Re-advertisement : Request for Proposal(RFP) -Consultancy Services to conduct Gender Audit under Kenya RAPID+ Program 19 views0 applications

A. Background

The Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development Plus (RAPID+) program is a five-year program running from November 2021 – September 2026 convened and led by MWA. The program has primary funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation (SDC) and contributions and investment funds from private sector actors, four facilitating partners including CARE Kenya, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Food for the Hungry (FH) and World Vision (WV) and the five hosting county governments of Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Turkana, and Wajir. RAPID+ aims to improve access to water and rangeland services for 200,000 people in the five program counties. RAPID+ activities are anchored on four strategic pillars namely gender equality, market systems development, peace building and knowledge management. Through gender transformative approach (GTA), the program believes will achieve social inclusion, community empowerment and sustainability.

B. Project Goal and Objectives.

The program goal is to improve access to safe and sustainably managed water and rangelands across the five counties to contribute to resilient livelihoods for communities in a peaceful environment. This goal is pursued by the following two outcomes.

  1. Pastoralist communities have increased access to sustainable and safe water for multiple uses benefiting men, women, and youth, and
  2. Pastoralist communities have improved access to safe and ecologically healthy rangeland resources that promote greater integrity, social cohesion, and gender equity.

The program Theory of Change (TOC) states that “If we improve access to sustainable and safe water for multiple uses that benefit men, women and youth and also improve access to safe and ecologically healthy rangeland ecosystems, that promote greater integrity, social cohesion and gender equity through strong public, private and community institutions; then communities in the target areas will have increased income, gender equity and empowerment, enhanced livestock systems, a more peaceful environment, conserved ecosystems and improved health status; and therefore, resilient livelihoods that promote peaceful cohesion and gender equity will be achieved.”

C. Purpose of the Gender Audit

Gender equality and mainstreaming is a key pillar to achieve inclusivity and empowerment in the RAPID+ program. The gender audits will assist the departments of gender, culture, and youth affairs, water and livestock and related institutions in the 5 counties of Garissa, Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit and Wajir to identify and understand pertinent gaps in gender mainstreaming. The audit will examine gender patterns within the composition, structures, processes, organizational culture, and management of human resources, and in the design and delivery of policies and services. It will also help assess the performance and management impacts on gender equality in the five counties. The Gender audits will establish a baseline against which progress on gender mainstreaming can be measured over time, identifying critical gender gaps and challenges, and making recommendations to improvements and innovations.

The Gender Audit shall include both an internal component in light of RAPID+ support to county gender, water and livestock departments and related institutions to mainstream gender in their policy, activity budgeting, planning and implementation, and an external component to understand the extent to which gender mainstreaming has been incorporated into program activities.

D. Review Questions/Objectives

The Gender Audit will be guided by the objectives outlined below:

  1. To produce knowledge and information on the extent to which gender mainstreaming is institutionalized within the departments and the dispensation of policies, programs, projects, and services (institutionalized gender mainstreaming).
  2. Assess the level of resources allocated to and spent on gender mainstreaming and gender empowerment activities i.e., gender-responsive budgeting at department level (resource allocations).
  3. Provide information on the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in human resources policies including succession management, governance structure and whether there is a gender balance in staffing at different levels of the departments (gender equality and social inclusion).
  4. Provide information on the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in governance systems, structures and institutions within the gender, water and livestock departments (including water utilities, community Water Management Committees (WMCs), Water Resources User Associations (WRUAs) and Rangelands Management Committees (RMCs) supported under RAPID+)
  5. Assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in terms of the development and delivery of gender-sensitive products and services (gender sensitivity).
  6. Set up an initial baseline of performance on gender mainstreaming in the respective departments and related institutions supported by RAPID+ to be used as a benchmark to measure progress on gender equality across time, departments and related institutions, and with other sectors (setting benchmarks).
  7. Measure progress on gender mainstreaming plans/strategies and recommend revisions, if necessary (feedback evaluations).
  8. Identify mechanisms that have contributed to mainstreaming gender within the respective departments and related institutions and document good practices for sharing within and outside the department/s and RAPID+ program counties (building on successes).
  9. Provide recommendations to improve the performance of the respective gender departments in ensuring gender mainstreaming (reflective recommendations).
  10. Suggest capacity/training needs, as well as checklists for programming, communications, and advocacy to help ensure gender mainstreaming in activities and support systems (standardize trainings).
  11. Identify tools, critical technical capacity gaps and challenges in gender mainstreaming and recommend ways of addressing these gaps and challenges towards making gender equity more consistent throughout the gender, water and livestock departments (Standard tools and recommendations).

The Gender Audit will provide conclusions and recommendations on the following questions:

  • How is gender equality perceived in the department/s and related institutions? Is there broad support or internal/external resistance to the concept? (buy in)
  • Do staff feel that gender mainstreaming is a priority for them and for the management? Do they have the awareness and capacity/knowledge to make gender a priority? (Prioritization)
  • Do staff feel they have adequate understanding to address gender (in) equalities in the counties/activities? (capacity and knowledge)
  • Do staff feel supported to design/contribute to county programs that promote gender equality and/or, where appropriate, programs that target women? (involvement in decision making spaces)
  • Does the organizational culture, policies, procedures and processes in the gender, water and Livestock departments and related institutions, favor or hinder gender mainstreaming? Is there accountability within the organization for gender mainstreaming? (internal processes and procedures)
  • Are initiatives in the departments based on a gender analysis, to guarantee that any inequalities between women and men due to their different gender needs and gender roles have been identified and considered? (informed by evidence)
  • To what extent is gender included in the objectives of policies, programs, projects, or services provided in the counties and different sectors (with specific emphasis on water and rangelands)? (planning with gender lens)
  • Are policies, programs, projects, or services provided designed to target women and men equally and in accordance with their gender needs or, where appropriate, target women or men particularly with a view to close gender gaps? (gender sensitivity)
  • Are indicators and data collection sex disaggregated? Do policies, programs, projects, or services provided include gender indicators to monitor the policy, program, project or service from a gender perspective? Are there indicators/targets for all gender-related objectives? (SAAD data generation)
  • Do indicators address progress towards increased gender equality and change in social and institutional norms? (gender indicators)
  • Is there a specific budget for activities designed to achieve gender equality? (gender responsive resource allocation/budgeting)
  • Is training on gender analysis and tools included in the initiatives to ensure implementers have the appropriate skills? (capacity and knowledge)
  • Are gender indicators, gender analysis and gender impact assessments used throughout all policy, program, and project cycles? (informed by evidence)
  • What are the accountability mechanisms to achieve gender equality results? Do staff feel they are accountable for reporting results on gender-related objectives? (Feedback)
  • To what extent are gender challenges addressed in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of initiatives? (gender monitoring)

E. Scope of Work

Gender Audit Methodology

The consultant shall develop and implement both a systematic and participatory Gender Audit methodology in collaboration with RAPID+ Program Hub, Gender Focal Point, and Program implementing partners (including a kick-off workshop).Voices that represent all levels and types of positions within the respective departments and related institutions should be represented. The proposed methodology should sufficiently address the preliminary questions outlined within the Terms of Reference (TOR), specifying the approaches, questions, methods of data collection and analysis that will be undertaken.

The Gender Audit team is expected to propose a methodology showing thoughtful application of relevant gender analytical framework/s and tools that guarantee the highest degree of rigor to ensure credible findings. The team shall adopt both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with the aim of understanding the gender sensitivity of policies and operations at all levels: Quantitative data collection will provide the basis for defining indicators to measure, for instance, the extent to which departmental documentation and policies are reflect gender-sensitive and will involve use of self-assessment questionnaires (the consultant is encouraged to apply innovative survey tools); Qualitative data collection will provide nuanced information on perceptions, experiences and informed opinions regarding gender mainstreaming and will involve semi-structured interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interview (KIIs) with RAPID+ partners, CECM culture, gender, youth and sports, CECM Water, CECM Livestock , Stakeholders, National government, County assembly, County executives, CSOs, CBOs, WLO, WROs among others.

F. Roles and Responsibilities

The roles of the consultant(s) shall include the following:

  • Holding one or more meetings with the respective departments (Gender, Water & Livestock) to introduce the participatory Gender Audit methodology, objectives, and process to obtain their consent while ensuring the highest level of commitment towards achieving gender equality in their departments.
  • Develop an inception report, detailing the agreed upon study design, methodologies for data collection and analysis, indicators, data-gathering tools, work plan schedule and budget to conduct the assignment, in consultation with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person and Program staff.
  • Undertake desk reviews of the following documents: gender policies, strategic plans, HR policies and regulations, administrative and financial rules and regulations, RAPID+ Program documents, assessment tools and RAPID+ Gender Analysis, and all related literature including departmental strategies, research papers, assessments, programs, services, reports, practices, personnel, etc.
  • Develop or refine quantitative and qualitative data-gathering tools in consultation with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person and Program staff.
  • Train data team, plan and coordinate quantitative and qualitative data collection.
  • Work with the Program Hub and RAPID+ Implementing partners in the gender audit planning and develop audit framework.
  • Conducting interviews/focus group discussions with staff from county gender, water and livestock departments and other stakeholders.
  • Assist the county gender, water and livestock departments in creating their Gender Action Plan/s based on identified gender gaps.
  • Presenting the results of the gender audit (including a section on gender-responsive budgeting) and main recommendations/proposed amendments to the departments, for discussion and review separately and jointly to identify synergies and opportunities for working together.
  • Prepare for and facilitate a launching event for the results of the gender audit and

recommendations, upon the approval from MWA and in close coordination with RAPID+ gender focal person.

  • Produce (a) final gender audit report indicating the gender issues in the departments and related institutions, with clear strategies and Recommendations, (b) good practice briefs; and (c) gender action plans

G. Deliverables and Timelines

  1. Inception report: The report shall detail the Gender Audit methodologies which must include the proposed data collection and analysis methods to address the key questions and required indicators, limitations, and ways to mitigate them, and an operational work plan. The inception report shall also include questionnaires and interview protocols. The timeline for submission of the inception report is one week after the inception meeting with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person.
  2. Draft Gender Audit Report & Presentation: The team will provide a Draft Gender Audit report and present the major findings of the gender audit to key stakeholders virtually. A PowerPoint presentation will be developed by the gender audit team and submitted two days before the presentation. The debriefings shall include discussions of methodology, limitations, key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  3. Final Gender Audit Report: After the online debrief, a definitive version of the gender audit report shall be disseminated subsequent to incorporation of comments and suggestions from MWA, gender focal point, RAPID+ Implementing partners and stakeholders. The final report must not be more than 50 pages excluding annexes. The report will be presented as one consolidated report with county-specific reports as annexes (Maximum 5 pages). The report must outline the final findings and have a dedicated section capturing the proposed new approach including activities that can be incorporated to strengthen the gender, water and livestock departments. Ideally the final report must be in the following standard format – Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and recommendations, and conclusion. The final report shall be edited by a copyeditor with knowledge of the subject matter and finalized to publishing quality.
  4. Compilation/documentation of good practice examples that will emanate from the gender audit exercise in the 5 counties (each good practice brief to contain 2-3 pages maximum)
  5. A prioritized action plan developed collaboratively with MWA, RAPID+ team and the county gender, water and livestock departments, including a plan for monitoring progress.

H. Proposed Timeline

The proposed timelines for each deliverable are shown below:





Inception Report

MS Word, PDF

Workplan in MS Excel

1 week after contract signing

1st November

Draft Gender Audit Report

MS Word, PDF

5 weeks after contract signing

2nd December

Presentation of Draft Gender Audit Report

MS Ppt

5 weeks after contract signing

4th December

Good practice examples

MS Word, PDF

6 weeks after contract signing

6th December

Final Gender Audit Report & Action Plan

MS Word, PDF (copy-edited to publishing quality)

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

Dissemination of Gender Audit Findings

Ppt Presentation

Consultant to facilitate ½ day participatory session for each county

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

Cleaned Data sets, Transcripts & Data Analysis

MS Word, MS Excel

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

I. Anticipated Level of Effort (LoE)

The anticipated level of effort for this assignment is 40 man-days.

J. Budget

All costs inclusive of taxes should be included in the quoted budget outline by the consultant. Including the accommodation, transport, and communication expenses.

K. Qualification and Skills needed

Below are the preferred qualifications for the consultants applying for the consultancy:

  • A minimum of bachelor’s degree (combined with at least 10 years’ relevant experience) OR Master’s degree (with at least 6 years’ relevant experience) in socio-economic studies, gender studies, social sciences, development studies or any related development fields.
  • 10 years of experience in working on women’s development and gender issues.
  • Demonstrated understanding of gender perspectives in human rights, humanitarian action, and development projects in the Kenyan ASALs.
  • Significant experience in conducting gender audits for civil society organizations; public institutions or development partners of at least 2 assignments of similar scope and complexity in the least 6 years.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • Experience with quantitative and qualitative analysis and data collection.
  • Excellent report writing, analytical, and communication skills are essential. (the consultant shall provide samples of at least 2 reports from previous assignments)

L. Reporting and Communication

Internal: The consultant will be reporting to the Program Hub and RAPID+ Gender focal point while keeping a close working relationship with RAPID+ Implementing partners. The consultant will be expected to communicate regularly with the Program Hub and the County Coordination Units (CCUs) in the field during the exercise.

External: The consultant will be in close communication with other stakeholders including staff from National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), Director’s for Gender, Water and Livestock departments, CECM Gender, culture, youth and sports, CECM Water and Livestock, the National and County Governments, among others. Consultants must adhere to the MWA Code of Conduct and Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Child Abuse (PSEA-CA) policies as well as research ethics consideration when performing their duties and interactions with external parties.

M. Application Process.

Interested firms must submit detailed technical and financial proposals (in Kenya Shillings) that clearly explain their understanding of the Terms of Reference, approaches, and methodologies to be used to undertake the assignment.

1. The Technical Proposal

The proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability-1 page.
  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in conducting Gender Audit-3 pages.
  • Methodological approach outlining the consultant understanding of the specific objectives and proposed methodology-2 pages.
  • Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines-1 page.
  • Professional CVs of consultants – No more than 4 pages.
  • Contact details of 3 organizations (including a contact person) that have contracted the firm/consultant to carry out similar work-
  • Submission of at least two (2) previous report in PDF format from earlier consultancies of similar complexity and scope.

2. The Financial Proposal

The proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs-2 pages.
  • The fees proposed must be a total “fixed price” quotation indicating the overall total amount in Kenya Shillings. With a breakdown of costs related to:
  • Professional fees. The calculation of fees should indicate the cost associated with the time and effort included in your technical proposal.
  • A detailed breakdown of reimbursables including logistics, travel, per diem, communication, and any other related costs.
  • Payment terms.

Statutory, Administrative and fiscal documents to be provided:

  • A valid certificate of Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Company KRA Pin certificate.

N. Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated to ensure that they meet all mandatory requirements and are responsive. To determine responsiveness, a proposal must include all documentation as listed above. The proposals that fail to meet these requirements will receive no further consideration. Responsive proposals will be evaluated and ranked according to the criteria below.

1. Technical Qualification

  • Technical and education experience of the team
  • Understanding of the scope and/or assignment
  • Proposed methodology and approach.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting and coordinating similar studies.
  • Experience in conducting similar studies in the ASALs.
  • Excellent report writing, analytical, and communication skills are essential. (demonstrated by providing samples of at least 2 reports from similar assignments)

Consultants with a minimum score of 70% will be considered technically qualified, their applications will proceed to the financial evaluation stage, and they will be invited for an oral interview.

2. Financial Proposal

Only the financial proposal of the technically qualified consultants will be evaluated. The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal. All other financial proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.

All applications should be submitted electronically to the following email address: [email protected] on/before 16th October 2024 5:00 pm EAT. The email subject should be titled “Consultancy for Gender Audit under RAPID+ Program”.

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At the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell announced the U.S. commitment to the Goals for Sustainable Development. One goal was to “reduce by half, the proportion of people without access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation” by the year 2015.

That global goal was met two years ahead of schedule, according to the Joint Monitoring Program (although progress varied from country to country). To help reach this goal, in 2003 the leading US-based non-governmental organizations working in water and sanitation formed the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) as 501(c)(3) organization to offer sustainable solutions through advocacy, shared knowledge, and collaborative programming.

Since then, MWA has created consortium field programs in which member NGOs bring their strengths and share ideas on effective approaches, for maximum efficiency and long-term effectiveness. Our major collaborative field programs to date operate in Ethiopia, Kenya, and in five countries in Central America (see our Programs page for more information).

Until 2007, MWA was largely operated by the Board members – representatives of the member NGOs – with the help of consultants and member NGO staffs. The growth of the consortium programs and the need for collective advocacy inspired the Board to hire its first full-time executive director, Rafael de Jesus Callejas, a water and sanitation expert with decades of experience, in 2007.

In 2010, the Board hired a professional public policy advocate and nonprofit executive (John D. Sparks) to establish the first MWA office. Soon afterward, MWA added a professional program director (Susan M. Dundon) and a senior accountant (Peter N. Gichuru) to the staff. Since then, MWA has grown further, adding full-time staff and consultants  in the US and abroad. (See our Board page and Staff page for current listing.)

MWA now has 10 implementing NGOs as full members (represented on the Board of Directors), and six NGOs as affiliate members. All members have headquarters in the US, except for IRC (The Netherlands) and HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Switzerland). All members must share in the mission and standards adopted by MWA, and demonstrate their commitment to water and sanitation programs that embody the values of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and cultural sensitivity in all their work.

Connect with us
0 USD Nairobi CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Millennium Water Alliance

A. Background

The Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development Plus (RAPID+) program is a five-year program running from November 2021 – September 2026 convened and led by MWA. The program has primary funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation (SDC) and contributions and investment funds from private sector actors, four facilitating partners including CARE Kenya, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Food for the Hungry (FH) and World Vision (WV) and the five hosting county governments of Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Turkana, and Wajir. RAPID+ aims to improve access to water and rangeland services for 200,000 people in the five program counties. RAPID+ activities are anchored on four strategic pillars namely gender equality, market systems development, peace building and knowledge management. Through gender transformative approach (GTA), the program believes will achieve social inclusion, community empowerment and sustainability.

B. Project Goal and Objectives.

The program goal is to improve access to safe and sustainably managed water and rangelands across the five counties to contribute to resilient livelihoods for communities in a peaceful environment. This goal is pursued by the following two outcomes.

  1. Pastoralist communities have increased access to sustainable and safe water for multiple uses benefiting men, women, and youth, and
  2. Pastoralist communities have improved access to safe and ecologically healthy rangeland resources that promote greater integrity, social cohesion, and gender equity.

The program Theory of Change (TOC) states that “If we improve access to sustainable and safe water for multiple uses that benefit men, women and youth and also improve access to safe and ecologically healthy rangeland ecosystems, that promote greater integrity, social cohesion and gender equity through strong public, private and community institutions; then communities in the target areas will have increased income, gender equity and empowerment, enhanced livestock systems, a more peaceful environment, conserved ecosystems and improved health status; and therefore, resilient livelihoods that promote peaceful cohesion and gender equity will be achieved.”

C. Purpose of the Gender Audit

Gender equality and mainstreaming is a key pillar to achieve inclusivity and empowerment in the RAPID+ program. The gender audits will assist the departments of gender, culture, and youth affairs, water and livestock and related institutions in the 5 counties of Garissa, Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit and Wajir to identify and understand pertinent gaps in gender mainstreaming. The audit will examine gender patterns within the composition, structures, processes, organizational culture, and management of human resources, and in the design and delivery of policies and services. It will also help assess the performance and management impacts on gender equality in the five counties. The Gender audits will establish a baseline against which progress on gender mainstreaming can be measured over time, identifying critical gender gaps and challenges, and making recommendations to improvements and innovations.

The Gender Audit shall include both an internal component in light of RAPID+ support to county gender, water and livestock departments and related institutions to mainstream gender in their policy, activity budgeting, planning and implementation, and an external component to understand the extent to which gender mainstreaming has been incorporated into program activities.

D. Review Questions/Objectives

The Gender Audit will be guided by the objectives outlined below:

  1. To produce knowledge and information on the extent to which gender mainstreaming is institutionalized within the departments and the dispensation of policies, programs, projects, and services (institutionalized gender mainstreaming).
  2. Assess the level of resources allocated to and spent on gender mainstreaming and gender empowerment activities i.e., gender-responsive budgeting at department level (resource allocations).
  3. Provide information on the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in human resources policies including succession management, governance structure and whether there is a gender balance in staffing at different levels of the departments (gender equality and social inclusion).
  4. Provide information on the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in governance systems, structures and institutions within the gender, water and livestock departments (including water utilities, community Water Management Committees (WMCs), Water Resources User Associations (WRUAs) and Rangelands Management Committees (RMCs) supported under RAPID+)
  5. Assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in terms of the development and delivery of gender-sensitive products and services (gender sensitivity).
  6. Set up an initial baseline of performance on gender mainstreaming in the respective departments and related institutions supported by RAPID+ to be used as a benchmark to measure progress on gender equality across time, departments and related institutions, and with other sectors (setting benchmarks).
  7. Measure progress on gender mainstreaming plans/strategies and recommend revisions, if necessary (feedback evaluations).
  8. Identify mechanisms that have contributed to mainstreaming gender within the respective departments and related institutions and document good practices for sharing within and outside the department/s and RAPID+ program counties (building on successes).
  9. Provide recommendations to improve the performance of the respective gender departments in ensuring gender mainstreaming (reflective recommendations).
  10. Suggest capacity/training needs, as well as checklists for programming, communications, and advocacy to help ensure gender mainstreaming in activities and support systems (standardize trainings).
  11. Identify tools, critical technical capacity gaps and challenges in gender mainstreaming and recommend ways of addressing these gaps and challenges towards making gender equity more consistent throughout the gender, water and livestock departments (Standard tools and recommendations).

The Gender Audit will provide conclusions and recommendations on the following questions:

  • How is gender equality perceived in the department/s and related institutions? Is there broad support or internal/external resistance to the concept? (buy in)
  • Do staff feel that gender mainstreaming is a priority for them and for the management? Do they have the awareness and capacity/knowledge to make gender a priority? (Prioritization)
  • Do staff feel they have adequate understanding to address gender (in) equalities in the counties/activities? (capacity and knowledge)
  • Do staff feel supported to design/contribute to county programs that promote gender equality and/or, where appropriate, programs that target women? (involvement in decision making spaces)
  • Does the organizational culture, policies, procedures and processes in the gender, water and Livestock departments and related institutions, favor or hinder gender mainstreaming? Is there accountability within the organization for gender mainstreaming? (internal processes and procedures)
  • Are initiatives in the departments based on a gender analysis, to guarantee that any inequalities between women and men due to their different gender needs and gender roles have been identified and considered? (informed by evidence)
  • To what extent is gender included in the objectives of policies, programs, projects, or services provided in the counties and different sectors (with specific emphasis on water and rangelands)? (planning with gender lens)
  • Are policies, programs, projects, or services provided designed to target women and men equally and in accordance with their gender needs or, where appropriate, target women or men particularly with a view to close gender gaps? (gender sensitivity)
  • Are indicators and data collection sex disaggregated? Do policies, programs, projects, or services provided include gender indicators to monitor the policy, program, project or service from a gender perspective? Are there indicators/targets for all gender-related objectives? (SAAD data generation)
  • Do indicators address progress towards increased gender equality and change in social and institutional norms? (gender indicators)
  • Is there a specific budget for activities designed to achieve gender equality? (gender responsive resource allocation/budgeting)
  • Is training on gender analysis and tools included in the initiatives to ensure implementers have the appropriate skills? (capacity and knowledge)
  • Are gender indicators, gender analysis and gender impact assessments used throughout all policy, program, and project cycles? (informed by evidence)
  • What are the accountability mechanisms to achieve gender equality results? Do staff feel they are accountable for reporting results on gender-related objectives? (Feedback)
  • To what extent are gender challenges addressed in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of initiatives? (gender monitoring)

E. Scope of Work

Gender Audit Methodology

The consultant shall develop and implement both a systematic and participatory Gender Audit methodology in collaboration with RAPID+ Program Hub, Gender Focal Point, and Program implementing partners (including a kick-off workshop).Voices that represent all levels and types of positions within the respective departments and related institutions should be represented. The proposed methodology should sufficiently address the preliminary questions outlined within the Terms of Reference (TOR), specifying the approaches, questions, methods of data collection and analysis that will be undertaken.

The Gender Audit team is expected to propose a methodology showing thoughtful application of relevant gender analytical framework/s and tools that guarantee the highest degree of rigor to ensure credible findings. The team shall adopt both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with the aim of understanding the gender sensitivity of policies and operations at all levels: Quantitative data collection will provide the basis for defining indicators to measure, for instance, the extent to which departmental documentation and policies are reflect gender-sensitive and will involve use of self-assessment questionnaires (the consultant is encouraged to apply innovative survey tools); Qualitative data collection will provide nuanced information on perceptions, experiences and informed opinions regarding gender mainstreaming and will involve semi-structured interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interview (KIIs) with RAPID+ partners, CECM culture, gender, youth and sports, CECM Water, CECM Livestock , Stakeholders, National government, County assembly, County executives, CSOs, CBOs, WLO, WROs among others.

F. Roles and Responsibilities

The roles of the consultant(s) shall include the following:

  • Holding one or more meetings with the respective departments (Gender, Water & Livestock) to introduce the participatory Gender Audit methodology, objectives, and process to obtain their consent while ensuring the highest level of commitment towards achieving gender equality in their departments.
  • Develop an inception report, detailing the agreed upon study design, methodologies for data collection and analysis, indicators, data-gathering tools, work plan schedule and budget to conduct the assignment, in consultation with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person and Program staff.
  • Undertake desk reviews of the following documents: gender policies, strategic plans, HR policies and regulations, administrative and financial rules and regulations, RAPID+ Program documents, assessment tools and RAPID+ Gender Analysis, and all related literature including departmental strategies, research papers, assessments, programs, services, reports, practices, personnel, etc.
  • Develop or refine quantitative and qualitative data-gathering tools in consultation with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person and Program staff.
  • Train data team, plan and coordinate quantitative and qualitative data collection.
  • Work with the Program Hub and RAPID+ Implementing partners in the gender audit planning and develop audit framework.
  • Conducting interviews/focus group discussions with staff from county gender, water and livestock departments and other stakeholders.
  • Assist the county gender, water and livestock departments in creating their Gender Action Plan/s based on identified gender gaps.
  • Presenting the results of the gender audit (including a section on gender-responsive budgeting) and main recommendations/proposed amendments to the departments, for discussion and review separately and jointly to identify synergies and opportunities for working together.
  • Prepare for and facilitate a launching event for the results of the gender audit and

recommendations, upon the approval from MWA and in close coordination with RAPID+ gender focal person.

  • Produce (a) final gender audit report indicating the gender issues in the departments and related institutions, with clear strategies and Recommendations, (b) good practice briefs; and (c) gender action plans

G. Deliverables and Timelines

  1. Inception report: The report shall detail the Gender Audit methodologies which must include the proposed data collection and analysis methods to address the key questions and required indicators, limitations, and ways to mitigate them, and an operational work plan. The inception report shall also include questionnaires and interview protocols. The timeline for submission of the inception report is one week after the inception meeting with MWA and RAPID+ gender focal person.
  2. Draft Gender Audit Report & Presentation: The team will provide a Draft Gender Audit report and present the major findings of the gender audit to key stakeholders virtually. A PowerPoint presentation will be developed by the gender audit team and submitted two days before the presentation. The debriefings shall include discussions of methodology, limitations, key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  3. Final Gender Audit Report: After the online debrief, a definitive version of the gender audit report shall be disseminated subsequent to incorporation of comments and suggestions from MWA, gender focal point, RAPID+ Implementing partners and stakeholders. The final report must not be more than 50 pages excluding annexes. The report will be presented as one consolidated report with county-specific reports as annexes (Maximum 5 pages). The report must outline the final findings and have a dedicated section capturing the proposed new approach including activities that can be incorporated to strengthen the gender, water and livestock departments. Ideally the final report must be in the following standard format – Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and recommendations, and conclusion. The final report shall be edited by a copyeditor with knowledge of the subject matter and finalized to publishing quality.
  4. Compilation/documentation of good practice examples that will emanate from the gender audit exercise in the 5 counties (each good practice brief to contain 2-3 pages maximum)
  5. A prioritized action plan developed collaboratively with MWA, RAPID+ team and the county gender, water and livestock departments, including a plan for monitoring progress.

H. Proposed Timeline

The proposed timelines for each deliverable are shown below:





Inception Report

MS Word, PDF

Workplan in MS Excel

1 week after contract signing

1st November

Draft Gender Audit Report

MS Word, PDF

5 weeks after contract signing

2nd December

Presentation of Draft Gender Audit Report

MS Ppt

5 weeks after contract signing

4th December

Good practice examples

MS Word, PDF

6 weeks after contract signing

6th December

Final Gender Audit Report & Action Plan

MS Word, PDF (copy-edited to publishing quality)

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

Dissemination of Gender Audit Findings

Ppt Presentation

Consultant to facilitate ½ day participatory session for each county

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

Cleaned Data sets, Transcripts & Data Analysis

MS Word, MS Excel

8 weeks after contract signing

10th December

I. Anticipated Level of Effort (LoE)

The anticipated level of effort for this assignment is 40 man-days.

J. Budget

All costs inclusive of taxes should be included in the quoted budget outline by the consultant. Including the accommodation, transport, and communication expenses.

K. Qualification and Skills needed

Below are the preferred qualifications for the consultants applying for the consultancy:

  • A minimum of bachelor’s degree (combined with at least 10 years’ relevant experience) OR Master’s degree (with at least 6 years’ relevant experience) in socio-economic studies, gender studies, social sciences, development studies or any related development fields.
  • 10 years of experience in working on women’s development and gender issues.
  • Demonstrated understanding of gender perspectives in human rights, humanitarian action, and development projects in the Kenyan ASALs.
  • Significant experience in conducting gender audits for civil society organizations; public institutions or development partners of at least 2 assignments of similar scope and complexity in the least 6 years.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • Experience with quantitative and qualitative analysis and data collection.
  • Excellent report writing, analytical, and communication skills are essential. (the consultant shall provide samples of at least 2 reports from previous assignments)

L. Reporting and Communication

Internal: The consultant will be reporting to the Program Hub and RAPID+ Gender focal point while keeping a close working relationship with RAPID+ Implementing partners. The consultant will be expected to communicate regularly with the Program Hub and the County Coordination Units (CCUs) in the field during the exercise.

External: The consultant will be in close communication with other stakeholders including staff from National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), Director’s for Gender, Water and Livestock departments, CECM Gender, culture, youth and sports, CECM Water and Livestock, the National and County Governments, among others. Consultants must adhere to the MWA Code of Conduct and Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Child Abuse (PSEA-CA) policies as well as research ethics consideration when performing their duties and interactions with external parties.

M. Application Process.

Interested firms must submit detailed technical and financial proposals (in Kenya Shillings) that clearly explain their understanding of the Terms of Reference, approaches, and methodologies to be used to undertake the assignment.

1. The Technical Proposal

The proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability-1 page.
  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in conducting Gender Audit-3 pages.
  • Methodological approach outlining the consultant understanding of the specific objectives and proposed methodology-2 pages.
  • Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines-1 page.
  • Professional CVs of consultants - No more than 4 pages.
  • Contact details of 3 organizations (including a contact person) that have contracted the firm/consultant to carry out similar work-
  • Submission of at least two (2) previous report in PDF format from earlier consultancies of similar complexity and scope.

2. The Financial Proposal

The proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs-2 pages.
  • The fees proposed must be a total “fixed price” quotation indicating the overall total amount in Kenya Shillings. With a breakdown of costs related to:
  • Professional fees. The calculation of fees should indicate the cost associated with the time and effort included in your technical proposal.
  • A detailed breakdown of reimbursables including logistics, travel, per diem, communication, and any other related costs.
  • Payment terms.

Statutory, Administrative and fiscal documents to be provided:

  • A valid certificate of Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Company KRA Pin certificate.

N. Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated to ensure that they meet all mandatory requirements and are responsive. To determine responsiveness, a proposal must include all documentation as listed above. The proposals that fail to meet these requirements will receive no further consideration. Responsive proposals will be evaluated and ranked according to the criteria below.

1. Technical Qualification

  • Technical and education experience of the team
  • Understanding of the scope and/or assignment
  • Proposed methodology and approach.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting and coordinating similar studies.
  • Experience in conducting similar studies in the ASALs.
  • Excellent report writing, analytical, and communication skills are essential. (demonstrated by providing samples of at least 2 reports from similar assignments)

Consultants with a minimum score of 70% will be considered technically qualified, their applications will proceed to the financial evaluation stage, and they will be invited for an oral interview.

2. Financial Proposal

Only the financial proposal of the technically qualified consultants will be evaluated. The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal. All other financial proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.

All applications should be submitted electronically to the following email address: [email protected] on/before 16th October 2024 5:00 pm EAT. The email subject should be titled “Consultancy for Gender Audit under RAPID+ Program”.


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