Provision of Consultancy Services – End-Line Evaluation, for Advancing Refugee Inclusive School Education in the East and Horn of Africa – ARISE Proje 107 views0 applications

Project Title: ARISE – Advancing Refugee Inclusive School Education in the East and Horn of Africa (South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya)


The Lutheran World Federation (hereafter called LWF) is a faith-based humanitarian international non-governmental organization. The Lutheran World Federation acts on behalf of member churches to provide humanitarian assistance and advocate for the protection of human rights in the 32 countries where LWF implements its programs. LWF has been working in Kakuma since 1992, Dadaab since2008, Somalia since 2017 and South Sudan since 1979. The South Sudan, and Kenya-Somalia programs implements programs focusing on three key thematic areas: Quality Services, Protection, and Social Cohesion, and Livelihoods.

Through support from Radiohjälpen, LWF aims to support inclusive education in the refugee and IDP camps, by ensuring that children with disabilities are adequately assessed and placed in schools with the capacities to meet the children’s individual needs. This includes children being provided with necessary assistive devices to enable access to education, the latter which is provided by teachers who have knowledge and skills in inclusive education.

To ensure children’s access to inclusive education, the project will address structural and social barriers to education for children with disabilities. This means creating a favourable and conducive learning environment for these children, both in the schools and in their communities. Importantly, overage children and youth with disabilities have the same right to education, regardless of age or disability, and are included in the target population for this project. The learners will receive basic numeracy and literacy training, in an inclusive class setting, provided by trained teachers and assistant teachers. Transitioning to secondary school is a challenge as very few secondary schools are equipped to provide inclusive education for overage learners.


This Request for Proposals is to identify potential bidder(s) for the execution of an End line evaluation. Conducting an End-line evaluation is a best practice by LWF and is also a donor requirement as part of the program’s learning and accountability framework. The evaluation aims to comprehensively assess the extent to which the project has achieved the intended and unintended outcomes based on the objectives and indicators, provide in-depth analysis and understanding of why certain intended outcomes have or have not been realized, analyse the challenges encountered, provide recommendations and document lessons for improving future projects implementation.


The assignment has the following objectives;

a. Assess the extent to which the project has achieved its outcome objectives.

b. Assess the project’s progress towards achieving relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability with special emphasis on the evaluation’s Key questions.

c. Harvest and document lessons learned best practices, and challenges encountered and put forth practical recommendations for future program improvement.


Period under review: The evaluation is anticipated to encompass the project duration from 1st May 2024 up to 30th April 2025.

Geographical Coverage: The evaluation will cover all areas targeted by the project in Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan. In Kenya, the exercise will be conducted in 74 Integrated schools managed by LWF (21 in Kakuma, 23 in Dadaab refugee camps), in Somalia the exercise will be conducted in 30 primary schools in Kismayo supported by LWF. In South Sudan, the exercise will be conducted in 4 Refugee camps and 24 Primary Schools in Maban County (Doro, Kaya, Gendrasa, and Batil).

While it will be possible to sample and visit schools in one location (depending on the award), the evaluation will be conducted online in other locations.

Thematic Priorities**:** The end line evaluation will focus on specific interventions under the Project.

Target Beneficiary Category and Stakeholders**:** All target beneficiary categories and relevant stakeholders outlined in the project documents. This includes a thorough evaluation of the impact on and engagement with these groups throughout the project implementation.

Evaluation exercise: To coordinate the evaluation exercise and submit the final report.


The consultant(s)/firm is expected to recommend empirical approaches and methodologies that incorporate both qualitative and quantitative methods that are in line with the OECD DAC criteria. The consultant(s)/firm will use a gender-responsive and disability inclusive methodology to ensure that perspectives of women, youth, boys, girls and other marginalized groups are adequately captured. The consultant(s)/firm is encouraged to expand on these criteria using key evaluation questions to assess various aspects comprehensively.

Note: LWF will provide the necessary support to ensure a seamless process.

The recommended approaches and methodologies MUST prioritize inclusivity, active participation and adhere to ethical considerations. As LWF is a CHS-certified organization, the nine Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) commitments will guide and complement the OECD DAC criteria during the evaluation.


The consultant will be responsible for preparing and submitting the following deliverables;

  • An inception report.
  • A draft report of the findings submitted to LWF program team for feedback (including related materials from interviews conducted).
  • A final report written in English (soft copy), maximum 40 pages including findings, best practices, lessons learned, recommendations and annexes.
  • Conduct the evaluation report validation/dissemination event.
  • Submission of data collection tools and raw data.
  • A PowerPoint presentation of the findings.
  • Annexes with supporting materials.



The Technical Proposal shall be straightforward and concise, describing how the consultant intends to carry out and deliver on the above mentioned tasks. No cost or pricing information is to be included in the technical proposal. Technical proposals are limited to 12 pages in total

Technical Approach– Narrative not to exceed five (5) pages.

  • The bidder shall demonstrate his/her understanding, ability, and overall approach to perform the requirements described in the Scope of Work/Tasks/Activities. S/he shall clearly explain how they propose to structure, design, manage, and execute the work required that meets LWF objectives.
  • The Technical Approach must include a methodology, timeline or Gantt chart of the deliverables required to execute this project.

Capability Statement – Narrative – not to exceed two (2) pages.

  • The bidder shall demonstrate his/her specialized competence about the requirements of the tasks/activities. S/he shall demonstrate they have the necessary personnel to successfully comply with the contract requirements and accomplish the deliverables.

Past Performance – Narrative not to exceed five (3) pages.

  • The Bidder shall provide at least three (3) examples of past performance of implementing similar projects. The past performance examples must be within the last three (3) years and similar in scale and relevance. S/he must provide references for each example, including the reference’s name, title, phone number, and email address.

Personnel/Staffing – A narrative not to exceed two (2) pages.

  • A summary describing the proposed staff for the project, including up to three team members. The summary shall include names, relevant qualifications of similar experience, and the proposed role for each individual.
  • The firm’s technical lead person/ individual consultant must have at least a master’s degree or PhD specializing in education, protection, research and Monitoring and evaluation, or related qualifications, with extensive expertise and experience in evaluating development programs. S/he should have at least 10 years of experience working with international organizations and donors on monitoring, and evaluations or Education & protection-related programs, with particular experience in the context of South Sudan, Somalia and Kenya.

Annex: Not included in the technical proposal.

  • Bidders are encouraged to provide an Annex or “portfolio,” not exceeding 10 pages, of samples CVs (not exceeding 3 pages) of each of the proposed key personnel and samples of similar assignments. The Annex can include copies of photographs, reports, proposals, other visual representations, and media/social media clippings.

PART B: Financial PROPOSAL- (Separately)

  • The bidder shall propose a realistic and reasonable cost for this work.
  • The consultant is required to submit a financial proposal for the cost ONLY of the consultancy professional fees (e.g. Lead consultant, co-consultant, M&E and Data unit etc. as may be relevant to the firm for quality outcomes).
  • The cost should be in Kenya Shillings (KES) and include all applicable local taxation. The financial proposal shall list all costs associated with the assignment.


  • The selected Consultant will be responsible for designing and executing all activities outlined in this Request for Proposal in coordination with LWF
  • Proposals will be evaluated using the quality and cost-based selection, with a total score calculated out of 100% of which 80% is the weight of the technical proposal and 20% is the weight of the financial proposal.
  • Proposals meeting the mandatory requirements will be evaluated for technical merit based on the criteria in the below chart. Those proposals scoring 65 points or higher (out of 80 points) will be considered for cost-effectiveness.

Technical Approach

Proposed structure, design, and approach to

conducting the survey. (25 points)

Timeline or Gantt chart of the activities required for execution. (10 points)

Green and sustainable practices – Annex SER 09 Checklist for Green and Sustainable Procurement. (5 Points) Maximum Points 40

Capability Statement

Demonstrate the necessary organizational systems

and personnel to successfully comply with the contract requirements and accomplish the expected results. (15 points) Maximum Points 15

Past Performance

  • Inclusion of at least three relevant past performance examples of similar projects. (5 points)
  • References provided by past clients for these examples and their evaluation of the bidder’s ability to deliver on time and within quality and budget expectations. (5 points) Maximum Points 10


Qualifications and past relevant experience of the lead consultant and up to 3 teammembers proposed to perform the requirements of this scope of work. (15 points). Maximum Points 15

This solicitation is open to individuals, international or local firms/companies registered in Kenya and Somalia, specializing in education, protection, research and Monitoring and evaluation.

**Technical Evaluation Threshold (**Only offers that receive a technical evaluation score of 65 and above points (out of 80) will be considered for oral and then cost evaluation.)

Oral Interviews;

Bidders whose proposals pass the technical evaluation will be invited for oral interviews to assess their suitability and validate the technical reports submitted. These interviews will be organized by LWF. The scores from the technical evaluation and oral interviews will be combined to determine the final technical score.

Cost Evaluation

The financial proposal will be evaluated using the following formula:

FS=20*lowestprice/F, where FS is the financial score, and F is the proposal’s price under consideration.

(15 points)

Maximum Points 20

Total Points 100


While the LWF Area Manager and Team Leads for Kakuma, Dadaab& Somalia assume the overall responsibility for contract management, the consultant will work directly and closely with the Program Manager, Project Manager and Senior Program Officer Quality Service Manager.State

In South Sudan, Upper Nile state Maban County, the consultant will work closely with PMER Officer in Maban and the program staff for guidance.

See the below link to access the RFP document for further guidance on submission of the RFP;

Offers shall be submitted by e-mail to the following address:

Email: ONLY, by Date: 14th March 2025.

Offers must clearly state in the subject field: LWF/NRB/EDUC/6704/2025. Provision of Consultancy Services – Radio AID End-line Evaluation Survey.

It is your responsibility to obtain a receipt or an e-mail confirmation for a timely submitted offer.

Request for Proposals submitted to other e-mail addresses or physical addresses will result in disqualification of the Offer. Request for Proposals may not be altered or withdrawn after the deadline has passed.

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  • Job City Kakuma, Dadaab, Kismayu, Doro, Kaya, Gendrasa, Bati
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The Lutheran World Federation (LWF; German: Lutherischer Weltbund) is a global communion of national and regional Lutheran churches headquartered in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The federation was founded in the Swedish city of Lund in the aftermath of the Second World War in 1947 to coordinate the activities of the many differing Lutheran churches. Since 1984, the member churches are in pulpit and altar fellowship, with common doctrine as the basis of membership and mission activity.

The LWF now has 144 member church bodies in 79 countries representing over 72 million Lutherans.The LWF acts on behalf of its member churches in areas of common interest such as ecumenical and interfaith relations, theology, humanitarian assistance, human rights, communication, and the various aspects of mission and development work.

The Department for World Service is the LWF's humanitarian arm. It has programmes in 32 countries. The LWF is a member of ACT Alliance.

The Department for World Service is the LWF's humanitarian arm. It has programmes in 32 countries. The LWF is a member of ACT Alliance.

On October 31, 1999, in Augsburg, Germany, the Lutheran World Federation signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification with the Roman Catholic Church. The statement is an attempt to narrow the theological divide between the two faiths. The Declaration also states that the mutual condemnations between 16th-century Lutherans and the Roman Catholic Church no longer apply. A similar event took place in Lund Cathedral at the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation when Pope Francis visited Scania, Sweden's southernmost province that originally was Danish

The federation was organized at Lund, Sweden, in 1947. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, it replaced the more informal Lutheran World Convention, which had been founded in 1924. The goal was to coordinate international activities of the many Lutheran churches, to provide a forum for discussions on theological and organizational issues, and to assist in philanthropy, missionary activity, and exchange of students and professors. A key leader was Executive Secretary Sylvester C. Michelfelder (1889–1951), representing the American Lutheran Church. He had been a leader in organizing $45 million in American help for the rebuilding of Protestant churches in Germany after 1945. By the time of his death in 1951, the federation represented 52 churches in 25 countries.

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0 USD Kakuma, Dadaab, Kismayu, Doro, Kaya, Gendrasa, Bati CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Lutheran World Federation

Project Title: ARISE - Advancing Refugee Inclusive School Education in the East and Horn of Africa (South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya)


The Lutheran World Federation (hereafter called LWF) is a faith-based humanitarian international non-governmental organization. The Lutheran World Federation acts on behalf of member churches to provide humanitarian assistance and advocate for the protection of human rights in the 32 countries where LWF implements its programs. LWF has been working in Kakuma since 1992, Dadaab since2008, Somalia since 2017 and South Sudan since 1979. The South Sudan, and Kenya-Somalia programs implements programs focusing on three key thematic areas: Quality Services, Protection, and Social Cohesion, and Livelihoods.

Through support from Radiohjälpen, LWF aims to support inclusive education in the refugee and IDP camps, by ensuring that children with disabilities are adequately assessed and placed in schools with the capacities to meet the children’s individual needs. This includes children being provided with necessary assistive devices to enable access to education, the latter which is provided by teachers who have knowledge and skills in inclusive education.

To ensure children’s access to inclusive education, the project will address structural and social barriers to education for children with disabilities. This means creating a favourable and conducive learning environment for these children, both in the schools and in their communities. Importantly, overage children and youth with disabilities have the same right to education, regardless of age or disability, and are included in the target population for this project. The learners will receive basic numeracy and literacy training, in an inclusive class setting, provided by trained teachers and assistant teachers. Transitioning to secondary school is a challenge as very few secondary schools are equipped to provide inclusive education for overage learners.


This Request for Proposals is to identify potential bidder(s) for the execution of an End line evaluation. Conducting an End-line evaluation is a best practice by LWF and is also a donor requirement as part of the program’s learning and accountability framework. The evaluation aims to comprehensively assess the extent to which the project has achieved the intended and unintended outcomes based on the objectives and indicators, provide in-depth analysis and understanding of why certain intended outcomes have or have not been realized, analyse the challenges encountered, provide recommendations and document lessons for improving future projects implementation.


The assignment has the following objectives;

a. Assess the extent to which the project has achieved its outcome objectives.

b. Assess the project's progress towards achieving relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability with special emphasis on the evaluation’s Key questions.

c. Harvest and document lessons learned best practices, and challenges encountered and put forth practical recommendations for future program improvement.


Period under review: The evaluation is anticipated to encompass the project duration from 1st May 2024 up to 30th April 2025.

Geographical Coverage: The evaluation will cover all areas targeted by the project in Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan. In Kenya, the exercise will be conducted in 74 Integrated schools managed by LWF (21 in Kakuma, 23 in Dadaab refugee camps), in Somalia the exercise will be conducted in 30 primary schools in Kismayo supported by LWF. In South Sudan, the exercise will be conducted in 4 Refugee camps and 24 Primary Schools in Maban County (Doro, Kaya, Gendrasa, and Batil).

While it will be possible to sample and visit schools in one location (depending on the award), the evaluation will be conducted online in other locations.

Thematic Priorities**:** The end line evaluation will focus on specific interventions under the Project.

Target Beneficiary Category and Stakeholders**:** All target beneficiary categories and relevant stakeholders outlined in the project documents. This includes a thorough evaluation of the impact on and engagement with these groups throughout the project implementation.

Evaluation exercise: To coordinate the evaluation exercise and submit the final report.


The consultant(s)/firm is expected to recommend empirical approaches and methodologies that incorporate both qualitative and quantitative methods that are in line with the OECD DAC criteria. The consultant(s)/firm will use a gender-responsive and disability inclusive methodology to ensure that perspectives of women, youth, boys, girls and other marginalized groups are adequately captured. The consultant(s)/firm is encouraged to expand on these criteria using key evaluation questions to assess various aspects comprehensively.

Note: LWF will provide the necessary support to ensure a seamless process.

The recommended approaches and methodologies MUST prioritize inclusivity, active participation and adhere to ethical considerations. As LWF is a CHS-certified organization, the nine Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) commitments will guide and complement the OECD DAC criteria during the evaluation.


The consultant will be responsible for preparing and submitting the following deliverables;

  • An inception report.
  • A draft report of the findings submitted to LWF program team for feedback (including related materials from interviews conducted).
  • A final report written in English (soft copy), maximum 40 pages including findings, best practices, lessons learned, recommendations and annexes.
  • Conduct the evaluation report validation/dissemination event.
  • Submission of data collection tools and raw data.
  • A PowerPoint presentation of the findings.
  • Annexes with supporting materials.



The Technical Proposal shall be straightforward and concise, describing how the consultant intends to carry out and deliver on the above mentioned tasks. No cost or pricing information is to be included in the technical proposal. Technical proposals are limited to 12 pages in total

Technical Approach– Narrative not to exceed five (5) pages.

  • The bidder shall demonstrate his/her understanding, ability, and overall approach to perform the requirements described in the Scope of Work/Tasks/Activities. S/he shall clearly explain how they propose to structure, design, manage, and execute the work required that meets LWF objectives.
  • The Technical Approach must include a methodology, timeline or Gantt chart of the deliverables required to execute this project.

Capability Statement - Narrative – not to exceed two (2) pages.

  • The bidder shall demonstrate his/her specialized competence about the requirements of the tasks/activities. S/he shall demonstrate they have the necessary personnel to successfully comply with the contract requirements and accomplish the deliverables.

Past Performance – Narrative not to exceed five (3) pages.

  • The Bidder shall provide at least three (3) examples of past performance of implementing similar projects. The past performance examples must be within the last three (3) years and similar in scale and relevance. S/he must provide references for each example, including the reference's name, title, phone number, and email address.

Personnel/Staffing – A narrative not to exceed two (2) pages.

  • A summary describing the proposed staff for the project, including up to three team members. The summary shall include names, relevant qualifications of similar experience, and the proposed role for each individual.
  • The firm's technical lead person/ individual consultant must have at least a master’s degree or PhD specializing in education, protection, research and Monitoring and evaluation, or related qualifications, with extensive expertise and experience in evaluating development programs. S/he should have at least 10 years of experience working with international organizations and donors on monitoring, and evaluations or Education & protection-related programs, with particular experience in the context of South Sudan, Somalia and Kenya.

Annex: Not included in the technical proposal.

  • Bidders are encouraged to provide an Annex or “portfolio,” not exceeding 10 pages, of samples CVs (not exceeding 3 pages) of each of the proposed key personnel and samples of similar assignments. The Annex can include copies of photographs, reports, proposals, other visual representations, and media/social media clippings.

PART B: Financial PROPOSAL- (Separately)

  • The bidder shall propose a realistic and reasonable cost for this work.
  • The consultant is required to submit a financial proposal for the cost ONLY of the consultancy professional fees (e.g. Lead consultant, co-consultant, M&E and Data unit etc. as may be relevant to the firm for quality outcomes).
  • The cost should be in Kenya Shillings (KES) and include all applicable local taxation. The financial proposal shall list all costs associated with the assignment.


  • The selected Consultant will be responsible for designing and executing all activities outlined in this Request for Proposal in coordination with LWF
  • Proposals will be evaluated using the quality and cost-based selection, with a total score calculated out of 100% of which 80% is the weight of the technical proposal and 20% is the weight of the financial proposal.
  • Proposals meeting the mandatory requirements will be evaluated for technical merit based on the criteria in the below chart. Those proposals scoring 65 points or higher (out of 80 points) will be considered for cost-effectiveness.

Technical Approach

Proposed structure, design, and approach to

conducting the survey. (25 points)

Timeline or Gantt chart of the activities required for execution. (10 points)

Green and sustainable practices – Annex SER 09 Checklist for Green and Sustainable Procurement. (5 Points) Maximum Points 40

Capability Statement

Demonstrate the necessary organizational systems

and personnel to successfully comply with the contract requirements and accomplish the expected results. (15 points) Maximum Points 15

Past Performance

  • Inclusion of at least three relevant past performance examples of similar projects. (5 points)
  • References provided by past clients for these examples and their evaluation of the bidder’s ability to deliver on time and within quality and budget expectations. (5 points) Maximum Points 10


Qualifications and past relevant experience of the lead consultant and up to 3 teammembers proposed to perform the requirements of this scope of work. (15 points). Maximum Points 15

This solicitation is open to individuals, international or local firms/companies registered in Kenya and Somalia, specializing in education, protection, research and Monitoring and evaluation.

**Technical Evaluation Threshold (**Only offers that receive a technical evaluation score of 65 and above points (out of 80) will be considered for oral and then cost evaluation.)

Oral Interviews;

Bidders whose proposals pass the technical evaluation will be invited for oral interviews to assess their suitability and validate the technical reports submitted. These interviews will be organized by LWF. The scores from the technical evaluation and oral interviews will be combined to determine the final technical score.

Cost Evaluation

The financial proposal will be evaluated using the following formula:

FS=20*lowestprice/F, where FS is the financial score, and F is the proposal's price under consideration.

(15 points)

Maximum Points 20

Total Points 100


While the LWF Area Manager and Team Leads for Kakuma, Dadaab& Somalia assume the overall responsibility for contract management, the consultant will work directly and closely with the Program Manager, Project Manager and Senior Program Officer Quality Service Manager.State

In South Sudan, Upper Nile state Maban County, the consultant will work closely with PMER Officer in Maban and the program staff for guidance.

See the below link to access the RFP document for further guidance on submission of the RFP;

Offers shall be submitted by e-mail to the following address:

Email: ONLY, by Date: 14th March 2025.

Offers must clearly state in the subject field: LWF/NRB/EDUC/6704/2025. Provision of Consultancy Services – Radio AID End-line Evaluation Survey.

It is your responsibility to obtain a receipt or an e-mail confirmation for a timely submitted offer.

Request for Proposals submitted to other e-mail addresses or physical addresses will result in disqualification of the Offer. Request for Proposals may not be altered or withdrawn after the deadline has passed.


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