Call for Proposal: Evaluation of the HIV/TB Schools program, Eshowe 154 views2 applications

The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU), based in Sweden, is one of three MSF units tasked to manage and guide evaluations of MSF’s operational projects. For more information see:

Name of evaluation: Evaluation of the HIV/TB Schools program, Eshowe

Starting date: asap

Terms of reference:

Duration: Final report to be submitted by latest September 2022

Requirements: Interested applicants should submit:

  1. A proposal describing how to carry out this evaluation (including budget in a separate file),
  2. a CV, and
  3. a written sample from previous work

BACKGROUND: MSF, in partnership with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health (DoH) in South Africa, supports an HIV/TB project – Bending the Curves – in the Mbongolwane and Eshowe areas (King Cetshwayo District). The project was introduced in 2011 and the overall objectives of the HIV project are to reduce the HIV and TB incidence, reduce HIV and TB-related morbidity and mortality, and to help the DoH achieve the WHO 90-90-90 targets in the project areas of the rural setting Mbongolwane and the urban setting Eshowe. One component of the HIV/TB project is a school program targeting high school learners, which is the focus of the evaluand. MSF-OCB and the DoH in partnership with the Department of Education (DoE) collaborated together on the school program which was implemented between 2012 and 2021. The school program aimed to empower high school learners to make informed decisions when it comes to sexual reproductive health, and to reduce new HIV and TB infections. The school program component’s main objective has been adapted over the years, transitioning from a focus on HIV/TB to TB. The main objective of the schools’ program component was to raise awareness and improve case identification of HIV and TB/TB through implementation of HIV and TB/TB educational sessions in high schools. The activities of this component include health education sessions, HIV counselling and testing, TB screening, STI screening, pregnancy testing, education sessions on male circumcision, youth health dialogues, a youth health camp, and trainings for Life Educators and Learner Supporter Agents.

PURPOSE AND INTENDED USE PURPOSE The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, appropriateness, impact and connectedness of the now closed schools’ program. INTENDED USE The primary intended use of the evaluation is to generate knowledge that can be used to inform discussions between MSF and key external stakeholders, notably the Ministry of Health and Department of Education, in order to reflect on the potential replicability and/or continuity of the program in the future by a non-MSF party. A further intended use is for the evaluation to generate organizational learning through the lessons learned from this component of the HIV/TB project in Eshowe.

EVALUATION CRITERIA For this evaluation, we are looking for evaluator(s) who can deliver with a focus on the DAC criteria. We encourage combining DAC criteria with other criteria specific to educational programming, where deemed suitable, to adapt, improve and complement the below evaluation questions.

EVALUATION QUESTIONS The following questions have been formulated using DAC criteria and are to be used as an indicative reference point only.

EQ1. How was the school program component of the HIV project relevant in meeting the needs of the population, organization and expectations of various stakeholders? EQ2. How was the school program component of the HIV project appropriate and tailored to the context? EQ3. How effective was the school program component of the HIV project in meeting the project objectives, results and outcomes looking at a wide range of stakeholders, including the students and their communities? EQ4. What is the impact (intended and unintended) of the HIV and TB school programs on the students’ behaviour and attitudes? EQ5. How efficiently were resources (human and financial) utilized in the project planning, implementation and follow-up of the HIV and TB school programs? EQ6. How did the schools program ensure interconnectedness with key stakeholders during design, implementation and closure of the schools program for the future continuation/alternatively replicability of all or parts of the schools program by other key stakeholders? What are key lessons learned for all parties involved?


  1. Inception Report As per SEU standards, after conducting initial document review and preliminary interviews. It will include a detailed evaluation proposal, including methodology.
  2. Draft Evaluation Report As per SEU standards. It will answer to the evaluation questions and will include conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations.
  3. Working Session With the attendance of commissioner and consultation group members. As part of the report writing process, the evaluator will present the findings, collect attendances´ feedbacks and will facilitate discussion on lessons learned.
  4. Final Evaluation Report After addressing feedbacks received during the working session and written inputs.
  5. Other dissemination deliverables to be defined in a separate dissemination plan.

TOOLS AND METHODOLOGY PROPOSED In addition to the initial evaluation proposal submitted as a part of the application (see requirement chapter), a detailed evaluation protocol should be prepared by the evaluators during the inception phase. It will include a logic model developed by the evaluation team, a detailed explanation of proposed methods and its’ justification based on validated theory/ies. It will be reviewed and validated as a part of the inception phase in coordination with the SEU.

RECOMMENDED DOCUMENTATION ▪ Project documents (project proposals, logistical frameworks, situational reports, annual reports, field visit reports) ▪ Analysis of routinely collected monitoring data (including baseline and endline data) ▪ Documentation regarding the ongoing operational research initiatives in the project ▪ National and regional documentation ▪ External literature and documentation of similar experiences


Number of evaluators: 1 +

Timing of the evaluation: July to October 2022

PROFILE/REQUIREMENTS FOR EVALUATOR(S) ▪ Requirements: o Proven competencies in carrying out evaluations within the thematic areas of learning and education. o Excellent language skills in English and Isizulu. ▪ Assets: o Experience in HIV/TB medical programming and specifically capacity-building and training in this thematic area a strong asset. o Experience in South Africa, preferably in HIV/TB education a strong asset. o MSF experience and/or understanding.

We strongly encourage local evaluators with thematic expertise to apply. Data collection will take place in South Africa so please note we only accept applications from persons either based in or able to travel to South Africa.

APPLICATION PROCESS The application should consist of a technical proposal, a budget proposal, CV, and a previous work sample. The proposal should include a reflection on how adherence to ethical standards for evaluations will be considered throughout the evaluation. In addition, the evaluator/s should consider and address the sensitivity of the topic at hand in the methodology as well as be reflected in the team set-up. Offers should include a separate quotation for the complete services, stated in Euros (EUR).

The budget should present consultancy fee according to the number of expected working days over the entire period, both in totality and as a daily fee. Travel costs, if any, do not need to be included as the SEU will arrange and cover these. Do note that MSF does not pay any per diem. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of whether the submitted proposal captures an understanding of the main deliverables as per this ToR, a methodology relevant to achieving the results foreseen, and the overall capacity of the evaluator(s) to carry out the work (i.e. inclusion of proposed evaluators’ CVs, reference to previous work, certification et cetera). Interested teams or individuals should apply to [email protected] referencing ‘ESHOW’ no later than July 10th, 2022. We would appreciate the necessary documents being submitted as separate attachments (proposal, budget, CV, work sample and such). Please include your contact details in your CV. Please indicate in your email application on which platform you saw this vacancy. >∙∙∙<

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Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was founded in 1971 in France by a group of doctors and journalists in the wake of war and famine in Biafra. Their aim was to establish an independent organisation that focuses on delivering emergency medicine aid quickly, effectively and impartially.

Doctors Without Borders

Three hundred volunteers made up the organisation when it was founded: doctors, nurses and other staff, including the 13 founding doctors and journalists.

MSF was created in the belief that all people should have access to healthcare regardless of gender, race, religion, creed or political affiliation, and that people’s medical needs outweigh respect for national boundaries. MSF’s principles of action are described in our charter, which established a framework for our activities.

MSF's first missions

MSF’s first mission was to the Nicaraguan capital, Managua, in 1972, after an earthquake destroyed most of the city and killed between 10,000 and 30,000 people.

In 1974, MSF set up a relief mission to help the people of Honduras after Hurricane Fifi caused major flooding and killed thousands of people.

In 1975, MSF established its first large-scale medical programme during a refugee crisis, providing medical care for the waves of Cambodians seeking sanctuary from Pol Pot’s oppressive rule.

In these first missions, the weaknesses of MSF as a new humanitarian organisation became readily apparent: preparation was lacking, doctors were left unsupported and supply chains were tangled.

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0 USD Eshowe CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Médecins Sans Frontières

The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU), based in Sweden, is one of three MSF units tasked to manage and guide evaluations of MSF’s operational projects. For more information see:

Name of evaluation: Evaluation of the HIV/TB Schools program, Eshowe

Starting date: asap

Terms of reference:

Duration: Final report to be submitted by latest September 2022

Requirements: Interested applicants should submit:

  1. A proposal describing how to carry out this evaluation (including budget in a separate file),
  2. a CV, and
  3. a written sample from previous work

BACKGROUND: MSF, in partnership with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health (DoH) in South Africa, supports an HIV/TB project – Bending the Curves - in the Mbongolwane and Eshowe areas (King Cetshwayo District). The project was introduced in 2011 and the overall objectives of the HIV project are to reduce the HIV and TB incidence, reduce HIV and TB-related morbidity and mortality, and to help the DoH achieve the WHO 90-90-90 targets in the project areas of the rural setting Mbongolwane and the urban setting Eshowe. One component of the HIV/TB project is a school program targeting high school learners, which is the focus of the evaluand. MSF-OCB and the DoH in partnership with the Department of Education (DoE) collaborated together on the school program which was implemented between 2012 and 2021. The school program aimed to empower high school learners to make informed decisions when it comes to sexual reproductive health, and to reduce new HIV and TB infections. The school program component’s main objective has been adapted over the years, transitioning from a focus on HIV/TB to TB. The main objective of the schools’ program component was to raise awareness and improve case identification of HIV and TB/TB through implementation of HIV and TB/TB educational sessions in high schools. The activities of this component include health education sessions, HIV counselling and testing, TB screening, STI screening, pregnancy testing, education sessions on male circumcision, youth health dialogues, a youth health camp, and trainings for Life Educators and Learner Supporter Agents.

PURPOSE AND INTENDED USE PURPOSE The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, appropriateness, impact and connectedness of the now closed schools’ program. INTENDED USE The primary intended use of the evaluation is to generate knowledge that can be used to inform discussions between MSF and key external stakeholders, notably the Ministry of Health and Department of Education, in order to reflect on the potential replicability and/or continuity of the program in the future by a non-MSF party. A further intended use is for the evaluation to generate organizational learning through the lessons learned from this component of the HIV/TB project in Eshowe.

EVALUATION CRITERIA For this evaluation, we are looking for evaluator(s) who can deliver with a focus on the DAC criteria. We encourage combining DAC criteria with other criteria specific to educational programming, where deemed suitable, to adapt, improve and complement the below evaluation questions.

EVALUATION QUESTIONS The following questions have been formulated using DAC criteria and are to be used as an indicative reference point only.

EQ1. How was the school program component of the HIV project relevant in meeting the needs of the population, organization and expectations of various stakeholders? EQ2. How was the school program component of the HIV project appropriate and tailored to the context? EQ3. How effective was the school program component of the HIV project in meeting the project objectives, results and outcomes looking at a wide range of stakeholders, including the students and their communities? EQ4. What is the impact (intended and unintended) of the HIV and TB school programs on the students’ behaviour and attitudes? EQ5. How efficiently were resources (human and financial) utilized in the project planning, implementation and follow-up of the HIV and TB school programs? EQ6. How did the schools program ensure interconnectedness with key stakeholders during design, implementation and closure of the schools program for the future continuation/alternatively replicability of all or parts of the schools program by other key stakeholders? What are key lessons learned for all parties involved?


  1. Inception Report As per SEU standards, after conducting initial document review and preliminary interviews. It will include a detailed evaluation proposal, including methodology.
  2. Draft Evaluation Report As per SEU standards. It will answer to the evaluation questions and will include conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations.
  3. Working Session With the attendance of commissioner and consultation group members. As part of the report writing process, the evaluator will present the findings, collect attendances´ feedbacks and will facilitate discussion on lessons learned.
  4. Final Evaluation Report After addressing feedbacks received during the working session and written inputs.
  5. Other dissemination deliverables to be defined in a separate dissemination plan.

TOOLS AND METHODOLOGY PROPOSED In addition to the initial evaluation proposal submitted as a part of the application (see requirement chapter), a detailed evaluation protocol should be prepared by the evaluators during the inception phase. It will include a logic model developed by the evaluation team, a detailed explanation of proposed methods and its’ justification based on validated theory/ies. It will be reviewed and validated as a part of the inception phase in coordination with the SEU.

RECOMMENDED DOCUMENTATION ▪ Project documents (project proposals, logistical frameworks, situational reports, annual reports, field visit reports) ▪ Analysis of routinely collected monitoring data (including baseline and endline data) ▪ Documentation regarding the ongoing operational research initiatives in the project ▪ National and regional documentation ▪ External literature and documentation of similar experiences


Number of evaluators: 1 +

Timing of the evaluation: July to October 2022

PROFILE/REQUIREMENTS FOR EVALUATOR(S) ▪ Requirements: o Proven competencies in carrying out evaluations within the thematic areas of learning and education. o Excellent language skills in English and Isizulu. ▪ Assets: o Experience in HIV/TB medical programming and specifically capacity-building and training in this thematic area a strong asset. o Experience in South Africa, preferably in HIV/TB education a strong asset. o MSF experience and/or understanding.

We strongly encourage local evaluators with thematic expertise to apply. Data collection will take place in South Africa so please note we only accept applications from persons either based in or able to travel to South Africa.

APPLICATION PROCESS The application should consist of a technical proposal, a budget proposal, CV, and a previous work sample. The proposal should include a reflection on how adherence to ethical standards for evaluations will be considered throughout the evaluation. In addition, the evaluator/s should consider and address the sensitivity of the topic at hand in the methodology as well as be reflected in the team set-up. Offers should include a separate quotation for the complete services, stated in Euros (EUR).

The budget should present consultancy fee according to the number of expected working days over the entire period, both in totality and as a daily fee. Travel costs, if any, do not need to be included as the SEU will arrange and cover these. Do note that MSF does not pay any per diem. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of whether the submitted proposal captures an understanding of the main deliverables as per this ToR, a methodology relevant to achieving the results foreseen, and the overall capacity of the evaluator(s) to carry out the work (i.e. inclusion of proposed evaluators’ CVs, reference to previous work, certification et cetera). Interested teams or individuals should apply to [email protected] referencing ‘ESHOW’ no later than July 10th, 2022. We would appreciate the necessary documents being submitted as separate attachments (proposal, budget, CV, work sample and such). Please include your contact details in your CV. Please indicate in your email application on which platform you saw this vacancy. >∙∙∙<


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