr Richard Asante via rasante@ug.edu.ghand richasagh@yahoo.com, with copy to Dr Kwesi Aning (kwesianing2002@yahoo.com), Professor Dzodzi Tsikata (dtsikata@ug.edu.gh), Dr Peter Albrecht (paa@diis.dk), and Professor Raymond Atuguba (atugubaatuguba@yahoo.com).

Scholarship link

Scholarship Application Deadline: October 15, 2018

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