Consultant ETR of the National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prev and Control of NCDs 44 views0 applications

Namibia 2017/2018

2021/2022, Situational Analysis of Oral Health & dev of new integrated National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prev & Control of NCDs

( 2407259 )

Contractual Arrangement : External consultant

Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days) : 2 months 23 days

Job Posting: Sep 9, 2024, 2:01:35 PM


Consultant for End Term Review (ETR) of the National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia 2017/2018

2021/2022, Situational Analysis of Oral Health and development of the new integrated National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia (Namibian Nationals Only)

  • Background

The National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia, 2017/2018 — 2021/2022 (MSSP) was the first strategic framework that addresses chronic diseases and injuries in the country through coordinated multisectoral action for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention, early detection, treatment, and palliative care of individuals affected with these diseases.

The current strategy focuses on the six (6) major conditions in Namibia namely cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), cancers (all types), chronic respiratory

diseases, trauma due to road traffic injuries, and mental illnesses and disorders.

The strategic plan did not include oral health due to vertical programming characterized by isolated oral disease approaches. However, following the endorsements of the Regional Oral Health Strategy 2016-2025: Addressing Oral Diseases as Part of Noncommunicable Disease by Member States during the Sixty-sixth session Regional Committee for Africa (RC66) in 2016 and the Global Strategy on Oral health during the Seventy-fifth session World Health Assembly (WHA75) , and recognition that promotion of oral health and prevention and control of oral diseases when provided in an integrated manner is cost effective, the country will include oral health in the new multisectoral strategic plan for the control and prevention of NCDs towards universal health coverage (UHC).

With the end of the MSSP, there is an opportunity to review the MSSP comprehensively and evaluate its effectiveness, while also conducting a situational analysis for oral health.

The review will track the implementation and progress made to date, including progress against targets included in the plan, and challenges in achieving these targets.

In addition, a situational analysis of oral health in the country will be conducted to inform the development of the integrated MSSP.

The main objectives of the end term review of the MSSP, the situational analysis for oral health, and development of the new integrated MSSP are to: v Identify the achievements, constraints, challenges, and lessons learnt in implementing the 2017/2018 — 2021/2022 MSSP.

v Identify emerging national and local NCD trends and inequalities, including oral health, considering global and regional trends and new scientific evidence on addressing NCDs.

v Evaluate oral health situation, resources including infrastructure available, plans and programs.

v Develop a new integrated MSSP based on the findings above, including costing.

A separate exercise to draft a mental health action plan is being conducted and there will be opportunities to collaborate between the NCD and mental health team. Discussions are ongoing as to whether the prevention and response to road traffic injuries will be included in the NCD action plan.

  • Deliverables

The tasks to be conducted are outlined below.

The consultancy tasks are consisted of three phases, namely, 1) preparation, 2) end-term review of MSSP and oral health situation analysis, 3) development of new integrated MSSP: (1) Preparation

Develop inception plan

(2) End-term review of the MSSP and oral health situational analysis

Conduct the desk review

Develop the data collection tool for the MSSP end term review and oral health situational analysis

Lead data collection and data analysis

Conduct key informant interview

Prepare and organize the in-person stakeholder consultation meeting

Compile the end-term review and oral health situational analysis report

(3) Development of the new integrated MSSP.

Draft the new integrated MSSP

Prepare and organize the in-person stakeholder and validation meeting

Deliverables: a) Inception plan with timelines, roles of different teams as per the thematic areas, methodology, review tools and anticipated challenges.

  1. b) Data collection tools for the end term review and oral health situational analysis.
  2. c) Detailed data analysis report for the end-term review and oral health situational analysis.
  3. d) MSSP end-term review report including oral health situational analysis.
  4. e) New comprehensive, evidence based, data driven, and costed integrated MSSP with monitoring and evaluation plan and an implementation framework.

eX36ts4 BVUcJh

  • Qualifications, experience, skills, and languages

Educational qualifications

Essential: A university degree in medical sciences, dental sciences, public health, epidemiology, health policy or any related field from an accredited/recognized institution of high learning.

Desirable: Postgraduate training in business administration, project management, policy management or any related field from an accredited/recognized institution of high learning


Essential : Must have at least 2 years’ experience in conducting program evaluations and strategies development, especially in the field of NCD prevention and control.

Knowledge in NCD prevention and control strategies, including knowledge of best practices, evidence-based interventions, and relevant international guidelines.

Experience of working with multiple stakeholders including government ministries, CSOs, NGOs and people living or affected by the disease(s).

A background in public health and an understanding of NCDs and the healthcare system in Namibia.

Demonstrated and strong facilitation and mentoring/coaching skills.

Experience in data collection, analysis, and interpretation related to NCDs.

Desirable: Experience of 5 or more years in conducting program evaluations and strategies development, especially in the field of NCD prevention and control will be an advantage.

Good understand of WHO guidelines and policies around NCDs.

Understanding of the current NCDs situation (including oral health) globally and regionally


Strong writing and presentation skills

Good knowledge in communication

Good knowledge and skill in data analysis

Languages and level required: Fluency in written and spoken English.

Fluency in the local language will be an added advantage.

  • Technical Supervision

Dr Laimi Ashipala, Non-communicable diseases officer.

  • Location

Based in Namibia during the full duration of the consultancy period.

On site: WCO Namibia and Ministry of Health and Social Services

Off site: __N/A__________

On site for insurance purposes: WCO Namibia

  • Travel

If travel is involved, full medical clearance is required

The incumbent will be expected to travel to the regions for data collection.

  • Remuneration and budget (travel costs excluded)

Rate: N$203 334 (73 494.33/month) for 2months; 23 days at N$56,345.34

Currency: NAD

The payment will be made in as follows: Remuneration and payment schedule: * 25% upon signature

* 25% upon submission of the MSSP end-term review report including oral health situational analysis.

* 50% Upon Submission of final Draft of the costed integrated MSSP with monitoring and evaluation plan and an implementation framework.

The estimated consultancy period is 2 months 23 days starting 1st of October 2024 — 23 December but could be extended with no implication on the consultancy fee.

More Information

  • Job City Windhoek
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The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. It was established on 7 April 1948, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Its predecessor, the Health Organization, was an agency of the League of Nations.

The constitution of the World Health Organization had been signed by 61 countries on 22 July 1946, with the first meeting of the World Health Assembly finishing on 24 July 1948. It incorporated the Office international d'hygiène publique and the League of Nations Health Organization. Since its creation, it has played a leading role in the eradication of smallpox. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, in particular HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; the mitigation of the effects of non-communicable diseases; sexual and reproductive health, development, and aging; nutrition, food security and healthy eating; occupational health; substance abuse; and driving the development of reporting, publications, and networking.

The WHO is responsible for the World Health Report, a leading international publication on health, the worldwide World Health Survey, and World Health Day (7 April of every year). The head of WHO is Margaret Chan.

The 2014/2015 proposed budget of the WHO is about US$4 billion.About US$930 million are to be provided by member states with a further US$3 billion to be from voluntary contributions

Who we are, what we do

Our goal is to build a better, healthier future for people all over the world. Working through offices in more than 150 countries, WHO staff work side by side with governments and other partners to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people.

Together we strive to combat diseases – infectious diseases like influenza and HIV and noncommunicable ones like cancer and heart disease. We help mothers and children survive and thrive so they can look forward to a healthy old age. We ensure the safety of the air people breathe, the food they eat, the water they drink – and the medicines and vaccines they need.

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0 USD Windhoek CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week World Health Organization (WHO)

Namibia 2017/2018

2021/2022, Situational Analysis of Oral Health & dev of new integrated National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prev & Control of NCDs

( 2407259 )

Contractual Arrangement : External consultant

Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days) : 2 months 23 days

Job Posting: Sep 9, 2024, 2:01:35 PM


Consultant for End Term Review (ETR) of the National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia 2017/2018

2021/2022, Situational Analysis of Oral Health and development of the new integrated National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia (Namibian Nationals Only)

  • Background

The National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Namibia, 2017/2018 -- 2021/2022 (MSSP) was the first strategic framework that addresses chronic diseases and injuries in the country through coordinated multisectoral action for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention, early detection, treatment, and palliative care of individuals affected with these diseases.

The current strategy focuses on the six (6) major conditions in Namibia namely cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), cancers (all types), chronic respiratory

diseases, trauma due to road traffic injuries, and mental illnesses and disorders.

The strategic plan did not include oral health due to vertical programming characterized by isolated oral disease approaches. However, following the endorsements of the Regional Oral Health Strategy 2016-2025: Addressing Oral Diseases as Part of Noncommunicable Disease by Member States during the Sixty-sixth session Regional Committee for Africa (RC66) in 2016 and the Global Strategy on Oral health during the Seventy-fifth session World Health Assembly (WHA75) , and recognition that promotion of oral health and prevention and control of oral diseases when provided in an integrated manner is cost effective, the country will include oral health in the new multisectoral strategic plan for the control and prevention of NCDs towards universal health coverage (UHC).

With the end of the MSSP, there is an opportunity to review the MSSP comprehensively and evaluate its effectiveness, while also conducting a situational analysis for oral health.

The review will track the implementation and progress made to date, including progress against targets included in the plan, and challenges in achieving these targets.

In addition, a situational analysis of oral health in the country will be conducted to inform the development of the integrated MSSP.

The main objectives of the end term review of the MSSP, the situational analysis for oral health, and development of the new integrated MSSP are to: v Identify the achievements, constraints, challenges, and lessons learnt in implementing the 2017/2018 -- 2021/2022 MSSP.

v Identify emerging national and local NCD trends and inequalities, including oral health, considering global and regional trends and new scientific evidence on addressing NCDs.

v Evaluate oral health situation, resources including infrastructure available, plans and programs.

v Develop a new integrated MSSP based on the findings above, including costing.

A separate exercise to draft a mental health action plan is being conducted and there will be opportunities to collaborate between the NCD and mental health team. Discussions are ongoing as to whether the prevention and response to road traffic injuries will be included in the NCD action plan.

  • Deliverables

The tasks to be conducted are outlined below.

The consultancy tasks are consisted of three phases, namely, 1) preparation, 2) end-term review of MSSP and oral health situation analysis, 3) development of new integrated MSSP: (1) Preparation

Develop inception plan

(2) End-term review of the MSSP and oral health situational analysis

Conduct the desk review

Develop the data collection tool for the MSSP end term review and oral health situational analysis

Lead data collection and data analysis

Conduct key informant interview

Prepare and organize the in-person stakeholder consultation meeting

Compile the end-term review and oral health situational analysis report

(3) Development of the new integrated MSSP.

Draft the new integrated MSSP

Prepare and organize the in-person stakeholder and validation meeting

Deliverables: a) Inception plan with timelines, roles of different teams as per the thematic areas, methodology, review tools and anticipated challenges.

  1. b) Data collection tools for the end term review and oral health situational analysis.
  2. c) Detailed data analysis report for the end-term review and oral health situational analysis.
  3. d) MSSP end-term review report including oral health situational analysis.
  4. e) New comprehensive, evidence based, data driven, and costed integrated MSSP with monitoring and evaluation plan and an implementation framework.

eX36ts4 BVUcJh

  • Qualifications, experience, skills, and languages

Educational qualifications

Essential: A university degree in medical sciences, dental sciences, public health, epidemiology, health policy or any related field from an accredited/recognized institution of high learning.

Desirable: Postgraduate training in business administration, project management, policy management or any related field from an accredited/recognized institution of high learning


Essential : Must have at least 2 years' experience in conducting program evaluations and strategies development, especially in the field of NCD prevention and control.

Knowledge in NCD prevention and control strategies, including knowledge of best practices, evidence-based interventions, and relevant international guidelines.

Experience of working with multiple stakeholders including government ministries, CSOs, NGOs and people living or affected by the disease(s).

A background in public health and an understanding of NCDs and the healthcare system in Namibia.

Demonstrated and strong facilitation and mentoring/coaching skills.

Experience in data collection, analysis, and interpretation related to NCDs.

Desirable: Experience of 5 or more years in conducting program evaluations and strategies development, especially in the field of NCD prevention and control will be an advantage.

Good understand of WHO guidelines and policies around NCDs.

Understanding of the current NCDs situation (including oral health) globally and regionally


Strong writing and presentation skills

Good knowledge in communication

Good knowledge and skill in data analysis

Languages and level required: Fluency in written and spoken English.

Fluency in the local language will be an added advantage.

  • Technical Supervision

Dr Laimi Ashipala, Non-communicable diseases officer.

  • Location

Based in Namibia during the full duration of the consultancy period.

On site: WCO Namibia and Ministry of Health and Social Services

Off site: __N/A__________

On site for insurance purposes: WCO Namibia

  • Travel

If travel is involved, full medical clearance is required

The incumbent will be expected to travel to the regions for data collection.

  • Remuneration and budget (travel costs excluded)

Rate: N$203 334 (73 494.33/month) for 2months; 23 days at N$56,345.34

Currency: NAD

The payment will be made in as follows: Remuneration and payment schedule: * 25% upon signature

* 25% upon submission of the MSSP end-term review report including oral health situational analysis.

* 50% Upon Submission of final Draft of the costed integrated MSSP with monitoring and evaluation plan and an implementation framework.

The estimated consultancy period is 2 months 23 days starting 1st of October 2024 -- 23 December but could be extended with no implication on the consultancy fee.


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