Capacity Development Consultant 234 views0 applications

At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow. A nonprofit international development organization founded in 1971, Pact works on the ground in nearly 40 countries to improve the lives of those who are challenged by poverty and marginalization. We serve these communities because we envision a world where everyone owns their future. To do this, we build systemic solutions in partnership with local organizations, businesses, and governments that create sustainable and resilient communities where those we serve are heard, capable, and vibrant. Pact is a recognized global leader in international development. Our staff have a range of expertise in areas including public health, capacity development, governance and civil society, natural resource management, poverty, fragile states, monitoring and evaluation, small-scale and artisanal mining, microfinance and more. This expertise is combined in Pact’s unique integrated approach, which focuses on systemic changes needed to improve people’s lives.


Program Delivery (PDEL) – Pact exists to help create a world where those who are poor and marginalized exercise their voice, build their own solutions, and take ownership of their future. The Program Delivery Team, contributes to realizing this purpose by: Forging smart partnerships and treating all people with dignity and respect; Applying organizational policies and regulatory compliance appropriately and consistently; Facilitating team spirit among colleagues and promoting the organization through communications; Influencing decision makers through focused, relevant communications; Continually striving to learn and share knowledge and find small ways to make the workplace more enjoyable for all; Cultivating and harvesting innovation; Contributing to the organization’s ability to think and act strategically at all times; Inspiring and spreading our desired organizational culture across the global enterprise.

Position Overview

ACHIEVE is a five-year, USAID-funded global cooperative agreement with the dual objectives of attaining and sustaining HIV epidemic control among at-risk and hard to reach pregnant and breastfeeding (PBF) women, infants, children, and youth, as well as to mitigate the impact of HIV/ AIDS and prevent HIV transmission among these populations; and supporting the transition of prime funding and implementation to capable local partners in order to meet the PEPFAR goal of 70% of funding to local partners. In Burundi, ACHIEVE will provide case management and mentorship services to vulnerable adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), aimed at HIV prevention and facilitating access to HIV care and treatment for those that are HIV positive. The program will provide capacity development support for local implementing partners to design, implement and track services received in accordance with PEPFAR requirements at the community level. The program will also provide capacity development support for local prime implementers of USAID PEPFAR orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and gender-based violence projects.

The Capacity Development (CD) Consultant will report to the CD Specialist will contribute to coordination of capacity development project activities and to technical components. The CD Consultant will work to ensure adequate capacity is developed among five local partners implementing USAID PEPFAR OVC and gender-based violence projects. The position will assist in regular monitoring with each local partner in anticipation of them having prime funding through PEPFAR.

ACHIEVE est un accord de coopération mondial de cinq ans financé par l’USAID qui a deux objectifs : atteindre et maintenir un niveau de contrôle de l’épidémie du VIH chez les femmes enceintes et allaitantes, les nourrissons, les enfants et les jeunes à risque et qui sont difficiles à atteindre, de manière à atténuer l’impact du VIH/sida et prévenir sa transmission chez ces populations ; et soutenir la transition du financement de base et de la mise en œuvre vers des partenaires locaux compétents afin d’atteindre l’objectif du PEPFAR qui est de mettre 70 % du financement à la disposition des partenaires locaux. Au Burundi, ACHIEVE fournira des services de gestion de cas et de mentorat aux adolescentes et jeunes femmes (AGYW) vulnérables, dans le but de prévenir le VIH et de faciliter l’accès aux soins et au traitement du VIH pour celles qui sont séropositives. Le programme fournira un appui au renforcement des capacités des partenaires locaux de mise en œuvre dans le cadre de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi des services reçus conformément aux exigences du PEPFAR à l’échelle communautaire. Le programme fournira également un appui au developpement des capacités des principaux responsables locaux de la mise en œuvre des projets PEPFAR de l’USAID portant sur les orphelins et enfants vulnérables (OEV) et la violence sexiste.

Le consultant en developpement des capacités (DC) rendra compte au spécialiste du DC et contribuera à la coordination des activités des projets de developpement des capacités et aux composantes techniques. Le consultant du CD s’assurera que cinq partenaires locaux mettent en œuvre les projets PEPFAR de l’USAID sur les orphelins et les enfants vulnérables et les projets de lutte contre la violence sexiste, afin de développer des capacités adéquates. Le titulaire du poste aidera à assurer un suivi régulier avec chaque partenaire local en prévision de l’obtention d’un financement de premier ordre par l’intermédiaire du PEPFAR.

Key Responsibilities

The CD Consultant will carry out the following functions:

  • Contribute to customized technical and organizational capacity development-related activities for select local partners.
  • Provide demand-driven trainings to partners related to USAID PEPFAR Project Implementation, including compliance with USAID rules and regulations, financial management, subgrant management, monitoring and evaluation, governance, procurement, inventory management, and human resources. Specific training topics will be selected and customized for local partners, in collaboration with ACHIEVE, based on the local partners’ Capacity Action Plans.
  • Provide coaching, mentoring, and technical support to local partners for the implementation of USAID PEPFAR project start-up operations, including the development governance, human resources, procurement, and financial management mechanisms and tools. Technical support will be tailored to each partner based on activities in the partner’s Capacity Action Plan.
  • Provide technical support to the Wiziyire prime implementing partner to develop a and initiate the implementation of a project subgrants manual and related tools, including pre-award assessments of subgrantees; development of budgets, scopes of work, and targets; issuance of agreements; and subgrant monitoring and reporting.
  • Engage with local partners in a participatory manner, enabling them to lead their own capacity development process.
  • Ensure flexibility and high quality of the capacity development support provided to partners.

All deliverables will be submitted to the CD Specialist for review and approval. Payment will be made upon approval of the deliverables. Specific deliverables will be identified at the initiation of the consultancy, as they will be tailored to the specific capacity development needs of each partner.

Le consultant du CD exercera les fonctions suivantes :

  • Contribuer à des activités personnalisées de renforcement des capacités techniques et organisationnelles pour certains partenaires locaux.
  • Fournir des formations axées sur la demande aux partenaires liés à la mise en œuvre du projet PEPFAR de l’USAID, y compris la conformité aux règles et règlements de l’USAID, la gestion financière, la gestion des sous-subventions, le suivi et l’évaluation, la gouvernance, les achats, la gestion des stocks, et les ressources humaines. Des thèmes de formation spécifiques seront sélectionnés et personnalisés pour les partenaires locaux, en collaboration avec ACHIEVE, sur la base des Plans d’action sur les capacités des partenaires locaux.
  • Fournir un accompagnement, un mentorat et un soutien technique aux partenaires locaux pour la mise en œuvre des opérations de démarrage du projet PEPFAR de l’USAID, y compris la gouvernance du développement, les ressources humaines, les achats, et les mécanismes et outils de gestion financière. L’appui technique sera adapté à chaque partenaire en fonction des activités prévues dans son Plan d’action pour les capacités.
  • Fournir un appui technique au principal partenaire d’exécution du projet Wiziyire pour élaborer et lancer la mise en œuvre d’un manuel des sous-subventions de projet et des outils connexes, y compris les évaluations préalables à l’octroi des sous-subventions, l’élaboration des budgets, des champs d’application et des objectifs, la conclusion d’accords et la surveillance et la communication des résultats des sous-financements.
  • S’engager avec les partenaires locaux d’une manière participative, leur permettant de diriger leur propre processus de développement des capacités.
  • Assurer la flexibilité et la qualité de l’appui au developpement des capacités fourni aux partenaires

Tous les produits livrables seront soumis au spécialiste du CD pour examen et approbation. Le paiement sera effectué après l’approbation des produits livrables. Les résultats spécifiques seront identifiés dès le début de la consultation, car ils seront adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque partenaire en matière de developpement des capacités.

Basic Requirements

  • BA and four years OR MA and two years of experience in project management and capacity development
  • Experience managing or implementing US government-funded programs
  • Experience in building organizational capacity in HIV/AIDS
  • Demonstrated ability to establish and sustain interpersonal and professional relationships with USAID Mission, implementing partners, and local CSOs
  • Experience with child welfare and protection programs, systems strengthening, capacity building, economic strengthening, service delivery, quality improvement, or policy development
  • Strong writing and oral presentation skills, including fluency in English


Score (sur un total de 100 pts.)

Expérience antérieure pertinente


Meilleure valeur


Capacité de respecter l’échéancier du projet


Total :


Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, citizenship status, genetic information, matriculation, family responsibilities, personal appearance, credit information, tobacco use (except in the workplace), membership in an employee organization, or other protected classifications or non-merit factors.

More Information

  • Job City Burundi
  • This job has expired!
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A nonprofit international development organization founded in 1971, Pact works on the ground in more than 30 countries to improve the lives of those who are poor and marginalized. We strive for a world where all people exercise their voice, build their own solutions and take ownership of their future.

Pact is a recognized leader in integrated development. Our integrated approach combines interventions in purposeful ways to address development challenges holistically, always tailored to local needs. And we focus on systemic change to build an environment for sustainable success.

People are at the center of our values. We believe that effective stewardship leads to trust and that trust is the foundation for change. Our three core values are:

Local Solutions – Our success comes from solutions created with the people we serve.

Partnerships – Partnerships deepen our impact and promote empowerment.

Results – Our work must transform lives and make them measurably better. How that change occurs is as important as the change itself.

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0 USD Burundi CF 3201 Abc road Part Time , 40 hours per week Pact

At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow. A nonprofit international development organization founded in 1971, Pact works on the ground in nearly 40 countries to improve the lives of those who are challenged by poverty and marginalization. We serve these communities because we envision a world where everyone owns their future. To do this, we build systemic solutions in partnership with local organizations, businesses, and governments that create sustainable and resilient communities where those we serve are heard, capable, and vibrant. Pact is a recognized global leader in international development. Our staff have a range of expertise in areas including public health, capacity development, governance and civil society, natural resource management, poverty, fragile states, monitoring and evaluation, small-scale and artisanal mining, microfinance and more. This expertise is combined in Pact’s unique integrated approach, which focuses on systemic changes needed to improve people’s lives.


Program Delivery (PDEL) - Pact exists to help create a world where those who are poor and marginalized exercise their voice, build their own solutions, and take ownership of their future. The Program Delivery Team, contributes to realizing this purpose by: Forging smart partnerships and treating all people with dignity and respect; Applying organizational policies and regulatory compliance appropriately and consistently; Facilitating team spirit among colleagues and promoting the organization through communications; Influencing decision makers through focused, relevant communications; Continually striving to learn and share knowledge and find small ways to make the workplace more enjoyable for all; Cultivating and harvesting innovation; Contributing to the organization’s ability to think and act strategically at all times; Inspiring and spreading our desired organizational culture across the global enterprise.

Position Overview

ACHIEVE is a five-year, USAID-funded global cooperative agreement with the dual objectives of attaining and sustaining HIV epidemic control among at-risk and hard to reach pregnant and breastfeeding (PBF) women, infants, children, and youth, as well as to mitigate the impact of HIV/ AIDS and prevent HIV transmission among these populations; and supporting the transition of prime funding and implementation to capable local partners in order to meet the PEPFAR goal of 70% of funding to local partners. In Burundi, ACHIEVE will provide case management and mentorship services to vulnerable adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), aimed at HIV prevention and facilitating access to HIV care and treatment for those that are HIV positive. The program will provide capacity development support for local implementing partners to design, implement and track services received in accordance with PEPFAR requirements at the community level. The program will also provide capacity development support for local prime implementers of USAID PEPFAR orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and gender-based violence projects.

The Capacity Development (CD) Consultant will report to the CD Specialist will contribute to coordination of capacity development project activities and to technical components. The CD Consultant will work to ensure adequate capacity is developed among five local partners implementing USAID PEPFAR OVC and gender-based violence projects. The position will assist in regular monitoring with each local partner in anticipation of them having prime funding through PEPFAR.

ACHIEVE est un accord de coopération mondial de cinq ans financé par l'USAID qui a deux objectifs : atteindre et maintenir un niveau de contrôle de l'épidémie du VIH chez les femmes enceintes et allaitantes, les nourrissons, les enfants et les jeunes à risque et qui sont difficiles à atteindre, de manière à atténuer l'impact du VIH/sida et prévenir sa transmission chez ces populations ; et soutenir la transition du financement de base et de la mise en œuvre vers des partenaires locaux compétents afin d'atteindre l'objectif du PEPFAR qui est de mettre 70 % du financement à la disposition des partenaires locaux. Au Burundi, ACHIEVE fournira des services de gestion de cas et de mentorat aux adolescentes et jeunes femmes (AGYW) vulnérables, dans le but de prévenir le VIH et de faciliter l'accès aux soins et au traitement du VIH pour celles qui sont séropositives. Le programme fournira un appui au renforcement des capacités des partenaires locaux de mise en œuvre dans le cadre de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi des services reçus conformément aux exigences du PEPFAR à l'échelle communautaire. Le programme fournira également un appui au developpement des capacités des principaux responsables locaux de la mise en œuvre des projets PEPFAR de l'USAID portant sur les orphelins et enfants vulnérables (OEV) et la violence sexiste.

Le consultant en developpement des capacités (DC) rendra compte au spécialiste du DC et contribuera à la coordination des activités des projets de developpement des capacités et aux composantes techniques. Le consultant du CD s'assurera que cinq partenaires locaux mettent en œuvre les projets PEPFAR de l'USAID sur les orphelins et les enfants vulnérables et les projets de lutte contre la violence sexiste, afin de développer des capacités adéquates. Le titulaire du poste aidera à assurer un suivi régulier avec chaque partenaire local en prévision de l'obtention d'un financement de premier ordre par l'intermédiaire du PEPFAR.

Key Responsibilities

The CD Consultant will carry out the following functions:

  • Contribute to customized technical and organizational capacity development-related activities for select local partners.
  • Provide demand-driven trainings to partners related to USAID PEPFAR Project Implementation, including compliance with USAID rules and regulations, financial management, subgrant management, monitoring and evaluation, governance, procurement, inventory management, and human resources. Specific training topics will be selected and customized for local partners, in collaboration with ACHIEVE, based on the local partners’ Capacity Action Plans.
  • Provide coaching, mentoring, and technical support to local partners for the implementation of USAID PEPFAR project start-up operations, including the development governance, human resources, procurement, and financial management mechanisms and tools. Technical support will be tailored to each partner based on activities in the partner’s Capacity Action Plan.
  • Provide technical support to the Wiziyire prime implementing partner to develop a and initiate the implementation of a project subgrants manual and related tools, including pre-award assessments of subgrantees; development of budgets, scopes of work, and targets; issuance of agreements; and subgrant monitoring and reporting.
  • Engage with local partners in a participatory manner, enabling them to lead their own capacity development process.
  • Ensure flexibility and high quality of the capacity development support provided to partners.

All deliverables will be submitted to the CD Specialist for review and approval. Payment will be made upon approval of the deliverables. Specific deliverables will be identified at the initiation of the consultancy, as they will be tailored to the specific capacity development needs of each partner.

Le consultant du CD exercera les fonctions suivantes :

  • Contribuer à des activités personnalisées de renforcement des capacités techniques et organisationnelles pour certains partenaires locaux.
  • Fournir des formations axées sur la demande aux partenaires liés à la mise en œuvre du projet PEPFAR de l'USAID, y compris la conformité aux règles et règlements de l'USAID, la gestion financière, la gestion des sous-subventions, le suivi et l'évaluation, la gouvernance, les achats, la gestion des stocks, et les ressources humaines. Des thèmes de formation spécifiques seront sélectionnés et personnalisés pour les partenaires locaux, en collaboration avec ACHIEVE, sur la base des Plans d'action sur les capacités des partenaires locaux.
  • Fournir un accompagnement, un mentorat et un soutien technique aux partenaires locaux pour la mise en œuvre des opérations de démarrage du projet PEPFAR de l'USAID, y compris la gouvernance du développement, les ressources humaines, les achats, et les mécanismes et outils de gestion financière. L'appui technique sera adapté à chaque partenaire en fonction des activités prévues dans son Plan d'action pour les capacités.
  • Fournir un appui technique au principal partenaire d'exécution du projet Wiziyire pour élaborer et lancer la mise en œuvre d'un manuel des sous-subventions de projet et des outils connexes, y compris les évaluations préalables à l'octroi des sous-subventions, l'élaboration des budgets, des champs d'application et des objectifs, la conclusion d'accords et la surveillance et la communication des résultats des sous-financements.
  • S'engager avec les partenaires locaux d'une manière participative, leur permettant de diriger leur propre processus de développement des capacités.
  • Assurer la flexibilité et la qualité de l'appui au developpement des capacités fourni aux partenaires

Tous les produits livrables seront soumis au spécialiste du CD pour examen et approbation. Le paiement sera effectué après l'approbation des produits livrables. Les résultats spécifiques seront identifiés dès le début de la consultation, car ils seront adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque partenaire en matière de developpement des capacités.

Basic Requirements

  • BA and four years OR MA and two years of experience in project management and capacity development
  • Experience managing or implementing US government-funded programs
  • Experience in building organizational capacity in HIV/AIDS
  • Demonstrated ability to establish and sustain interpersonal and professional relationships with USAID Mission, implementing partners, and local CSOs
  • Experience with child welfare and protection programs, systems strengthening, capacity building, economic strengthening, service delivery, quality improvement, or policy development
  • Strong writing and oral presentation skills, including fluency in English


Score (sur un total de 100 pts.)

Expérience antérieure pertinente


Meilleure valeur


Capacité de respecter l'échéancier du projet


Total :


Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, citizenship status, genetic information, matriculation, family responsibilities, personal appearance, credit information, tobacco use (except in the workplace), membership in an employee organization, or other protected classifications or non-merit factors.


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