RFP_ PR474286_BHA Consortium Endline Survey 103 views0 applications


Terms of Reference

Endline Evaluation Consultancy for Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri June 2022 – May 2024

Project Summary

Type of Study

Endline Evaluation

Study duration

30 days

Contract start and End date

1st August till November 30th, 2024

Name of the project

BHA (Consortium), Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri

Project Start and End dates

June 2022 – 30th September 2024

Project duration

Two Years

Project locations:

MMC and Jere LGA of Borno State, Nigeria

Thematic areas

Food Assistance, Multipurpose Cash Assistance, ERMS (Economic Recovery and Market Systems), Nutrition, Protection, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Health, Shelter, and Settlements


USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Estimated beneficiaries

Parents/Caregivers, children, and Public Officials

Overall objective of the project

The primary objective of this program is to ensure that vulnerable families gain access to essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being


This document outlines the Terms of Reference (ToR) for Endline Evaluation for the USAID BHA funded activity implemented by consortium partners including Save the Children (SC), Family Health International (FHI) 360, Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN), and Green Concern for Development (GREENCODE), with Save the Children as the Lead agency.

The activity is implanted in Borno state, providing lifesaving assistance to vulnerable conflict-affected households in communities of implementation within Borno state. The thematic areas of focus for the BHA programs interventions are as follows:

  • Food assistance
  • Economic Recovery and Market Systems
  • Shelter and settlement
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • Protection

The ongoing conflict in Borno continues to disrupt livelihoods and related activities, leaving many vulnerable households with limited means of support, often relying on food aid from donor agencies. Save the Children (SC), along with Family Health International (FHI) 360, Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN), and Green Concern for Development (GREENCODE), is implementing programs to address the humanitarian needs of these households in Borno state. Save the Children is the lead agency in this effort. The title of the program is the Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in Greater Maiduguri, a two-year humanitarian program funded by USAID/BHA.

This program’s main objective is to ensure vulnerable families gain access to essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being. In doing so, the program seeks to reduce the reliance on harmful coping strategies and enhance access to safe, high-quality lifesaving WASH, protection, and nutrition services for communities grappling with crisis-induced challenges.

Background and Context

Conflict-affected communities in MMC and Jere LGAs continue to experience rising levels of food insecure, malnutrition coupled with worrying WASH trends, including the lack of basic water and sanitation infrastructure at the health facilities (HFs) where nutrition services are delivered. In addition, girls and boys continue to suffer from CP risks, including sexual gender-based violence (SGBV). Meanwhile, the relocation of IDPs and the recent arrival of children from Boko Haram-held areas created additional demand for food and livelihood, nutrition and protection services, overburdening already strained government services and limited local resources. To respond to the identified needs, the proposed project will reduce suffering, increase, and maintain human dignity, and save lives among men, women, girls, boys U5, and PWL/Gs in MMC and Jere, LGAs, Borno State. This includes actions aimed to improve food, livelihood and nutritional status among girls and boys U5, and PLW/G’s and actions to facilitate improved positive coping strategies and enhanced protective environment for crisis-affected girls, and boys. The program comprises sectors like Food Assistance, Nutrition, Emergency Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS), Agriculture, Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Shelter and Settlements, Protection, and Health. All sectors complement each other by providing lifesaving assistance to vulnerable conflict-affected in 2 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno state, which include Maiduguri and Jere. The program’s goal is to ensure vulnerable families access survival food needs and clean water while receiving nutrition and protection services needed to survive and be protected. One of the purposes of the program is to enable people to meet their survival food needs, reduce the use of negative coping strategies, and increase access to safe, quality, lifesaving WASH, protection, and nutrition services for crisis-affected communities.

funding from the International Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) Bureau of Humanitarian Assistant, SC and her consortium partners have delivered essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being activities in MMC and Jere, LGAs from June 2022 to May 2024. SC together with her consortium partners plans to engage the services of an external evaluator for the end-line assessment of the Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri.

The Assessment will be carried out in 2 LGAs (MMC and Jere) in Borno state where the project has been implemented. There are forty-four (44) communities of implementation in MMC and Jere LGAs. The study population for the assessment will be the population households, girls, boys, women, and men in the communities. Also included will be community leaders, stakeholders and government officials. The inhabitants of the target communities are mainly Kanuri, Shuwa, and Hausa-speaking.

Purpose, objectives and Scope of the end-line evaluation

The purpose of this end-line assessment is to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of Save the Children’s Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri. The assessment aims to:

  • Assess the program’s progress toward achieving its intended outcomes and objectives.
  • Evaluate the program’s impact on household food security, child protection, WaSH, Shelter and nutrition status.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the program’s components, including food assistance, nutrition interventions, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities.
  • Generate endline data for a set of indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/ITT for comparison with the baseline data to measure program’s progress against the log frame indicator.
  • Document lessons learned from project implementation.
  • Provide recommendations for program improvement and future interventions.
  • Explore unintended outcomes of project activities, or successes.

Specific indicators to measure.

Indicator Number



Percent of households with poor, borderline, and acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS)


Mean and median Reduced Coping Strategies Index (rCSI) score


Percent of households with moderate and severe Household Hunger Scale (HHS) scores


Percent of households where women reported participating in decisions on the use of food assistance


Percent of (beneficiary) households who report being able to meet the basic needs of their households (all/most/some/none), according to their priorities


Percent of beneficiaries reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner


Percent of (beneficiary) households living in safe and dignified shelters


Percent of (beneficiary) households reporting adequate access to household non-food items


Percent of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihood


Percent of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihood


Percent of beneficiaries actively practicing in their new livelihoods


Percent of financial service accounts/groups supported by BHA that are functioning properly


Proportion of infants 0 – 5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breastmilk exclusively breastfed


Percentage of children 6-23 months of age who received foods from 5 or more groups (MDD)


% of children reporting an improvement in their sense of safety and wellbeing at the close of the project (custom outcome)


Percentage of Children reporting improvement in their psychosocial wellbeing (custom)*


Percentage of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihoods


Percent of beneficiary households with soap and water at a handwashing station on premises


Percent of people targeted by the hygiene promotion program who know at least three (3) of the five (5) critical times to WASH hands.


Percent of households targeted by the hygiene promotion program who store their water safely in clean containers


Percent of households reporting satisfaction with the quality of the WASH NFIs received through direct distribution (i.e. kits), vouchers or cash


Percent of (beneficiary) households who report being able to meet the basic needs of their households (all/most/some/none), according to their priorities


Percent of beneficiaries reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner


Percent of (beneficiary) households living in safe and dignified shelters


Percent of (beneficiary) households reporting adequate access to household non-food items


Number and percent of beneficiaries reporting satisfaction with the quality of the NFIs received


Number and percent of community members who can recall target health education messages

Scope of Work

The end-line assessment will cover the following key areas, guided by the OEDC/DAC evaluation criteria:

  • Relevance: Assess the extent to which the program addresses the FSL, nutritional, WASH, and protection needs of conflict-affected girls, boys, men, and women. Evaluate the appropriateness of program strategies and interventions in the local context.
  • Effectiveness: Assess the achievement of the program’s intended outcomes and objectives. Measure the impact of the program on CU5, PLW/G FSL nutritional status, WASH, and protection.
  • Efficiency: Evaluate the efficiency of program implementation, including the utilization of resources and the cost-effectiveness of interventions. Assess the coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Sustainability: Assess the sustainability of program interventions and their potential for long-term impact. Identify factors that contribute to or hinder the sustainability of the program.
  • Coherence: The extent to which the program is consistent with other development efforts in the region or country, and whether it is contributing to wider development goals.
  • Impact: Measure the broader impact of the program beyond immediate outcomes, including changes in community resilience, social cohesion, and empowerment.

In all sectors, respondents will be sampled from the respective communities, agencies/boards/parastatals. The target groups are all present by sector as follows-

  1. Food Security and Livelihood: Household member who redeem their voucher on food assistance, newly displaced HHs who were supported with multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) to meet their immediate needs and households who were supported with IGA
  2. Child protection: Children (0-17yrs), Unaccompanied and separated children, adolescent girls and boys including heads of child-headed households, and/or their caregivers; women and men who have accessed case management (CM) and mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS), foster parents, Community-based Child Protection Committees (CPC), Caseworkers, Psychosocial Support (PSS) Animators, PSS facilitators, Case Management volunteers, officials of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (MWASD), and SCI staff.
  3. Nutrition: Caregivers of children (0-59 months), existing support group members, women and adolescents, and young girls including those who may be impacted by childbearing, religious leaders, partner staff, government officials, and SCI staff.
  4. WASH: Caregivers (m/f) with children U5, existing Water user committee, community leaders, children (b/g).
  5. Shelter: Vulnerable household (female headed house, child headed household, PWD, pregnant and lactating women and IDPs/returnees) who are in SCI implementing location
  6. Health: Support PHC and 6 ICCM teams to provide services for the hard to reach population

Intended Audience and Use of the Study

The primary intended audience of the study are the project participants in 44 communities of MMC and Jere LGA of Borno state, who benefited from the BHA (Consortium across all sectors (Food security and Livelihood, Health, Nutrition and). With the intention of evaluating the impact and effectiveness of Save the Children’s Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri.

The study team will be required to propose how the primary audience will be involved throughout the evaluation process and how evaluation findings will be shared with each of the different stakeholders.

Key Study Questions

  1. How is the program progressing towards achieving its intended outcomes and objectives?
  2. What is the impact of the program on household food security, child protection, WaSH, and nutrition status?
  3. How effective are the program’s components, including food assistance, nutrition interventions, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities?
  4. What endline data has been generated for the set of indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/ITT, and how does it compare with the baseline data in measuring the program’s progress against the log frame indicator?
  5. What lessons have been learned from the implementation of the project?
  6. What recommendations can be provided for improving the program and planning future interventions?
  7. What unintended outcomes or successes have been observed from the project activities?

Study Methodology

The individual selected for this assignment will be expected to develop a detailed protocol/inception report for the assessment clearly stating the methodology (research/assessment design, sampling procedures, sample size determination by area (MMC and Jere), and data collection methods with appropriate justifications for the selection of the methods being proposed). However, SC and here consortium partners expects to see that the assessment employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The consultant is expected to provide a detail of how the sampling size is determined and procedure of selection of each of the sampling unit.

Data Sources and Data Collection Methods/Tool

As applicable, the primary data collected during the assessment must facilitate disaggregation by gender, disability, and age. SC and her consortium partners will guide tools and classification schemes for the data collection. Save the Children will provide the project baseline data collection tools that can be drawn on in the assessment. The consultant is responsible for devising a standardized tool for the endline evaluation. These must be presented to SC and here consortium partners for review before finalization and implementation.

SC will provide enumerators to assist with primary data collection. The consultant will be required to source additional external data sources to add value to the evaluation, such as government administrative data.

A range of project documentation will be available to the consultant providing information about the Program’s design, implementation, and operation. Documents include annual reports, an overview of project design, and other necessary documents. The consultant is expected to review related documents to establish key insights relevant to the project’s effective implementation.

The consultant is required to adhere to the Save the Children Safeguarding, Data Protection and Privacy, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse policies throughout all baseline activities. The consultant will be appreciated for using Participatory Tools and Techniques for data collection, which may include but not be limited to In-depth interviews, Key informant interviews, and Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries, and community groups, among other stakeholders. Existing Save the Children data sources and documents that can be drawn on in the assessment include:

  • Proposal documents
  • BHA annual reports
  • Baseline Report
  • Baseline tools
  • IPTT showing detailed activities implemented.
  • Other relevant documents

Ethical Considerations

It is expected that this assessment will be:

  • Child participatory: Any child participation, whether consultative, collaborative, or child-led, must abide by the 9 basic requirements for meaningful and ethical child participation. Refer to the Practice Standards in Children’s Participation (International Save the Children Alliance 2005).
  • Inclusive: Ensure that adult and children from different ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds have the chance to participate, as well as children with disabilities and children who may be excluded or discriminated against in their community.
  • Ethical: The evaluation/research must be guided by the following ethical considerations:
  • Safeguarding – demonstrating the highest standards of behavior towards children and adults.
  • Sensitive – to child rights, gender, inclusion, and cultural contexts.
  • Openness – of information given, to the highest possible degree to all involved parties.
  • Confidentiality and data protection – measures will be put in place to protect the identity of all participants and any other information that may put them or others at risk.
  • Public access – to the results when there are no special considerations against this
  • Broad participation – the relevant parties should be involved where possible.
  • Reliability and independence – the evaluation/research should be conducted so that findings and conclusions are correct and trustworthy.

It is expected that:

  • Data collection methods will be age and gender appropriate.
  • Assessment activities will provide a safe, creative space where adult and children feel that their thoughts and ideas are important.
  • A risk assessment will be conducted that includes any risks related to children, young people’s, or adults’ participation. This assessment is to be conducted and reviewed a day before data collection commences.
  • A referral mechanism will be in place by the SC team, in case any child safeguarding or protection issues arise.
  • Informed consent will be used where possible.
  • The consultant will not be required to obtain approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee. Save the Children will work with the relevant agency and assist with this process.

Expected Deliverables

The time for this activity will be 30 days maximum. The consultants expressing interest shall propose detailed timelines for the different components of the activity that are reasonable and realistic. The contract will be valid from date shall be from 1st August till October 30th, 2024 to provide a window for reviews and any unforeseen circumstances.

Deliverables and Tentative Timeline

Deliverable / Milestones


The study Team is contracted and commences work

1st August 2024

The study Team will facilitate a workshop with the relevant stakeholders at the commencement of the project to develop the inception report.

2nd – 5th August 2024

The study Team will submit an inception report* in line with the template including:

§ Study objectives, scope and key study questions.

§ description of the methodology, including design, data collection methods, sampling strategy, data sources, and study matrix against the key study questions

§ data analysis and reporting plan.

§ caveats and limitations of study

§ risks and mitigation plan

§ ethical considerations including details on consent.

§ stakeholder and children communication and engagement plan

§ key deliverables, responsibilities, and timelines

§ resource requirements

§ data collection tools (in line with the study matrix) [Indicate if there are any existing tools available or if there will be new ones developed, as well as include who is responsible for developing them]

Once the report is finalised and accepted, the evaluator/researcher study team must submit a request for any change in strategy or approach to the study manager or the steering committee.

6th August 2024

Ethics submission (if applicable):

Should approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee be required, an ethics submission should include:

§ study protocols (participant recruitment, data security and storage, consent and confidentiality etc.)

§ considerations for consulting with children and other vulnerable groups (if applicable)

§ participant information statement and consent forms

6th August 2024

Final data collection tools (in the report language):

§ Survey instrument.

§ Data collection mechanism

6th August 2024

An [Interim Report / Power Point Presentation] including a summary of formative findings from the study. The focus will be on:

§ Summary of interim findings

§ Any emerging program issues or risks (if applicable)

§ Any changes that have had to be made to the study design (if applicable)

§ Key tasks for the next stage of the study and any proposed refinements or changes to methodology (if applicable)

19th August 2024

A Study Report* including the following elements:

§ Executive summary

§ Background description of the Program and context relevant to the Study

§ Scope and focus of the study.

§ Overview of the study methodology and data collection methods, including a Study matrix

§ Findings aligned to each of the key Study questions.

§ Specific caveats or methodological limitations of the evaluation

§ Conclusions outlining implications of the findings or learnings.

§ Recommendations

§ Annexes (Project logframe, study ToR, Inception Report, Study schedule, List of people involved)

A consolidated set of feedback from key stakeholders will be provided by Save The Children within [X] weeks of the submission of the draft report.

22nd August 2024

Data and analyses including all encrypted raw data, databases, and analysis outputs

23rd to 26th August 2024

Final Study Report* incorporating feedback from consultation on the Draft Study Report

28th August 2024

Knowledge translation materials:

§ PowerPoint presentation of Study findings

§ Evidence to Action Brief**

1st September 2024

All reports are to use the Save the Children Final Study Report template [unless another format is required by the project donor or used by partner who did the research/assessment/evaluation].

All documents are to be produced in MS Word format and provided electronically by email to the SC Evaluation Project Manager. Copies of all PowerPoint presentations used to facilitate briefings for the project should also be provided to Save the Children in editable digital format.

Study Management


Who is responsible

By when

Who else is involved

Study tender submissions due


Tender review and selection of study team

SC tender review panel

Documentation review, desk research

[Study team]


[Study team]

[Refer to Key Stakeholders section]

Inception report

[Study team]

Review of inception report

[SC Study Project Manager]

[Study Working Group, Project Manager,
Technical advisor, Regional MEAL Managers, Head of Research and Evaluation – Nigeria]

Development of Data collection tools

[Study team]

[Study Working Group,
Technical advisor]

Ethics submission

[Study team]

[SC study Project Manager]

Logistical arrangements

[Study team or
SC Project Manager]

[SC Logistical support]

Data collection

[Study team or SC study Project Manager]

[SC enumerators]

Data management and analysis (coding, transcriptions, data cleaning, integration and analysis)

[Study team]

First draft of the Final study report

[Study team]

Review of first draft report

[SC study Project Manager]

[Study Working Group, SC Project Manager, FHI Coordinators, FHI MEAL Advisors,
Technical advisor, Regional MEAL Managers, Head of Research and Evaluation]

Meeting with evaluators and evaluation team to finalize the report

[SC study Project Manager]

Study Working Group

Validation of study findings and recommendations

[SC study Project Manager]

[SC MEAL staff, FHI MEAL Staff]

Final study report and submission of data and analyses

[Study team]

Knowledge translation materials

[Study team]

Project team meeting to develop Study Response Plan

[SC Study Project Manager]

[SC and FHI Project Manager,
Technical advisor]

Study final report (together with response plan) posted on OneNet and reviewed (see page 1 above for platform links)

[SC Study Project Manager]

[SC Peer reviewers]

Ethics Approval and Disclosure/Ownership of Information

The Consultant must obtain and adhere to the ethical approval processes of Nigeria before the commencement of data collection. Full ethical approval must be obtained before the study commences if required. This may be obtained in one of two ways as appropriate: NHREC/state-level research ethics committee, technical working groups, or study respondents/participants’ written and/or verbal consent.

All ownership and copyright for the data collected are held by the Project and Save the Children Nigeria. It is understood and agreed that the Consultant shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Save the Children Nigeria, any information obtained during the performance of the assignment. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis.

Per diem, Transportation, accommodation, and Logistics

  • SC will ensure the arrangement and coverage of accommodation and logistical needs for up to two members of the consulting firm/consultancy team. This includes airport transfers and travel to field sites. In the event SC and her consortium partners is unable to provide airport transfers, SC will reimburse the cost upon receipt of the invoice. In the event of inter-state travel to Maiduguri will be reimbursed based on SC mileage. If SC and her consortium partners cannot provide accommodation, reimbursement for accommodation expenses will adhere to the SC rate upon submission of hotel receipt/invoice.
  • Per diem will be paid to the lead consultant based on the number of days spent outside his/her base. Per diem will be paid to the lead consultant based on SC per diem policy.
  • Car Hire: This shall be provided only for the number of days of fieldwork. SC reserves the right to withhold payment if deliverables do not meet the requirements outlined in this Terms of Reference.

Enumerators Stipends.

  • SC will directly pay enumerators. Enumerators will receive a fee based on their engagement duration, and SCI agreed wage for enumerators. Transportation allowances and refreshments will be provided solely for the training day(s). Car rental services will be accessible for transporting enumerators to the field for daily data collection and back to the office throughout the entire activity. Payments will be transferred directly to the enumerator’s bank account or as per the specifications provided by the SC Finance team.


Save the Children is committed to actively safeguarding children from harm and ensuring children’s rights to safeguarding are fully realized, and that representatives of Save the Children never abuse their power to exploit or abuse (sexually, economically, etc.) people in project locations. It takes seriously the commitment to promote safeguarding practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect, and any form of exploitation as they come into contact with Save the Children-supported interventions. In addition, positive action will be taken to prevent child abusers from becoming involved with the study in any way and take stringent measures against any staff, consultant and/or associate who abuses a child. Decisions and actions in response to child safeguarding concerns will be guided by the principle of ‘the best interests of the child’. Further, Save the Children recognizes that its staff and volunteers are likely to find themselves in a position of power related to project beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Consequently, specific measures will be taken to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) of project beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

As such, the study must ensure appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; stressing the views of all young girls, and boys, (10-19 years) be collected; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal; confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Environments and working methods should be adapted to youth capacities; time and resources should be made available to ensure that youth are adequately prepared and have the confidence and opportunity to contribute their views. The consultant, all enumerators, and all those coming in contact with children will undergo training that will cover child safeguarding and PSEA.

Disclosure of Information

It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Save the Children, any information obtained during the performance of the Contract. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis. Any necessary field visits will be facilitated by Save the Children staff.

Submission of proposal

Interested consultant firms should submit the following documents:

  • Technical proposal describing how the requirements of the Terms of Reference will be met within the given timeframe.
  • Budget
  • CV(s) of lead evaluator/team
  • At least 2 reports of similar assessments conducted by the firm.

All participating firms are expected to submit their expression of interest via email.

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • How well the requirements laid out in the ToR are met.
  • Skills and experience of the lead consultant
  • Cost-effectiveness

Study Team and Selection Criteria

Evaluation criteria

SC will apply first the Essential criteria and then the Capability criteria. The essential criteria will be evaluated using a simple Yes/No scoring method. A Yes will be awarded if the consultant provides evidence of the requirement. Only consultants and firms that score ALL Yes under the essential criteria assessment will progress to the capability assessment stage.

Experience and skill set required.

Consultancy firms that respond to the tender must meet the criteria outlined below.

Essential Criteria


Agrees to comply with Save the Children standard policies and procedures as stated in the RFQ or Invitation to Tender (ITT) document

A ‘no’ in either of these boxes will result in immediate disqualification.

Evidence the company / Firm is legally registered with the relevant government authorities. For firms registered in Nigeria, this evidence should include a certified true copy of either of the following documents.

•CAC Certificate

•C02 – If applicable

•C07 – If applicable

Brief description with evidence (attached copies) of up to 2 copies of the most recent relevant services provided to other actors (either INGOs, International Organizations, or donors), including the year of service and an official email address to contact as a reference.


Lead Consultant completed an advanced postgraduate / MSC degree in a relevant area, such as social Sciences, development studies, or in specific technical areas such as public health, nutrition, food security, etc.

Capability Criteria

Max. 100 Marks

Evidence of firm/ consultants’ (as per CVs submitted) minimum of 3 years’ experience designing and carrying out high-quality assessments, baseline, mid-term, and end-line studies, for one or more of the following thematic areas especially for BHA projects:

· Child protection,

· Add Shelter / MPCA

· Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH),

· Health and Nutrition,

· Food Security and Livelihoods,

· Child Rights Governance.

Evidence of experience working in development and/or humanitarian settings

Evidence of strong training and experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and analysis

Evidence of knowledge and experience with a range of statistical and qualitative data managing software and approaches (such as SPSS, EPI Info, Stata, NVivo, Atlasti, KOBO Toolbox, ONA, CommCare, REDCap, ODK or other similar software)

Evidence proves strong command of the English language, both written and verbal with strong report writing and documentation skills

Evidence of working experience in Nigeria or similar contexts

Evidence of specific expertise in one of the following (depending on the pieces for which has been applied):

· Baselines, mid-lines, and end-line surveys

· Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices surveys

· Anthropometric (SMART) surveys

· (Multi-Sectoral) Needs Assessments

· Labor market assessments

· Gender assessments

· Child participatory assessments or research

· Social norms exploration

· Conflict sensitivity assessments

· Political economy analysis

· Semi-quantitative evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)/Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SLEAC)

· IYCF Barrier Analysis

Provide a brief description (200 words or less) of steps the firm will take to ensure the quality of the services you would provide is of consistently high standards.

Provided brief description (200 words or less) of experience in inclusive and ethical child participatory methods of data collection.

During the interview, the consultant(s) of the firm demonstrates in-depth knowledge of assessments, studies, and evaluations, in terms of their design and implementation, which will be assessed and scored by a panel of experts


Variance between SCI and Vendor’s Total Bid Value

Financial Point Value (%)

5% above or below Estimated value


between 6%-10% above or below Estimated cost


11% -15% above or below Estimated cost


More than 15% above or below the Estimated


Schedule of Payment Schedule

Payment to the consultant shall be made following the normal procedures of Save the Children. However, consultant fees will be paid upon a satisfactory report of performance.

The payment schedule will be as follows:

  • Upon approval of inception report and tools: [30%]
  • Upon approval of the final study report: [70%]
  • SC will deduct 10% WHT from the agreed total evaluation cost for consultancy firms.

Complete applications should be submitted electronically through.

Email ID: [email protected]


DEADLINE: 14th July 2024


Applications submitted through any other means will be disqualified

More Information

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  • This job has expired!
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Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.

We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.

It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

In addition to the UK organisation, there are 29 other national Save the Children organisations who are members of Save the Children International, a global network of nonprofit organisations supporting local partners in over 120 countries around the world.

In 2015, we reached over 62 million children directly through our and our partners' work.

Save the Children has led global action on children’s rights for more than 90 years.

1919 Eglantyne Jebb established the Save the Children Fund to feed children facing starvation after the First World War

1924 the League of Nations adopted Eglantyne’s charter on children’s rights

1939–1945 During the Second World War, we worked to safeguard children directly affected by the war. We continue to do this in conflict-affected regions

1977 A number of Save the Children organisations formed an alliance to coordinate campaigning work to improve outcomes for the world’s children, sowing the seeds for Save the Children as a single global movement for children

1989 The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

194 countries have signed up to this legally binding convention

2004–2009 Save the Children’s largest humanitarian operation, in response to the Indian Ocean tsunami. Our tsunami response programme received funding of US$272 million, largely through generous donations

2009 Save the Children launched EVERY ONE, our largest ever global campaign, to prevent millions of mothers and young children from dying

2012 Our work once again touched the lives of over 125 million children worldwide and directly reached 45 million children.

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Terms of Reference

Endline Evaluation Consultancy for Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri June 2022 – May 2024

Project Summary

Type of Study

Endline Evaluation

Study duration

30 days

Contract start and End date

1st August till November 30th, 2024

Name of the project

BHA (Consortium), Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri

Project Start and End dates

June 2022 - 30th September 2024

Project duration

Two Years

Project locations:

MMC and Jere LGA of Borno State, Nigeria

Thematic areas

Food Assistance, Multipurpose Cash Assistance, ERMS (Economic Recovery and Market Systems), Nutrition, Protection, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Health, Shelter, and Settlements


USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Estimated beneficiaries

Parents/Caregivers, children, and Public Officials

Overall objective of the project

The primary objective of this program is to ensure that vulnerable families gain access to essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being


This document outlines the Terms of Reference (ToR) for Endline Evaluation for the USAID BHA funded activity implemented by consortium partners including Save the Children (SC), Family Health International (FHI) 360, Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria (EYN), and Green Concern for Development (GREENCODE), with Save the Children as the Lead agency.

The activity is implanted in Borno state, providing lifesaving assistance to vulnerable conflict-affected households in communities of implementation within Borno state. The thematic areas of focus for the BHA programs interventions are as follows:

  • Food assistance
  • Economic Recovery and Market Systems
  • Shelter and settlement
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • Protection

The ongoing conflict in Borno continues to disrupt livelihoods and related activities, leaving many vulnerable households with limited means of support, often relying on food aid from donor agencies. Save the Children (SC), along with Family Health International (FHI) 360, Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria (EYN), and Green Concern for Development (GREENCODE), is implementing programs to address the humanitarian needs of these households in Borno state. Save the Children is the lead agency in this effort. The title of the program is the Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in Greater Maiduguri, a two-year humanitarian program funded by USAID/BHA.

This program's main objective is to ensure vulnerable families gain access to essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being. In doing so, the program seeks to reduce the reliance on harmful coping strategies and enhance access to safe, high-quality lifesaving WASH, protection, and nutrition services for communities grappling with crisis-induced challenges.

Background and Context

Conflict-affected communities in MMC and Jere LGAs continue to experience rising levels of food insecure, malnutrition coupled with worrying WASH trends, including the lack of basic water and sanitation infrastructure at the health facilities (HFs) where nutrition services are delivered. In addition, girls and boys continue to suffer from CP risks, including sexual gender-based violence (SGBV). Meanwhile, the relocation of IDPs and the recent arrival of children from Boko Haram-held areas created additional demand for food and livelihood, nutrition and protection services, overburdening already strained government services and limited local resources. To respond to the identified needs, the proposed project will reduce suffering, increase, and maintain human dignity, and save lives among men, women, girls, boys U5, and PWL/Gs in MMC and Jere, LGAs, Borno State. This includes actions aimed to improve food, livelihood and nutritional status among girls and boys U5, and PLW/G’s and actions to facilitate improved positive coping strategies and enhanced protective environment for crisis-affected girls, and boys. The program comprises sectors like Food Assistance, Nutrition, Emergency Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS), Agriculture, Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Shelter and Settlements, Protection, and Health. All sectors complement each other by providing lifesaving assistance to vulnerable conflict-affected in 2 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno state, which include Maiduguri and Jere. The program's goal is to ensure vulnerable families access survival food needs and clean water while receiving nutrition and protection services needed to survive and be protected. One of the purposes of the program is to enable people to meet their survival food needs, reduce the use of negative coping strategies, and increase access to safe, quality, lifesaving WASH, protection, and nutrition services for crisis-affected communities.

funding from the International Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) Bureau of Humanitarian Assistant, SC and her consortium partners have delivered essential food and clean water, all the while receiving crucial nutrition and protection services necessary for their survival and well-being activities in MMC and Jere, LGAs from June 2022 to May 2024. SC together with her consortium partners plans to engage the services of an external evaluator for the end-line assessment of the Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri.

The Assessment will be carried out in 2 LGAs (MMC and Jere) in Borno state where the project has been implemented. There are forty-four (44) communities of implementation in MMC and Jere LGAs. The study population for the assessment will be the population households, girls, boys, women, and men in the communities. Also included will be community leaders, stakeholders and government officials. The inhabitants of the target communities are mainly Kanuri, Shuwa, and Hausa-speaking.

Purpose, objectives and Scope of the end-line evaluation

The purpose of this end-line assessment is to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of Save the Children's Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri. The assessment aims to:

  • Assess the program's progress toward achieving its intended outcomes and objectives.
  • Evaluate the program's impact on household food security, child protection, WaSH, Shelter and nutrition status.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the program's components, including food assistance, nutrition interventions, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities.
  • Generate endline data for a set of indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/ITT for comparison with the baseline data to measure program's progress against the log frame indicator.
  • Document lessons learned from project implementation.
  • Provide recommendations for program improvement and future interventions.
  • Explore unintended outcomes of project activities, or successes.

Specific indicators to measure.

Indicator Number



Percent of households with poor, borderline, and acceptable Food Consumption Score (FCS)


Mean and median Reduced Coping Strategies Index (rCSI) score


Percent of households with moderate and severe Household Hunger Scale (HHS) scores


Percent of households where women reported participating in decisions on the use of food assistance


Percent of (beneficiary) households who report being able to meet the basic needs of their households (all/most/some/none), according to their priorities


Percent of beneficiaries reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner


Percent of (beneficiary) households living in safe and dignified shelters


Percent of (beneficiary) households reporting adequate access to household non-food items


Percent of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihood


Percent of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihood


Percent of beneficiaries actively practicing in their new livelihoods


Percent of financial service accounts/groups supported by BHA that are functioning properly


Proportion of infants 0 – 5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breastmilk exclusively breastfed


Percentage of children 6-23 months of age who received foods from 5 or more groups (MDD)


% of children reporting an improvement in their sense of safety and wellbeing at the close of the project (custom outcome)


Percentage of Children reporting improvement in their psychosocial wellbeing (custom)*


Percentage of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihoods


Percent of beneficiary households with soap and water at a handwashing station on premises


Percent of people targeted by the hygiene promotion program who know at least three (3) of the five (5) critical times to WASH hands.


Percent of households targeted by the hygiene promotion program who store their water safely in clean containers


Percent of households reporting satisfaction with the quality of the WASH NFIs received through direct distribution (i.e. kits), vouchers or cash


Percent of (beneficiary) households who report being able to meet the basic needs of their households (all/most/some/none), according to their priorities


Percent of beneficiaries reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner


Percent of (beneficiary) households living in safe and dignified shelters


Percent of (beneficiary) households reporting adequate access to household non-food items


Number and percent of beneficiaries reporting satisfaction with the quality of the NFIs received


Number and percent of community members who can recall target health education messages

Scope of Work

The end-line assessment will cover the following key areas, guided by the OEDC/DAC evaluation criteria:

  • Relevance: Assess the extent to which the program addresses the FSL, nutritional, WASH, and protection needs of conflict-affected girls, boys, men, and women. Evaluate the appropriateness of program strategies and interventions in the local context.
  • Effectiveness: Assess the achievement of the program's intended outcomes and objectives. Measure the impact of the program on CU5, PLW/G FSL nutritional status, WASH, and protection.
  • Efficiency: Evaluate the efficiency of program implementation, including the utilization of resources and the cost-effectiveness of interventions. Assess the coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Sustainability: Assess the sustainability of program interventions and their potential for long-term impact. Identify factors that contribute to or hinder the sustainability of the program.
  • Coherence: The extent to which the program is consistent with other development efforts in the region or country, and whether it is contributing to wider development goals.
  • Impact: Measure the broader impact of the program beyond immediate outcomes, including changes in community resilience, social cohesion, and empowerment.

In all sectors, respondents will be sampled from the respective communities, agencies/boards/parastatals. The target groups are all present by sector as follows-

  1. Food Security and Livelihood: Household member who redeem their voucher on food assistance, newly displaced HHs who were supported with multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) to meet their immediate needs and households who were supported with IGA
  2. Child protection: Children (0-17yrs), Unaccompanied and separated children, adolescent girls and boys including heads of child-headed households, and/or their caregivers; women and men who have accessed case management (CM) and mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS), foster parents, Community-based Child Protection Committees (CPC), Caseworkers, Psychosocial Support (PSS) Animators, PSS facilitators, Case Management volunteers, officials of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (MWASD), and SCI staff.
  3. Nutrition: Caregivers of children (0-59 months), existing support group members, women and adolescents, and young girls including those who may be impacted by childbearing, religious leaders, partner staff, government officials, and SCI staff.
  4. WASH: Caregivers (m/f) with children U5, existing Water user committee, community leaders, children (b/g).
  5. Shelter: Vulnerable household (female headed house, child headed household, PWD, pregnant and lactating women and IDPs/returnees) who are in SCI implementing location
  6. Health: Support PHC and 6 ICCM teams to provide services for the hard to reach population

Intended Audience and Use of the Study

The primary intended audience of the study are the project participants in 44 communities of MMC and Jere LGA of Borno state, who benefited from the BHA (Consortium across all sectors (Food security and Livelihood, Health, Nutrition and). With the intention of evaluating the impact and effectiveness of Save the Children's Integrated Multisectoral assistance for Conflict affected vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri.

The study team will be required to propose how the primary audience will be involved throughout the evaluation process and how evaluation findings will be shared with each of the different stakeholders.

Key Study Questions

  1. How is the program progressing towards achieving its intended outcomes and objectives?
  2. What is the impact of the program on household food security, child protection, WaSH, and nutrition status?
  3. How effective are the program's components, including food assistance, nutrition interventions, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities?
  4. What endline data has been generated for the set of indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/ITT, and how does it compare with the baseline data in measuring the program's progress against the log frame indicator?
  5. What lessons have been learned from the implementation of the project?
  6. What recommendations can be provided for improving the program and planning future interventions?
  7. What unintended outcomes or successes have been observed from the project activities?

Study Methodology

The individual selected for this assignment will be expected to develop a detailed protocol/inception report for the assessment clearly stating the methodology (research/assessment design, sampling procedures, sample size determination by area (MMC and Jere), and data collection methods with appropriate justifications for the selection of the methods being proposed). However, SC and here consortium partners expects to see that the assessment employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The consultant is expected to provide a detail of how the sampling size is determined and procedure of selection of each of the sampling unit.

Data Sources and Data Collection Methods/Tool

As applicable, the primary data collected during the assessment must facilitate disaggregation by gender, disability, and age. SC and her consortium partners will guide tools and classification schemes for the data collection. Save the Children will provide the project baseline data collection tools that can be drawn on in the assessment. The consultant is responsible for devising a standardized tool for the endline evaluation. These must be presented to SC and here consortium partners for review before finalization and implementation.

SC will provide enumerators to assist with primary data collection. The consultant will be required to source additional external data sources to add value to the evaluation, such as government administrative data.

A range of project documentation will be available to the consultant providing information about the Program's design, implementation, and operation. Documents include annual reports, an overview of project design, and other necessary documents. The consultant is expected to review related documents to establish key insights relevant to the project's effective implementation.

The consultant is required to adhere to the Save the Children Safeguarding, Data Protection and Privacy, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse policies throughout all baseline activities. The consultant will be appreciated for using Participatory Tools and Techniques for data collection, which may include but not be limited to In-depth interviews, Key informant interviews, and Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries, and community groups, among other stakeholders. Existing Save the Children data sources and documents that can be drawn on in the assessment include:

  • Proposal documents
  • BHA annual reports
  • Baseline Report
  • Baseline tools
  • IPTT showing detailed activities implemented.
  • Other relevant documents

Ethical Considerations

It is expected that this assessment will be:

  • Child participatory: Any child participation, whether consultative, collaborative, or child-led, must abide by the 9 basic requirements for meaningful and ethical child participation. Refer to the Practice Standards in Children’s Participation (International Save the Children Alliance 2005).
  • Inclusive: Ensure that adult and children from different ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds have the chance to participate, as well as children with disabilities and children who may be excluded or discriminated against in their community.
  • Ethical: The evaluation/research must be guided by the following ethical considerations:
  • Safeguarding – demonstrating the highest standards of behavior towards children and adults.
  • Sensitive – to child rights, gender, inclusion, and cultural contexts.
  • Openness - of information given, to the highest possible degree to all involved parties.
  • Confidentiality and data protection - measures will be put in place to protect the identity of all participants and any other information that may put them or others at risk.
  • Public access - to the results when there are no special considerations against this
  • Broad participation - the relevant parties should be involved where possible.
  • Reliability and independence - the evaluation/research should be conducted so that findings and conclusions are correct and trustworthy.

It is expected that:

  • Data collection methods will be age and gender appropriate.
  • Assessment activities will provide a safe, creative space where adult and children feel that their thoughts and ideas are important.
  • A risk assessment will be conducted that includes any risks related to children, young people’s, or adults’ participation. This assessment is to be conducted and reviewed a day before data collection commences.
  • A referral mechanism will be in place by the SC team, in case any child safeguarding or protection issues arise.
  • Informed consent will be used where possible.
  • The consultant will not be required to obtain approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee. Save the Children will work with the relevant agency and assist with this process.

Expected Deliverables

The time for this activity will be 30 days maximum. The consultants expressing interest shall propose detailed timelines for the different components of the activity that are reasonable and realistic. The contract will be valid from date shall be from 1st August till October 30th, 2024 to provide a window for reviews and any unforeseen circumstances.

Deliverables and Tentative Timeline

Deliverable / Milestones


The study Team is contracted and commences work

1st August 2024

The study Team will facilitate a workshop with the relevant stakeholders at the commencement of the project to develop the inception report.

2nd – 5th August 2024

The study Team will submit an inception report* in line with the template including:

§ Study objectives, scope and key study questions.

§ description of the methodology, including design, data collection methods, sampling strategy, data sources, and study matrix against the key study questions

§ data analysis and reporting plan.

§ caveats and limitations of study

§ risks and mitigation plan

§ ethical considerations including details on consent.

§ stakeholder and children communication and engagement plan

§ key deliverables, responsibilities, and timelines

§ resource requirements

§ data collection tools (in line with the study matrix) [Indicate if there are any existing tools available or if there will be new ones developed, as well as include who is responsible for developing them]

Once the report is finalised and accepted, the evaluator/researcher study team must submit a request for any change in strategy or approach to the study manager or the steering committee.

6th August 2024

Ethics submission (if applicable):

Should approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee be required, an ethics submission should include:

§ study protocols (participant recruitment, data security and storage, consent and confidentiality etc.)

§ considerations for consulting with children and other vulnerable groups (if applicable)

§ participant information statement and consent forms

6th August 2024

Final data collection tools (in the report language):

§ Survey instrument.

§ Data collection mechanism

6th August 2024

An [Interim Report / Power Point Presentation] including a summary of formative findings from the study. The focus will be on:

§ Summary of interim findings

§ Any emerging program issues or risks (if applicable)

§ Any changes that have had to be made to the study design (if applicable)

§ Key tasks for the next stage of the study and any proposed refinements or changes to methodology (if applicable)

19th August 2024

A Study Report* including the following elements:

§ Executive summary

§ Background description of the Program and context relevant to the Study

§ Scope and focus of the study.

§ Overview of the study methodology and data collection methods, including a Study matrix

§ Findings aligned to each of the key Study questions.

§ Specific caveats or methodological limitations of the evaluation

§ Conclusions outlining implications of the findings or learnings.

§ Recommendations

§ Annexes (Project logframe, study ToR, Inception Report, Study schedule, List of people involved)

A consolidated set of feedback from key stakeholders will be provided by Save The Children within [X] weeks of the submission of the draft report.

22nd August 2024

Data and analyses including all encrypted raw data, databases, and analysis outputs

23rd to 26th August 2024

Final Study Report* incorporating feedback from consultation on the Draft Study Report

28th August 2024

Knowledge translation materials:

§ PowerPoint presentation of Study findings

§ Evidence to Action Brief**

1st September 2024

All reports are to use the Save the Children Final Study Report template [unless another format is required by the project donor or used by partner who did the research/assessment/evaluation].

All documents are to be produced in MS Word format and provided electronically by email to the SC Evaluation Project Manager. Copies of all PowerPoint presentations used to facilitate briefings for the project should also be provided to Save the Children in editable digital format.

Study Management


Who is responsible

By when

Who else is involved

Study tender submissions due


Tender review and selection of study team

SC tender review panel

Documentation review, desk research

[Study team]


[Study team]

[Refer to Key Stakeholders section]

Inception report

[Study team]

Review of inception report

[SC Study Project Manager]

[Study Working Group, Project Manager, Technical advisor, Regional MEAL Managers, Head of Research and Evaluation - Nigeria]

Development of Data collection tools

[Study team]

[Study Working Group, Technical advisor]

Ethics submission

[Study team]

[SC study Project Manager]

Logistical arrangements

[Study team or SC Project Manager]

[SC Logistical support]

Data collection

[Study team or SC study Project Manager]

[SC enumerators]

Data management and analysis (coding, transcriptions, data cleaning, integration and analysis)

[Study team]

First draft of the Final study report

[Study team]

Review of first draft report

[SC study Project Manager]

[Study Working Group, SC Project Manager, FHI Coordinators, FHI MEAL Advisors, Technical advisor, Regional MEAL Managers, Head of Research and Evaluation]

Meeting with evaluators and evaluation team to finalize the report

[SC study Project Manager]

Study Working Group

Validation of study findings and recommendations

[SC study Project Manager]

[SC MEAL staff, FHI MEAL Staff]

Final study report and submission of data and analyses

[Study team]

Knowledge translation materials

[Study team]

Project team meeting to develop Study Response Plan

[SC Study Project Manager]

[SC and FHI Project Manager, Technical advisor]

Study final report (together with response plan) posted on OneNet and reviewed (see page 1 above for platform links)

[SC Study Project Manager]

[SC Peer reviewers]

Ethics Approval and Disclosure/Ownership of Information

The Consultant must obtain and adhere to the ethical approval processes of Nigeria before the commencement of data collection. Full ethical approval must be obtained before the study commences if required. This may be obtained in one of two ways as appropriate: NHREC/state-level research ethics committee, technical working groups, or study respondents/participants' written and/or verbal consent.

All ownership and copyright for the data collected are held by the Project and Save the Children Nigeria. It is understood and agreed that the Consultant shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Save the Children Nigeria, any information obtained during the performance of the assignment. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis.

Per diem, Transportation, accommodation, and Logistics

  • SC will ensure the arrangement and coverage of accommodation and logistical needs for up to two members of the consulting firm/consultancy team. This includes airport transfers and travel to field sites. In the event SC and her consortium partners is unable to provide airport transfers, SC will reimburse the cost upon receipt of the invoice. In the event of inter-state travel to Maiduguri will be reimbursed based on SC mileage. If SC and her consortium partners cannot provide accommodation, reimbursement for accommodation expenses will adhere to the SC rate upon submission of hotel receipt/invoice.
  • Per diem will be paid to the lead consultant based on the number of days spent outside his/her base. Per diem will be paid to the lead consultant based on SC per diem policy.
  • Car Hire: This shall be provided only for the number of days of fieldwork. SC reserves the right to withhold payment if deliverables do not meet the requirements outlined in this Terms of Reference.

Enumerators Stipends.

  • SC will directly pay enumerators. Enumerators will receive a fee based on their engagement duration, and SCI agreed wage for enumerators. Transportation allowances and refreshments will be provided solely for the training day(s). Car rental services will be accessible for transporting enumerators to the field for daily data collection and back to the office throughout the entire activity. Payments will be transferred directly to the enumerator's bank account or as per the specifications provided by the SC Finance team.


Save the Children is committed to actively safeguarding children from harm and ensuring children’s rights to safeguarding are fully realized, and that representatives of Save the Children never abuse their power to exploit or abuse (sexually, economically, etc.) people in project locations. It takes seriously the commitment to promote safeguarding practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect, and any form of exploitation as they come into contact with Save the Children-supported interventions. In addition, positive action will be taken to prevent child abusers from becoming involved with the study in any way and take stringent measures against any staff, consultant and/or associate who abuses a child. Decisions and actions in response to child safeguarding concerns will be guided by the principle of ‘the best interests of the child’. Further, Save the Children recognizes that its staff and volunteers are likely to find themselves in a position of power related to project beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Consequently, specific measures will be taken to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) of project beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

As such, the study must ensure appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; stressing the views of all young girls, and boys, (10-19 years) be collected; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal; confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Environments and working methods should be adapted to youth capacities; time and resources should be made available to ensure that youth are adequately prepared and have the confidence and opportunity to contribute their views. The consultant, all enumerators, and all those coming in contact with children will undergo training that will cover child safeguarding and PSEA.

Disclosure of Information

It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Save the Children, any information obtained during the performance of the Contract. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis. Any necessary field visits will be facilitated by Save the Children staff.

Submission of proposal

Interested consultant firms should submit the following documents:

  • Technical proposal describing how the requirements of the Terms of Reference will be met within the given timeframe.
  • Budget
  • CV(s) of lead evaluator/team
  • At least 2 reports of similar assessments conducted by the firm.

All participating firms are expected to submit their expression of interest via email.

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • How well the requirements laid out in the ToR are met.
  • Skills and experience of the lead consultant
  • Cost-effectiveness

Study Team and Selection Criteria

Evaluation criteria

SC will apply first the Essential criteria and then the Capability criteria. The essential criteria will be evaluated using a simple Yes/No scoring method. A Yes will be awarded if the consultant provides evidence of the requirement. Only consultants and firms that score ALL Yes under the essential criteria assessment will progress to the capability assessment stage.

Experience and skill set required.

Consultancy firms that respond to the tender must meet the criteria outlined below.

Essential Criteria


Agrees to comply with Save the Children standard policies and procedures as stated in the RFQ or Invitation to Tender (ITT) document

A 'no' in either of these boxes will result in immediate disqualification.

Evidence the company / Firm is legally registered with the relevant government authorities. For firms registered in Nigeria, this evidence should include a certified true copy of either of the following documents.

•CAC Certificate

•C02 – If applicable

•C07 – If applicable

Brief description with evidence (attached copies) of up to 2 copies of the most recent relevant services provided to other actors (either INGOs, International Organizations, or donors), including the year of service and an official email address to contact as a reference.


Lead Consultant completed an advanced postgraduate / MSC degree in a relevant area, such as social Sciences, development studies, or in specific technical areas such as public health, nutrition, food security, etc.

Capability Criteria

Max. 100 Marks

Evidence of firm/ consultants’ (as per CVs submitted) minimum of 3 years’ experience designing and carrying out high-quality assessments, baseline, mid-term, and end-line studies, for one or more of the following thematic areas especially for BHA projects:

· Child protection,

· Add Shelter / MPCA

· Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH),

· Health and Nutrition,

· Food Security and Livelihoods,

· Child Rights Governance.

Evidence of experience working in development and/or humanitarian settings

Evidence of strong training and experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and analysis

Evidence of knowledge and experience with a range of statistical and qualitative data managing software and approaches (such as SPSS, EPI Info, Stata, NVivo, Atlasti, KOBO Toolbox, ONA, CommCare, REDCap, ODK or other similar software)

Evidence proves strong command of the English language, both written and verbal with strong report writing and documentation skills

Evidence of working experience in Nigeria or similar contexts

Evidence of specific expertise in one of the following (depending on the pieces for which has been applied):

· Baselines, mid-lines, and end-line surveys

· Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices surveys

· Anthropometric (SMART) surveys

· (Multi-Sectoral) Needs Assessments

· Labor market assessments

· Gender assessments

· Child participatory assessments or research

· Social norms exploration

· Conflict sensitivity assessments

· Political economy analysis

· Semi-quantitative evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)/Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SLEAC)

· IYCF Barrier Analysis

Provide a brief description (200 words or less) of steps the firm will take to ensure the quality of the services you would provide is of consistently high standards.

Provided brief description (200 words or less) of experience in inclusive and ethical child participatory methods of data collection.

During the interview, the consultant(s) of the firm demonstrates in-depth knowledge of assessments, studies, and evaluations, in terms of their design and implementation, which will be assessed and scored by a panel of experts


Variance between SCI and Vendor's Total Bid Value

Financial Point Value (%)

5% above or below Estimated value


between 6%-10% above or below Estimated cost


11% -15% above or below Estimated cost


More than 15% above or below the Estimated


Schedule of Payment Schedule

Payment to the consultant shall be made following the normal procedures of Save the Children. However, consultant fees will be paid upon a satisfactory report of performance.

The payment schedule will be as follows:

  • Upon approval of inception report and tools: [30%]
  • Upon approval of the final study report: [70%]
  • SC will deduct 10% WHT from the agreed total evaluation cost for consultancy firms.

Complete applications should be submitted electronically through.

Email ID: [email protected]


DEADLINE: 14th July 2024


Applications submitted through any other means will be disqualified


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