Program title: Building Resilience Among Drought affected communities (BREAD – II) in Isiolo County; Kenya

Project goal: To build the resilience of drought affected communities in Isiolo County, Kenya, against drought and other climate shocks.

Project objectives:

  • To enhance access to sustainable, safe, and sufficient water for multi-use.
  • To Increase the production and productivity of nutritious foods in Isiolo county through adoption of irrigated farming and water harvesting technologies.
  • To promote the adoption of positive behaviours’ aimed at improving health, nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), as well as Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) practices in the targeted communities.
  1. Background

The UBS Optimus Foundation is supporting Action Against Hunger’s efforts to enhance resilience against drought in Isiolo County, Kenya, and expand initiatives to West Pokot County. The funding for 2024 will be used to bolster community resilience against climate change, expand agricultural practices, and improve water access. The community in Isiolo has requested additional support to sustain and expand current achievements, particularly in addressing the critical water supply situation in Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards. The proposed feasibility study requires thorough desk study reviews and experienced hydrogeologists to minimize unguided groundwater exploration and ensure successful program outcomes. Once the water source is drilled or developed, the potential borehole or water source will be complemented with the construction of a storage tank, pipeline extension, communal water point, livestock watering trough, and farm to encourage multi-use, aiming to ensure year-round water availability, improve household food diversity, and enhance nutrition status. Additionally, the organization will assist the community in ensuring the sustainability of the water source development in collaboration with the County Department of Water.

Proposed feasibility study areas



Distance in km from Isiolo town


GPRS Coordinates





0.763865oN, 37.101062oE





0.74858oN, 37.152462oE





0.01644oN, 97.60261oE





0.42930N 37.6897E

  1. Objectives and methodology of the consultancy

The main objective of this consultancy is to conduct a thorough feasibility study, along with hydrogeological and geophysical surveys in the four selected (4) sites within Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards of Isiolo County. The consultant is expected to use both secondary and primary data for this exercise. Secondary data will involve a review of existing boreholes, drill logs, reports, and maps, while primary data will be obtained by conducting hydro geophysical measurements within the study area using necessary surveying equipment such as seismic electric, PQWT, and VES soundings. Based on the obtained hydrogeological data, the consultant will propose the most cost-effective and viable water abstraction and reticulation system for the selected sites.

Action against Hunger is looking for a registered and licensed firm/consultant under Kenyan laws to conduct a short-term consultancy for a feasibility study to determine the potential site for hydrogeological assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (ESIA) among the proposed sites in Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards in Isiolo County.

The outcome of the consultancy will be a detailed feasibility study report providing findings and recommendations for the proposed sites, while also considering value for money and cost-benefit ratio.

2.1 Methodology

The firm/consultant will be required to use the equipment and methodology outlined below to carry out the assignment.

  • Electric Resistivity VES Equipment, Aqua locate Equipment for Seism electric, PQWT and TDEM
  • Geophysical interpretation software Digital Camera and Google earth.
  • 1:50000 topographic scale maps of the proposed feasibility study areas

The investigations will be carried out using a multi-step approach:

  • A desk study and data-acquisition: Review of existing data, topographical maps, existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if available), borehole completion reports and surface water records,
  • Hydrogeological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS co- ordinates, water level measurements, TDS, EC, PQWT and seismic, condition, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geomorphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and findings. The VES/SEISMIC/PQWT soundings will provide quantitative information on the vertical layering within the surveyed area. Both VES/SEISMIC soundings will be carried out at anomalous points along the traverses, and other points of hydrogeological interest
  • Undertake an extensive geophysical survey in the (4) four proposed locations within the target sites. For each site assess feasibility and if possible, recommend the best site with estimated yield and depth to be drilled (Geophysical measurements: resistivity/IP profiling and vertical electrical/ PQWT soundings.)
  • Analysis of hydrogeological and geophysical data.
  • Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.
  • Site selection for the most viable option and reporting. The selected point as a potential borehole water source site will be clearly marked on the ground using an appropriate marker (e.g. wooden/iron peg).

The firm/consultant will compile and interpret all the collected data. The available hydrogeological information and the evaluations will be presented in the final report for each site, in accordance with the Water Management Regulations.

The report will review the existing literature and other relevant information and include all field data, interpretations and justifications, hydro-geological evaluations, conclusions and recommendations relating to the investigated area. The Hydrogeological study report will contain the following:

  1. Hydrogeological Study Report
  • Introduction including the location of the investigated area.
  • Geology both regional and local.
  • Hydrogeology including existing boreholes, specific capacities, transmissivities, specific yields/storage coefficients, hydraulic conductivity, and specific capacities and water quality.
  • Geophysical field investigation.
  • Conclusion and recommendations including the expected aquifer potential; sustainable yield, Water quality, proposed drilling site and proposed drilling method.
  • Over lay the survey data on cadastral maps (if available) to reflect and reflect information on easement required, land parcel number and any other relevant information.
  • Produce detailed Bills of Quantities (BOQ) for drilling works or development of the potential water source.
  • Draft recommendations on the most suitable sites for water abstraction and treatment technology that adapts well the existing context including borehole drilling to the required depth, water quality, design and installation details, and other relevant aspects. Based on the available hydro-geological and geophysical data, an assessment of the anticipated success rate shall be made for each individual site.
  1. ESIA Approach:

Use of recognized methodologies and procedures for conducting Environmental Impact and Social Assessment (EISA) is anticipated. The procedure will typically involve the following steps:

  • Review of relevant secondary data
  • Field visits to the selected potential site.
  • Data collection (including community meetings/ meetings with various stakeholders), and debriefs after assignment
  • Initial screening: to determine whether the proposed intervention is likely to cause significant environmental effects
  • Scoping; to determine the major relevant environmental issues, how they will be addressed, depth of the study and the resources required.
  • Carry out public participation on the proposed project with the various stakeholders for comments and feedback
  • Determination of both positive and negative impacts of the project. This will involve analysis and describing all significant changes brought about by the project. These would encompass environmental, ecological and social impacts, both positive and negative, as a result of the project activities that are likely to bring about changes in the baseline environmental and social conditions.
  • Development of environmental management plan to mitigate negative impacts: To develop a comprehensive environment and social management plan. The plan shall recommend a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to eliminate, minimize or reduce to acceptable levels of adverse environmental impacts and/or maximize socio-economic benefits. The Consultant(s) shall provide cost outlays for the proposed measures as well as their institutional and financial support.
  • Development of a monitoring plan: To give a specific description, and technical details, of monitoring measures, including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements, and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions as well as deliver a monitoring and reporting procedure. The Consultant(s) shall provide a time frame and implementation mechanism, staffing requirements and cost outlays.
  1. Water abstraction, storage and reticulation system.

• Estimate the daily water demand for the community

• Design the most economical water abstraction system taking into account the available sources of energy.

• Design an appropriate storage and reticulation system.

  1. Consultant expected deliverables:

The individual / consultant firm is expected to deliver:

  • An inception methodology, detailing the secondary and field assessments phases, responding or adapting the present Terms of Reference to the initial findings and available data.
  • A brief feasibility study report detailing the recommended sites selected for the geophysical survey in the explored sites with technical and social justifications (feasibility of water access provision for local populations and encourage different water multi-uses)
  • Hydrogeological survey report covering all the areas surveyed to be submitted to the Action against Hunger for reviews and comments before submission to WRA for abstraction permit processing.
  • Environmental and Social Impact assessment report to be submitted to Action against Hunger for reviews and comments before NEMA submission for licensing
  • National Environment Management Authority approved license
  • Water Resources Authority drilling permit or interim abstraction permit to commence drilling works.
  • Engineering designs/drawings and bill of quantities for proposed borehole drilling works/ water source development including supervision cost. The design of the proposed water infrastructure with transmission main including pipe trenching and laying with necessary accessories, pumping equipment, borehole drilling, fencing, water tower, power supply, household/communal water points, livestock watering, storage capacity and irrigated farms. The design and technology adoption should give priority for different water multi-uses life-cycle costs of the proposed system, financial and technical capacities of the respective local communities and water management committees to operate and maintain proposed system.
  1. Duration of assignment:

The consultant is required to develop a detailed work program within the stated timelines.

The consultant should be readily available for technical support and guidance, if required during implementation period.

  1. Qualifications, competencies and experience required:

The Consultant/ firm must be multidisciplinary given the proposed project seeks to encourage water multi use and qualified firms/consultant(s) must possess the following bid requirements:

Bid requirements:

Potential firms or Consultant(s) that meet the requirements below should submit their bid (maximum of 5 pages), which should include the following:

  1. Minimum (5) five years’ experience in:
  • Undertaking feasibility assessments for water supplies, planning and designing of water supply systems, including: intakes, transmission and distribution systems, pumping systems, water treatment plants, Environmental and social impact assessment.
  • Preparation of technical drawings, technical specifications and cost estimates for water supply systems.
  • Preparation of detailed feasibility study reports.
  • Experience in conducting HGS/ESIA and vast knowledge of ground water potential is an added advantage
  1. Potential firms or consultant must have access to the equipment required for the proposed consultancy which shall include but may not be limited to the following:
  • GPS surveying equipment, distance measuring equipment, tape measures etc., required for the task.
  • Proof of ownership/lease agreement of a Terrameter, Aqua locate 6, PQWT and TDEM.
  1. Potential firms or consultant(s) that meet the above requirements must submit the mandatory documents listed below;
  • CVs of the individual / lead EIA experts/Hydrogeologists/geologists undertaking the assignment.
  • Copy of certificate of Incorporation under the Company’s Act
  • Certified copy of CR 12 form indicating directorship of company. This may be verified with the Registrar of Companies
  • Copy of up to date KRA valid tax compliance certificate issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (Will be verified on the KRA TCC Checker) Must submit copy of KRA pin certificate
  • Copy of registration as a EIA Lead expert with NEMA with valid and up to date annual practicing license
  • Copy of registration a geologist registration board and up to date annual practicing license with Geologist Society of Kenya
  • Copy of registration as a water professional under hydrogeologist category with the Ministry of water and up to date annual practising license.
  • Copy of registration as a water professional under hydrologist category with the Ministry of water and up to date annual practising license.
  • Submit proof of similar works and testimonials including reference contacts for performed works in the last 3 years and copy of audited accounts by a registered ICPAK firm for the same period and recently stamped and signed by a registered and practicing advocate. (Will be verified by ICPAK firms’ registration bureau)
  • Proposed detailed program timeframe for execution of works and completion period.
  • A detailed technical and financial proposal – The financial proposal should clearly show the cost breakdown (professional fees, applicable taxes and others).
  1. Submission Instructions

Qualified consultants/firms to submit their valid documents as stated above submitted as one PDF document stamped with the recent company’s logo and current postal address on each submitted page to be received on or before 7th October 2024 at 5pm to the email address below:

[email protected]

Please quote Feasibility studies, Hydrogeological Survey and Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for potential water sources in Isiolo County as the email subject line.

Action against Hunger will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment to a potential firm/bidder based on technical and financial feasibility, ensuring transparency, impartiality and neutrality.

Action against Hunger reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or highest bidder.

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Action Against Hunger works to save lives by combating hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable communities, through nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health and advocacy.

Action Against Hunger saves lives while building long-term strategies for self-sufficiency:

  • Lifesaving impact in 45+ countries
  • 6,500+ field staff assisting more than 14.9 million people in 2015
  • 35+ years of expertise in contexts of conflict, disasters and food crises

Our global efforts save hundreds of thousands of lives each year, but millions of malnourished children remain in need of lifesaving treatment.

Why Our Work Matters

Deadly malnutrition claims the lives of 1 million children each year, even though it’s:

  1. PREDICTABLE: We know where and when to expect acute malnutrition
  2. PREVENTABLE: We know how to help children stay healthy
  3. TREATABLE: Therapeutic ready-to-use foods can help save millions
  4. AFFORDABLE: Just $45 can provide a child with lifesaving treatment

You can trust Action Against Hunger. Here’s why:

  • Highest four-star rating from Charity Navigator, ten years in a row
  • Listed as an “A”-rated organization by CharityWatch
  • We're accountable, meeting all 20 Better Business Bureau standards
  • Earned Guidestar's Gold Participant Seal for our commitment to transparency
  • Awarded the “Best in America” seal by the Independent Charities of America

What Others Are Saying

Don’t take it from us: here’s what others have to say of our work:

“Action Against Hunger is a NGO that is action oriented. I can truthfully say that they deliver services to those in need and are very present on the ground. They make lasting positive change in the lives of people. I worked for them in four countries and have a good understanding of how they work.”

– Holimata, Great Nonprofits Review

“Action Against Hunger is in war-torn countries that many fear to tread. They are technical people… that forgo the comforts of modern life to assist local populations and refugees at the most fundamental level in the most dangerous locales. They provide nutrition, healthcare, sanitation, and food sustainability. They train populations to be self-sufficient. Although these dedicated men and women want to eliminate the need for their services, humanity is not willing and forces them to witness the most heinous actions.”

– President Nelson Mandela, Recipient, Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Prize 2004

“As a field worker and a partner... I recommend Action Against Hunger as an effective and important organization. Through their integrated approach and expertise in nutrition, food security and water, sanitation and hygiene they are saving lives and improving them for years to come in some of the poorest parts of the planet.”

– Water Advocate, Great Nonprofits Review, Dec. 8, 2011

“Action Against Hunger—the title speaks for itself. This is a remarkable organization with a staff of energetic, enthusiastic and deeply committed people who are determined to make a difference to the lives of thousands of people. There are millions who do not have access to clean water, food, health services or education. They are condemned to a grinding life of poverty with no choices. Action Against Hunger is changing this. Their training programs are improving the quality of life and health and, above all, bringing hope to thousands in underdeveloped countries. I commend them for their outstanding work and welcome the opportunity to express my support.”

– Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus, Recipient, Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Prize 2006

“I’ve been covering humanitarian crises since the early 1990s and have often been impressed by the work of Action Against Hunger. They are among the first to respond when tragedies unfold, and they work to ensure that communities have a fighting chance to get back on their feet... The nightly news can often seem overwhelming, but it’s important to remember there are effective ways to fight hunger and overcome poverty, and along with groups like Action Against Hunger, you can become part of the solution.”

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0 USD Isiolo CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Action Against Hunger


Program title: Building Resilience Among Drought affected communities (BREAD - II) in Isiolo County; Kenya

Project goal: To build the resilience of drought affected communities in Isiolo County, Kenya, against drought and other climate shocks.

Project objectives:

  • To enhance access to sustainable, safe, and sufficient water for multi-use.
  • To Increase the production and productivity of nutritious foods in Isiolo county through adoption of irrigated farming and water harvesting technologies.
  • To promote the adoption of positive behaviours’ aimed at improving health, nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), as well as Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) practices in the targeted communities.
  1. Background

The UBS Optimus Foundation is supporting Action Against Hunger's efforts to enhance resilience against drought in Isiolo County, Kenya, and expand initiatives to West Pokot County. The funding for 2024 will be used to bolster community resilience against climate change, expand agricultural practices, and improve water access. The community in Isiolo has requested additional support to sustain and expand current achievements, particularly in addressing the critical water supply situation in Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards. The proposed feasibility study requires thorough desk study reviews and experienced hydrogeologists to minimize unguided groundwater exploration and ensure successful program outcomes. Once the water source is drilled or developed, the potential borehole or water source will be complemented with the construction of a storage tank, pipeline extension, communal water point, livestock watering trough, and farm to encourage multi-use, aiming to ensure year-round water availability, improve household food diversity, and enhance nutrition status. Additionally, the organization will assist the community in ensuring the sustainability of the water source development in collaboration with the County Department of Water.

Proposed feasibility study areas



Distance in km from Isiolo town


GPRS Coordinates





0.763865oN, 37.101062oE





0.74858oN, 37.152462oE





0.01644oN, 97.60261oE





0.42930N 37.6897E

  1. Objectives and methodology of the consultancy

The main objective of this consultancy is to conduct a thorough feasibility study, along with hydrogeological and geophysical surveys in the four selected (4) sites within Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards of Isiolo County. The consultant is expected to use both secondary and primary data for this exercise. Secondary data will involve a review of existing boreholes, drill logs, reports, and maps, while primary data will be obtained by conducting hydro geophysical measurements within the study area using necessary surveying equipment such as seismic electric, PQWT, and VES soundings. Based on the obtained hydrogeological data, the consultant will propose the most cost-effective and viable water abstraction and reticulation system for the selected sites.

Action against Hunger is looking for a registered and licensed firm/consultant under Kenyan laws to conduct a short-term consultancy for a feasibility study to determine the potential site for hydrogeological assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (ESIA) among the proposed sites in Oldonyiro and Ngaremara wards in Isiolo County.

The outcome of the consultancy will be a detailed feasibility study report providing findings and recommendations for the proposed sites, while also considering value for money and cost-benefit ratio.

2.1 Methodology

The firm/consultant will be required to use the equipment and methodology outlined below to carry out the assignment.

  • Electric Resistivity VES Equipment, Aqua locate Equipment for Seism electric, PQWT and TDEM
  • Geophysical interpretation software Digital Camera and Google earth.
  • 1:50000 topographic scale maps of the proposed feasibility study areas

The investigations will be carried out using a multi-step approach:

  • A desk study and data-acquisition: Review of existing data, topographical maps, existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if available), borehole completion reports and surface water records,
  • Hydrogeological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS co- ordinates, water level measurements, TDS, EC, PQWT and seismic, condition, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geomorphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and findings. The VES/SEISMIC/PQWT soundings will provide quantitative information on the vertical layering within the surveyed area. Both VES/SEISMIC soundings will be carried out at anomalous points along the traverses, and other points of hydrogeological interest
  • Undertake an extensive geophysical survey in the (4) four proposed locations within the target sites. For each site assess feasibility and if possible, recommend the best site with estimated yield and depth to be drilled (Geophysical measurements: resistivity/IP profiling and vertical electrical/ PQWT soundings.)
  • Analysis of hydrogeological and geophysical data.
  • Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.
  • Site selection for the most viable option and reporting. The selected point as a potential borehole water source site will be clearly marked on the ground using an appropriate marker (e.g. wooden/iron peg).

The firm/consultant will compile and interpret all the collected data. The available hydrogeological information and the evaluations will be presented in the final report for each site, in accordance with the Water Management Regulations.

The report will review the existing literature and other relevant information and include all field data, interpretations and justifications, hydro-geological evaluations, conclusions and recommendations relating to the investigated area. The Hydrogeological study report will contain the following:

  1. Hydrogeological Study Report
  • Introduction including the location of the investigated area.
  • Geology both regional and local.
  • Hydrogeology including existing boreholes, specific capacities, transmissivities, specific yields/storage coefficients, hydraulic conductivity, and specific capacities and water quality.
  • Geophysical field investigation.
  • Conclusion and recommendations including the expected aquifer potential; sustainable yield, Water quality, proposed drilling site and proposed drilling method.
  • Over lay the survey data on cadastral maps (if available) to reflect and reflect information on easement required, land parcel number and any other relevant information.
  • Produce detailed Bills of Quantities (BOQ) for drilling works or development of the potential water source.
  • Draft recommendations on the most suitable sites for water abstraction and treatment technology that adapts well the existing context including borehole drilling to the required depth, water quality, design and installation details, and other relevant aspects. Based on the available hydro-geological and geophysical data, an assessment of the anticipated success rate shall be made for each individual site.
  1. ESIA Approach:

Use of recognized methodologies and procedures for conducting Environmental Impact and Social Assessment (EISA) is anticipated. The procedure will typically involve the following steps:

  • Review of relevant secondary data
  • Field visits to the selected potential site.
  • Data collection (including community meetings/ meetings with various stakeholders), and debriefs after assignment
  • Initial screening: to determine whether the proposed intervention is likely to cause significant environmental effects
  • Scoping; to determine the major relevant environmental issues, how they will be addressed, depth of the study and the resources required.
  • Carry out public participation on the proposed project with the various stakeholders for comments and feedback
  • Determination of both positive and negative impacts of the project. This will involve analysis and describing all significant changes brought about by the project. These would encompass environmental, ecological and social impacts, both positive and negative, as a result of the project activities that are likely to bring about changes in the baseline environmental and social conditions.
  • Development of environmental management plan to mitigate negative impacts: To develop a comprehensive environment and social management plan. The plan shall recommend a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to eliminate, minimize or reduce to acceptable levels of adverse environmental impacts and/or maximize socio-economic benefits. The Consultant(s) shall provide cost outlays for the proposed measures as well as their institutional and financial support.
  • Development of a monitoring plan: To give a specific description, and technical details, of monitoring measures, including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements, and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions as well as deliver a monitoring and reporting procedure. The Consultant(s) shall provide a time frame and implementation mechanism, staffing requirements and cost outlays.
  1. Water abstraction, storage and reticulation system.

• Estimate the daily water demand for the community

• Design the most economical water abstraction system taking into account the available sources of energy.

• Design an appropriate storage and reticulation system.

  1. Consultant expected deliverables:

The individual / consultant firm is expected to deliver:

  • An inception methodology, detailing the secondary and field assessments phases, responding or adapting the present Terms of Reference to the initial findings and available data.
  • A brief feasibility study report detailing the recommended sites selected for the geophysical survey in the explored sites with technical and social justifications (feasibility of water access provision for local populations and encourage different water multi-uses)
  • Hydrogeological survey report covering all the areas surveyed to be submitted to the Action against Hunger for reviews and comments before submission to WRA for abstraction permit processing.
  • Environmental and Social Impact assessment report to be submitted to Action against Hunger for reviews and comments before NEMA submission for licensing
  • National Environment Management Authority approved license
  • Water Resources Authority drilling permit or interim abstraction permit to commence drilling works.
  • Engineering designs/drawings and bill of quantities for proposed borehole drilling works/ water source development including supervision cost. The design of the proposed water infrastructure with transmission main including pipe trenching and laying with necessary accessories, pumping equipment, borehole drilling, fencing, water tower, power supply, household/communal water points, livestock watering, storage capacity and irrigated farms. The design and technology adoption should give priority for different water multi-uses life-cycle costs of the proposed system, financial and technical capacities of the respective local communities and water management committees to operate and maintain proposed system.
  1. Duration of assignment:

The consultant is required to develop a detailed work program within the stated timelines.

The consultant should be readily available for technical support and guidance, if required during implementation period.

  1. Qualifications, competencies and experience required:

The Consultant/ firm must be multidisciplinary given the proposed project seeks to encourage water multi use and qualified firms/consultant(s) must possess the following bid requirements:

Bid requirements:

Potential firms or Consultant(s) that meet the requirements below should submit their bid (maximum of 5 pages), which should include the following:

  1. Minimum (5) five years’ experience in:
  • Undertaking feasibility assessments for water supplies, planning and designing of water supply systems, including: intakes, transmission and distribution systems, pumping systems, water treatment plants, Environmental and social impact assessment.
  • Preparation of technical drawings, technical specifications and cost estimates for water supply systems.
  • Preparation of detailed feasibility study reports.
  • Experience in conducting HGS/ESIA and vast knowledge of ground water potential is an added advantage
  1. Potential firms or consultant must have access to the equipment required for the proposed consultancy which shall include but may not be limited to the following:
  • GPS surveying equipment, distance measuring equipment, tape measures etc., required for the task.
  • Proof of ownership/lease agreement of a Terrameter, Aqua locate 6, PQWT and TDEM.
  1. Potential firms or consultant(s) that meet the above requirements must submit the mandatory documents listed below;
  • CVs of the individual / lead EIA experts/Hydrogeologists/geologists undertaking the assignment.
  • Copy of certificate of Incorporation under the Company’s Act
  • Certified copy of CR 12 form indicating directorship of company. This may be verified with the Registrar of Companies
  • Copy of up to date KRA valid tax compliance certificate issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (Will be verified on the KRA TCC Checker) Must submit copy of KRA pin certificate
  • Copy of registration as a EIA Lead expert with NEMA with valid and up to date annual practicing license
  • Copy of registration a geologist registration board and up to date annual practicing license with Geologist Society of Kenya
  • Copy of registration as a water professional under hydrogeologist category with the Ministry of water and up to date annual practising license.
  • Copy of registration as a water professional under hydrologist category with the Ministry of water and up to date annual practising license.
  • Submit proof of similar works and testimonials including reference contacts for performed works in the last 3 years and copy of audited accounts by a registered ICPAK firm for the same period and recently stamped and signed by a registered and practicing advocate. (Will be verified by ICPAK firms’ registration bureau)
  • Proposed detailed program timeframe for execution of works and completion period.
  • A detailed technical and financial proposal - The financial proposal should clearly show the cost breakdown (professional fees, applicable taxes and others).
  1. Submission Instructions

Qualified consultants/firms to submit their valid documents as stated above submitted as one PDF document stamped with the recent company’s logo and current postal address on each submitted page to be received on or before 7th October 2024 at 5pm to the email address below:

[email protected]

Please quote Feasibility studies, Hydrogeological Survey and Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for potential water sources in Isiolo County as the email subject line.

Action against Hunger will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment to a potential firm/bidder based on technical and financial feasibility, ensuring transparency, impartiality and neutrality.

Action against Hunger reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or highest bidder.


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