August 2023
Terms of Reference for the EAT Programme Victim Assistance (Mine Action) consultant.
1. Overview
Assisting the victims of a particular weapon system, or victim assistance (VA), was first included in the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC). Subsequently, VA provisions were included in the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) provides an overarching framework for implementing VA regarding survivors. States that have ratified or acceded to these treaties have the obligation to comply with their specific provisions. VA is regarded as one of the five “complementary groups of activities” or “pillars” of Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA).
Meeting the short-, medium- and long-term needs of persons who have been injured by explosive ordnance (EO) and have suffered physical, mental and/or sensory trauma as a result, whilst also addressing affected families and communities, requires a rights-based holistic and integrated multi-sector approach. The vast majority of VA, including emergency and ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, psychological and social support, facilitation of access to education social and economic inclusion, and related laws and policies, is managed outside of the mine action sector, although the sector provides important linkages. This support should be delivered according to norms and standards that exist within the health, rehabilitation, disability, education, employment, social protection and development sectors. Because of the multifaceted and complex needs of victims, much of the HMA sector’s role includes identification and referral to the appropriate authorities and institutions.
Since 2017 DCA’s Explosive Ordinance Risk Education (EORE) has been the only pillar of HMA implemented in the programme areas. Given mine action is still not possible in the programme locations due to various constraints, DCA is looking to initiate on the 2nd pillar of HMA. As an ongoing effort to support vulnerable communities for the EAT programme, DanchurchAid (DCA) is proposing to start engaging in a new pillar of HMA in the programme area. To pilot this activity, DCA intends to engage support of a technical consultant for a period of 3 months under UNOCHA funded project. The consultant will lead the development of strategy, sensitisation of stakeholders and mapping of the victim assistance service providers to guide future interventions.
2. Responsibilities of the Victim Assistance consultant
The overall responsibility of the consultant will be to support piloting of the Victim Assistance project activities in the programme, coordinate with different humanitarian actors and provide capacity support to DCA local partners. As DCA EAT programme does not currently have in-house technical personnel, the consultant support building capacity of DCA, partners and local authorities in VA and build a foundation upon which future interventions will be referenced to and anchored.
The primary responsibilities of the Victim Assistance consultant:
- Mapping of available service providers
- Meet and seek input from local partner protection staff teams and relevant authorities to discuss current status and explore opportunities to the pilot the VA activities.
- Develop monitoring and mapping tools for the VA pilot.
- Train volunteers, local partners, local authorities and other stakeholders on the monitoring and mapping tools
- Conduct field testing, revise and adapt, and supervise the VA mapping exercise.
- Collect and compile all data generated into a one-stop database.
- Make an overview presentation of the available service providers to various stakeholders from the exercise.
- Prepare an activity report for exercise with clear professional observations and recommendations.
- Coordinate with local authorities and partners to develop victims’ assistance strategy- and workplan.
- Organize and conduct an introductory stakeholder’s workshop to introduce the concept of the VA activity.
- Engage and work closely with local partners to develop a 3-year VA strategy and workplan considering local capacities and context.
- Engage relevant stakeholders to review and QA the draft VA strategy.
- Monitor, coordinate and implement the project activities.
- Conduct Kick off meeting to introduce VA with relevant partner staff, local authorities and other VA stakeholders.
- Provide guidance and support partners in the implementing VA related activities including the provision of referral structures workshops, peer to peer group creations, create awareness regarding PWDs and EO victims, and provision of support to EO victims.
3. Office base and movement
This is a full-time consultancy position to be based in field office with logistics including transport, office space, accommodation and feeding facilitated by DCA and partners.
The travel costs to and from Juba to field base is covered by DCA. Travel costs within the field locations is covered by DCA.
The consultant will be required to move in field visiting remote field locations depending on the needs of the project. Such movements will be facilitated by DCA and partner organisations.
The consultant will be responsible for the rest of requirements such as medical care and insurance during the period of engagement and deployment.
4. Reporting lines
The VA consultant will work closely with EORE consultant, DCA and partners organization protection teams to pilot VA activities in the field.
The consultant will report to DCA Programme Manager who will provide overall oversight but expected as well to work closely with the rest of the EAT programme team as well as partner staff.
5. Contract Timeline
The consultant is to be contracted within the UNOCHA project funding period between 1 April 2023- 30 June 2023.
All contract terms for the engagement will follow DCA consultant hire guidelines as the contracting agency Payment will be made into 2 instalments to the consultant, 30% upon signing of the contract and before deployment and 70% after finalizing the assignment and submission of the final deliverables. All the required statutory deductions will be made from the gross pay and remitted by DCA as per South Sudan regulation & requirements.
6. Deliverables
- Monthly progress reports
- Final report highlighting opportunities for out of VA intervention.
- Database of service providers within the area
- Specific events/meeting/workshop reports
- Contextualized draft VA role out strategy and workplan for VA 2023-2026
7. Person Qualifications:
- This consultancy opportunity is open to individual consultants with the following as pre-requisites.
- Individual consultants familiar and experienced with Victims Assistance work in rural and remote locations.
- A minimum of diploma of a recognizable institution and 5- year’s work experience in the VA activities.
- Experience and familiarity working in the wider protection sector and its relation to the health field.
- The offer is only open to South Sudanese nationals.
- Ability to work and live in remote locations with limited amenities.
- Flexible, creative persons with good facilitation and interpersonal skills.
Interested applicants should submit their proposals to copying and Please clearly mark “EAT Programme Victim Assistance (Mine Action) consultant”. The deadline for the application is Tuesday 19th September 2023 by 4:30 South Sudan time.
In case of any clarifications, please reach out to the same set of email contacts shared. Please note that any acts of malpractice, if proved, will lead to automatic disqualification.
Interested applicants should submit their proposals to copying and Please clearly mark “EAT Programme Victim Assistance (Mine Action) consultant”. The deadline for the application is Tuesday 19th September 2023 by 4:30 South Sudan time.
In case of any clarifications, please reach out to the same set of email contacts shared. Please note that any acts of malpractice, if proved, will lead to automatic disqualification