Terms of Reference for Conducting National Comprehensive Study on Children without Parental Care in Somalia 74 views0 applications

  1. Background

Somalia has endured decades of civil conflict, economic instability, and recurring environmental disasters, all of which have significantly disrupted family structures and social cohesion. As a result, many children are without parental care due to factors such as displacement, extreme poverty, death of caregivers, and ongoing armed conflict. These children are among the most vulnerable in society, facing heightened risks of abuse, exploitation, neglect, and lack of access to education, healthcare, and social services.

Similarly, according to UNICEF: Situation Analysis of Children in Somalia 2016) About 1% of Somali children are ‘double orphans’ but the incidence of children living in households without a biological parent has been rising over recent decades and is higher the older the child is (Data from 2006 and 2011 MICS3 surveys indicate that approximately 80 percent of orphans are paternal orphans, 10 percent maternal orphans and 10% have experienced the death of both parents.” In the absence of parental care, children are left at a higher risk of discrimination, violence, abuse, exploitation and inadequate care. Children from displaced families and minorities are particularly vulnerable. For instance, about half (1/2) of Somali children aged between 5 and 14 engage in child labour (UNICEF: Situation Analysis of Children in Somalia 2016).

In Somalia, traditional care systems such as kinship care play a significant role in providing alternative care for children without parental care. However, these systems are increasingly strained due to economic challenges and the weakening of social networks. Institutional care is limited and often lacks adequate resources and oversight, while formal systems like foster care and adoption remain underdeveloped. Despite the existence of community and faith-based care practices, there is a lack of a coordinated and standardized approach to child protection and alternative care. However, the government institution that should bridge the gap are underdeveloped to offer equitable and adequate quality services for CWPC. In Somalia, traditional care systems such as kinship care play a significant role in providing alternative care for children without parental care. However, these systems are increasingly strained due to economic challenges and the weakening of social networks. Institutional care is limited and often lacks adequate resources and oversight, while formal systems like foster care and adoption remain underdeveloped. Despite the existence of community and faith-based care practices, there is a lack of a coordinated and standardized approach to child protection and alternative care. In addition, Kafala care, which exists in Somalia but operates in low-profile settings, has not been adequately addressed in national policies or frameworks. The strengths and limitations of Kafala care need to be examined, as there are no harmonized policies or guidelines governing the operation of Kafala centres. The government institution that should bridge these gaps is underdeveloped and unable to offer equitable and adequate quality services for children without parental care (CWPC).

The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) underscores the importance of family-based care for children, aligning with international standards like the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. However, Somalia’s legislative and institutional frameworks for child protection require significant strengthening to meet these standards. To address these challenges, SOS Children’s Villages in Somalia aims to undertake an in-depth countrywide assessment to better understand the main Alternative care gaps and issues affecting children without parental care in Somalia and generate comprehensive evidence based that informs policy, programmatic responses, and advocacy efforts tailored to the Somali context.

  1. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to establish and map out a detailed and contextual understanding on the current situation of children without parental care in Somalia, focusing on the scale, underlying causes, policy and regulatory frameworks, and programmatic responses in order to provide recommendations for a comprehensive and coordinated national response to the situations of the CWPC. Specifically, the study seeks to:

  • Identify and analyze major child rights violations faced by CWPC, including neglect, abuse, exploitation, and obstacles to accessing essential services such as education, healthcare, and protection.
  • Analyse existing programmatic responses – protection services and care options – including traditional, community-based, and institutional care, assessing their adequacy and alignment with the best interests of the child.
  • Examine the policy, institutional and regulatory frameworks addressing the situations of CWPC, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. Examine the legal, policy, institutional, and regulatory frameworks addressing the situations of CWPC, with a focus on national and local gatekeeping and case management mechanisms, identifying gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Develop actionable recommendations for child protection systems in Somalia including childcare reforms efforts such as strengthening family-based care, enhancing quality of alternative care options, and addressing the root causes of child-family separation.
    • Share practical and actionable recommendations to government, NGOs, stakeholders and communities, in implementing sustainable solutions to protect and support CWPC in Somalia. Provide practical and actionable recommendations to stakeholders, including government, NGOs, institutions, and communities, in implementing sustainable solutions to protect and support CWPC in Somalia. Additionally, analyze key stakeholders and partners working for CWPC to understand their roles and contributions.
  • Identify and analyse key stakeholders and partners who work for Child without parental care in Somalia
  1. Rationale

The absence of robust data on CWPC in Somalia is a significant barrier to develop effective policy and program implementation. Although various studies and reports touch on aspects of child protection, there is a lack of comprehensive research that captures the scale, causes, and care options for CWPC in Somalia. Existing interventions are often fragmented and reactive, focusing on immediate needs rather than systemic issues.

This study is critical for several reasons: (a) Data-Driven Decision Making: Reliable quantitative and qualitative data will enable stakeholders to design evidence-based policies and programs. (b) Enhancing Child Protection Systems: Identifying gaps in Somalia’s legal and institutional frameworks will help align national efforts with international standards. (c) Promoting Sustainable Care Solutions: By understanding the challenges and opportunities within traditional and formal care systems, the study will contribute to sustainable and culturally appropriate solutions. (d) Advocacy and Resource Mobilization: Comprehensive findings will strengthen advocacy efforts and support resource mobilization to address CWPC. (e) addressing Root Causes: Understanding the drivers of parental care loss will inform preventive measures and community resilience-building strategies.

  1. Data Collection and Analysis:
  • Quantify the prevalence and distribution of CWPC across different regions of Somalia, considering the feasibility and resource constraints of conducting a census or census sampling approach. This may require exploring alternative methods to estimate prevalence while considering the extensive travel and costs involved.
  • Identify the primary drivers of child-family separation and how each of these different drivers manifest itself.
  • Identify major child right violations experienced by CWPC.
  • Analyse the different segments of CWPC, focusing on understanding the distinct needs and challenges faced by each segment as part of the research process. The segmentation will be conducted during the research phase of the study.
  1. Policy and Framework Assessment:
  • Review and analyse Somalia’s policy, and institutional frameworks for child protection especially focusing on alternative care.
  • Assess alignment with international instruments, standards, and practices including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and related resolutions, ACRWC and the Guidelines for Alternative Care.
  1. Mapping and Evaluation of Care Options:
  • Document existing care options, including kinship care, foster care, institutional care, and community-based solutions and assess involvement of regulatory bodies in ensuring quality of care, safeguarding as well as the provision of various support services for the children. Document existing care options, including kinship care, foster care, institutional care, community-based solutions, and kafala care (which currently exists in Somalia but operates in low-profile settings without harmonized policies or guidelines), and assess the involvement of regulatory bodies in ensuring the quality of care, safeguarding, and the provision of various support services for children.
  • Evaluate the quality, accessibility, and cultural relevance of these care arrangements. including the effectiveness of gatekeeping and case management mechanisms, as well as arrangements for family reintegration, preparation for leaving care, and aftercare support. Family tracing and reunification processes will be adopted to ensure effective and efficient child and parent reunification. Additionally, comprehensive post-care guidelines and policies will be developed and finalized to fast-track specific child development and post-care support.
  1. Recommendations:
  • Propose strategies to prevent family separation and promote reunification.
  • Recommend culturally sensitive approaches to strengthen family-based and community-based alternative care systems.
  • Identify best practices and innovative care solutions suitable for Somalia.
  • Recommend ways in which civil society organizations and the state can work more effectively in responding to Children without parental care in Somalia.
  1. Research Questions

The below lists of questions are not exhaustive and can be amended and increased as deemed necessary.

  1. What is the nature and magnitude of CWPC in Somalia as per the definitions of the UN resolutions and ACRWC, and the continental study on CWPC?
  2. What are the main drivers of child-family separation in the Somalia?
  3. What policy and institutional frameworks are in place to:
    1. Ensure social protection and prevent child family separation?
    2. Provide child protection and care services for CWPC?
    3. What are the improvement areas and how can they be strengthened?
  4. What programmes and basic social services exist to meet the needs of the CWPC?
    1. How do these programmes align with the best interests of the child?
    2. How do these programmes and services meet the needs of CWPC, and what gaps exist?
    3. What are the strengths and improvement areas? How can we strengthen gaps?
  5. What are the socio-cultural factors influencing childcare practices in Somalia?
  6. How is the coordination mechanism among different government offices directly or indirectly responsible for child rights implementation?
    1. Who are the stakeholders and how do they collaborate to address the systemic causes of CWPC and enhance care solutions?
  7. What is the overall situation regarding the government and non-government sector social workforces in Somalia? What are their qualifications, strengths, and gaps? How do we make improvements?
  8. Scope of the Study

Geographical Scope: The study will cover urban, rural, and conflict-affected areas across Somalia, with a particular focus on regions hosting large numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and areas with high levels of poverty and child vulnerability. The study will cover urban, rural, and conflict-affected areas across Somalia, specifically focusing on regions such as Mogadishu, Jowhar, Baidoa, Bosasso, Kismaayo,Afgoye corridor and other areas hosting large numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs), as well as regions with high levels of poverty and child vulnerability. It is imperative to note that the study covers national level hence final sample target locations will be determined upon awarding of the contract.

Target Population: The study will include children without parental care, caregivers, community leaders, government officials, and representatives from civil society organizations.

Thematic Focus: The study will address social protection, family preservation, alternative care arrangements, policy and institutional frameworks, and the socio-cultural dimensions of childcare in Somalia.

Care Options: The study will explore both formal and informal care options.

  1. Methodology

The study will employ a mixed methods approach to ensure a comprehensive analysis:

  • Desk Review: Review existing studies, reports, policies, laws, strategies and data from child rights agencies such as SOS Children’s Villages, UNICEF, Save the Children, CPAOR, PI and WVI.
  • Desk Review: Review of the continental study on children without parental care by the African union
  • Analyse national censuses, household surveys, and administrative records.
  • Primary Data Collection: Through census, surveys and interviews; SOS Children’s Villages and UNICEF will support data collection.
  • Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including government officials, CWPC, NGOs, and community leaders. Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including government officials, CWPC, NGOs, community leaders, and key representatives such as care leavers, child parliament members, youth clubs, child rights clubs, as well as ACERWC and other regional actors.
  • Facilitate focus group discussions (FGDs) with children, CWPC, caregivers, and community members.
  • Case Studies: Document successful interventions and innovative practices in addressing CWPC in Somalia.
  • Validation Workshop: Present preliminary findings to stakeholders for review, feedback, and validation.
  1. Expected Deliverables
  2. A detailed Inception Report outlining the study’s objectives, methodology, work plan, timeline and the approach to be employed. The inception report will be presented to SOS Children’s Villages and partners prior to the commencement of the assignment in an inception meeting
  3. A Draft Report presenting initial findings, including data analysis and preliminary recommendations.
  4. All collected documents, raw data, interviews, recordings, photos collected or obtained for the purpose of the study
  5. A Final Report providing a comprehensive analysis, available normative frameworks for CWPC, existing policy and legal frameworks, strategies and plans, highlighting any challenges, shortcomings and key actionable recommendations/strategies tailored to Somali context.
  6. A Validation Workshop Report summarizing stakeholder feedback and workshop discussions. The Consultants will be responsible for facilitating the validation workshop.
  7. Revised final report based on validation workshop inputs and all other feedback incorporated
  8. Duration

The study will be conducted over a period of 6 months including desk review, primary data collection, analysis, and report writing.

  1. Reporting Lines

The consultancy firm / individual consultant(s) will report to SOS Children’s Villages Somalia and provide regular updates to key stakeholders, including government representatives, UNICEF, and civil society partners.

  1. Eligibility and Qualifications
  2. Advanced degree in social work, child protection, child rights, sociology, or related fields.
  3. Minimum of 10 years of experience in child rights research, policy analysis, or program development.
  4. Demonstrated expertise in child protection and alternative care systems in Somalia or similar contexts.
  5. Knowledge of international child rights frameworks, including the ACRWC and UN Guidelines for Alternative Care.
  6. Strong analytical and report-writing skills.
  7. Safeguarding.

SOS Children’s Villages organization is committed to safeguarding the rights of the children and therefore, it is expected that every individual who joins or working with SOS Children’s Villages Somalia understands his/her responsibility in protecting and keeping children safe always. SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to and the consultant is bound to sign and abide by the SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service. The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of SOS Children’s villages. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if SOS Children’s villages Somalia discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

  1. How to Apply:

Interested and qualified consultant/firms should submit the following:

  1. The technical proposal detailing the methodology of undertaking the assignments described in the TOR, timeline, tentative work plan as well as relevant knowledge and technical expertise of the consultant/consultants undertaking the assignment.
  2. The financial proposal indicates all-inclusive costs for undertaking the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).
  3. Company profile and CV(s) including a minimum of 3 references highlighting relevant experience. Lead consultant for the assignment must have the pre-requisite experience and technical knowledge on researching on Child Protection and Child rights themes.
  4. A sample of previously conducted researches in similar or related child right /Child Protection themes in the region is a requirement.
  5. Application

    Please send all the required document to: procurement@sossomalia.org ;

  6. Deadline for applications

    Please send your completed applications not later than 10th April 2025

Interested and qualified consultant/firms should submit the following:

  1. The technical proposal detailing the methodology of undertaking the assignments described in the TOR, timeline, tentative work plan as well as relevant knowledge and technical expertise of the consultant/consultants undertaking the assignment.
  2. The financial proposal indicates all-inclusive costs for undertaking the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).
  3. Company profile and CV(s) including a minimum of 3 references highlighting relevant experience. Lead consultant for the assignment must have the pre-requisite experience and technical knowledge on researching on Child Protection and Child rights themes.
  4. A sample of previously conducted researches in similar or related child right /Child Protection themes in the region is a requirement .
  5. Application

    Please send all the required document to: procurement@sossomalia.org ;

  6. Deadline for applications

    Please send your completed applications not later than 10th April 2025

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SOS Children's Villages is an independent, non-governmental international development organization which has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 1949.

We work to prevent family breakdown and care for children who have lost parental care, or who risk losing it. We work with communities, partners and states to ensure that the rights of all children, in every society, are respected and fulfilled.

We are non-governmental and non-denominational. We respect all religions and cultures and work with trusted partners in places where we can contribute to social development.

All the work we do is made possible through the generous support of sponsors and donors, institutional and corporate partners, and loyal friends worldwide. Your help is needed too.

These are the principles that guide our decisions, actions and relationships. They are the cornerstones of our long history of making a difference in children's lives.

Our Vision

Every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security.

Our Mission

We build families for children in need, we help them shape their own futures, and we share in the development of their communities.

Our Values

Courage - We take action.  Commitment - We keep our promises. Trust - We believe in each other.  Accountability - We are reliable partners.

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0 USD Muqdisho CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week SOS Children’s Villages International
  1. Background

Somalia has endured decades of civil conflict, economic instability, and recurring environmental disasters, all of which have significantly disrupted family structures and social cohesion. As a result, many children are without parental care due to factors such as displacement, extreme poverty, death of caregivers, and ongoing armed conflict. These children are among the most vulnerable in society, facing heightened risks of abuse, exploitation, neglect, and lack of access to education, healthcare, and social services.

Similarly, according to UNICEF: Situation Analysis of Children in Somalia 2016) About 1% of Somali children are ‘double orphans’ but the incidence of children living in households without a biological parent has been rising over recent decades and is higher the older the child is (Data from 2006 and 2011 MICS3 surveys indicate that approximately 80 percent of orphans are paternal orphans, 10 percent maternal orphans and 10% have experienced the death of both parents.” In the absence of parental care, children are left at a higher risk of discrimination, violence, abuse, exploitation and inadequate care. Children from displaced families and minorities are particularly vulnerable. For instance, about half (1/2) of Somali children aged between 5 and 14 engage in child labour (UNICEF: Situation Analysis of Children in Somalia 2016).

In Somalia, traditional care systems such as kinship care play a significant role in providing alternative care for children without parental care. However, these systems are increasingly strained due to economic challenges and the weakening of social networks. Institutional care is limited and often lacks adequate resources and oversight, while formal systems like foster care and adoption remain underdeveloped. Despite the existence of community and faith-based care practices, there is a lack of a coordinated and standardized approach to child protection and alternative care. However, the government institution that should bridge the gap are underdeveloped to offer equitable and adequate quality services for CWPC. In Somalia, traditional care systems such as kinship care play a significant role in providing alternative care for children without parental care. However, these systems are increasingly strained due to economic challenges and the weakening of social networks. Institutional care is limited and often lacks adequate resources and oversight, while formal systems like foster care and adoption remain underdeveloped. Despite the existence of community and faith-based care practices, there is a lack of a coordinated and standardized approach to child protection and alternative care. In addition, Kafala care, which exists in Somalia but operates in low-profile settings, has not been adequately addressed in national policies or frameworks. The strengths and limitations of Kafala care need to be examined, as there are no harmonized policies or guidelines governing the operation of Kafala centres. The government institution that should bridge these gaps is underdeveloped and unable to offer equitable and adequate quality services for children without parental care (CWPC).

The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) underscores the importance of family-based care for children, aligning with international standards like the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. However, Somalia's legislative and institutional frameworks for child protection require significant strengthening to meet these standards. To address these challenges, SOS Children’s Villages in Somalia aims to undertake an in-depth countrywide assessment to better understand the main Alternative care gaps and issues affecting children without parental care in Somalia and generate comprehensive evidence based that informs policy, programmatic responses, and advocacy efforts tailored to the Somali context.

  1. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to establish and map out a detailed and contextual understanding on the current situation of children without parental care in Somalia, focusing on the scale, underlying causes, policy and regulatory frameworks, and programmatic responses in order to provide recommendations for a comprehensive and coordinated national response to the situations of the CWPC. Specifically, the study seeks to:

  • Identify and analyze major child rights violations faced by CWPC, including neglect, abuse, exploitation, and obstacles to accessing essential services such as education, healthcare, and protection.
  • Analyse existing programmatic responses - protection services and care options - including traditional, community-based, and institutional care, assessing their adequacy and alignment with the best interests of the child.
  • Examine the policy, institutional and regulatory frameworks addressing the situations of CWPC, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. Examine the legal, policy, institutional, and regulatory frameworks addressing the situations of CWPC, with a focus on national and local gatekeeping and case management mechanisms, identifying gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Develop actionable recommendations for child protection systems in Somalia including childcare reforms efforts such as strengthening family-based care, enhancing quality of alternative care options, and addressing the root causes of child-family separation.
    • Share practical and actionable recommendations to government, NGOs, stakeholders and communities, in implementing sustainable solutions to protect and support CWPC in Somalia. Provide practical and actionable recommendations to stakeholders, including government, NGOs, institutions, and communities, in implementing sustainable solutions to protect and support CWPC in Somalia. Additionally, analyze key stakeholders and partners working for CWPC to understand their roles and contributions.
  • Identify and analyse key stakeholders and partners who work for Child without parental care in Somalia
  1. Rationale

The absence of robust data on CWPC in Somalia is a significant barrier to develop effective policy and program implementation. Although various studies and reports touch on aspects of child protection, there is a lack of comprehensive research that captures the scale, causes, and care options for CWPC in Somalia. Existing interventions are often fragmented and reactive, focusing on immediate needs rather than systemic issues.

This study is critical for several reasons: (a) Data-Driven Decision Making: Reliable quantitative and qualitative data will enable stakeholders to design evidence-based policies and programs. (b) Enhancing Child Protection Systems: Identifying gaps in Somalia’s legal and institutional frameworks will help align national efforts with international standards. (c) Promoting Sustainable Care Solutions: By understanding the challenges and opportunities within traditional and formal care systems, the study will contribute to sustainable and culturally appropriate solutions. (d) Advocacy and Resource Mobilization: Comprehensive findings will strengthen advocacy efforts and support resource mobilization to address CWPC. (e) addressing Root Causes: Understanding the drivers of parental care loss will inform preventive measures and community resilience-building strategies.

  1. Data Collection and Analysis:
  • Quantify the prevalence and distribution of CWPC across different regions of Somalia, considering the feasibility and resource constraints of conducting a census or census sampling approach. This may require exploring alternative methods to estimate prevalence while considering the extensive travel and costs involved.
  • Identify the primary drivers of child-family separation and how each of these different drivers manifest itself.
  • Identify major child right violations experienced by CWPC.
  • Analyse the different segments of CWPC, focusing on understanding the distinct needs and challenges faced by each segment as part of the research process. The segmentation will be conducted during the research phase of the study.
  1. Policy and Framework Assessment:
  • Review and analyse Somalia’s policy, and institutional frameworks for child protection especially focusing on alternative care.
  • Assess alignment with international instruments, standards, and practices including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and related resolutions, ACRWC and the Guidelines for Alternative Care.
  1. Mapping and Evaluation of Care Options:
  • Document existing care options, including kinship care, foster care, institutional care, and community-based solutions and assess involvement of regulatory bodies in ensuring quality of care, safeguarding as well as the provision of various support services for the children. Document existing care options, including kinship care, foster care, institutional care, community-based solutions, and kafala care (which currently exists in Somalia but operates in low-profile settings without harmonized policies or guidelines), and assess the involvement of regulatory bodies in ensuring the quality of care, safeguarding, and the provision of various support services for children.
  • Evaluate the quality, accessibility, and cultural relevance of these care arrangements. including the effectiveness of gatekeeping and case management mechanisms, as well as arrangements for family reintegration, preparation for leaving care, and aftercare support. Family tracing and reunification processes will be adopted to ensure effective and efficient child and parent reunification. Additionally, comprehensive post-care guidelines and policies will be developed and finalized to fast-track specific child development and post-care support.
  1. Recommendations:
  • Propose strategies to prevent family separation and promote reunification.
  • Recommend culturally sensitive approaches to strengthen family-based and community-based alternative care systems.
  • Identify best practices and innovative care solutions suitable for Somalia.
  • Recommend ways in which civil society organizations and the state can work more effectively in responding to Children without parental care in Somalia.
  1. Research Questions

The below lists of questions are not exhaustive and can be amended and increased as deemed necessary.

  1. What is the nature and magnitude of CWPC in Somalia as per the definitions of the UN resolutions and ACRWC, and the continental study on CWPC?
  2. What are the main drivers of child-family separation in the Somalia?
  3. What policy and institutional frameworks are in place to:
    1. Ensure social protection and prevent child family separation?
    2. Provide child protection and care services for CWPC?
    3. What are the improvement areas and how can they be strengthened?
  4. What programmes and basic social services exist to meet the needs of the CWPC?
    1. How do these programmes align with the best interests of the child?
    2. How do these programmes and services meet the needs of CWPC, and what gaps exist?
    3. What are the strengths and improvement areas? How can we strengthen gaps?
  5. What are the socio-cultural factors influencing childcare practices in Somalia?
  6. How is the coordination mechanism among different government offices directly or indirectly responsible for child rights implementation?
    1. Who are the stakeholders and how do they collaborate to address the systemic causes of CWPC and enhance care solutions?
  7. What is the overall situation regarding the government and non-government sector social workforces in Somalia? What are their qualifications, strengths, and gaps? How do we make improvements?
  8. Scope of the Study

Geographical Scope: The study will cover urban, rural, and conflict-affected areas across Somalia, with a particular focus on regions hosting large numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and areas with high levels of poverty and child vulnerability. The study will cover urban, rural, and conflict-affected areas across Somalia, specifically focusing on regions such as Mogadishu, Jowhar, Baidoa, Bosasso, Kismaayo,Afgoye corridor and other areas hosting large numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs), as well as regions with high levels of poverty and child vulnerability. It is imperative to note that the study covers national level hence final sample target locations will be determined upon awarding of the contract.

Target Population: The study will include children without parental care, caregivers, community leaders, government officials, and representatives from civil society organizations.

Thematic Focus: The study will address social protection, family preservation, alternative care arrangements, policy and institutional frameworks, and the socio-cultural dimensions of childcare in Somalia.

Care Options: The study will explore both formal and informal care options.

  1. Methodology

The study will employ a mixed methods approach to ensure a comprehensive analysis:

  • Desk Review: Review existing studies, reports, policies, laws, strategies and data from child rights agencies such as SOS Children’s Villages, UNICEF, Save the Children, CPAOR, PI and WVI.
  • Desk Review: Review of the continental study on children without parental care by the African union
  • Analyse national censuses, household surveys, and administrative records.
  • Primary Data Collection: Through census, surveys and interviews; SOS Children’s Villages and UNICEF will support data collection.
  • Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including government officials, CWPC, NGOs, and community leaders. Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including government officials, CWPC, NGOs, community leaders, and key representatives such as care leavers, child parliament members, youth clubs, child rights clubs, as well as ACERWC and other regional actors.
  • Facilitate focus group discussions (FGDs) with children, CWPC, caregivers, and community members.
  • Case Studies: Document successful interventions and innovative practices in addressing CWPC in Somalia.
  • Validation Workshop: Present preliminary findings to stakeholders for review, feedback, and validation.
  1. Expected Deliverables
  2. A detailed Inception Report outlining the study’s objectives, methodology, work plan, timeline and the approach to be employed. The inception report will be presented to SOS Children’s Villages and partners prior to the commencement of the assignment in an inception meeting
  3. A Draft Report presenting initial findings, including data analysis and preliminary recommendations.
  4. All collected documents, raw data, interviews, recordings, photos collected or obtained for the purpose of the study
  5. A Final Report providing a comprehensive analysis, available normative frameworks for CWPC, existing policy and legal frameworks, strategies and plans, highlighting any challenges, shortcomings and key actionable recommendations/strategies tailored to Somali context.
  6. A Validation Workshop Report summarizing stakeholder feedback and workshop discussions. The Consultants will be responsible for facilitating the validation workshop.
  7. Revised final report based on validation workshop inputs and all other feedback incorporated
  8. Duration

The study will be conducted over a period of 6 months including desk review, primary data collection, analysis, and report writing.

  1. Reporting Lines

The consultancy firm / individual consultant(s) will report to SOS Children’s Villages Somalia and provide regular updates to key stakeholders, including government representatives, UNICEF, and civil society partners.

  1. Eligibility and Qualifications
  2. Advanced degree in social work, child protection, child rights, sociology, or related fields.
  3. Minimum of 10 years of experience in child rights research, policy analysis, or program development.
  4. Demonstrated expertise in child protection and alternative care systems in Somalia or similar contexts.
  5. Knowledge of international child rights frameworks, including the ACRWC and UN Guidelines for Alternative Care.
  6. Strong analytical and report-writing skills.
  7. Safeguarding.

SOS Children’s Villages organization is committed to safeguarding the rights of the children and therefore, it is expected that every individual who joins or working with SOS Children’s Villages Somalia understands his/her responsibility in protecting and keeping children safe always. SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to and the consultant is bound to sign and abide by the SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service. The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of SOS Children’s villages. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if SOS Children’s villages Somalia discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

  1. How to Apply:

Interested and qualified consultant/firms should submit the following:

  1. The technical proposal detailing the methodology of undertaking the assignments described in the TOR, timeline, tentative work plan as well as relevant knowledge and technical expertise of the consultant/consultants undertaking the assignment.
  2. The financial proposal indicates all-inclusive costs for undertaking the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).
  3. Company profile and CV(s) including a minimum of 3 references highlighting relevant experience. Lead consultant for the assignment must have the pre-requisite experience and technical knowledge on researching on Child Protection and Child rights themes.
  4. A sample of previously conducted researches in similar or related child right /Child Protection themes in the region is a requirement.
  5. ApplicationPlease send all the required document to: procurement@sossomalia.org ;
  6. Deadline for applicationsPlease send your completed applications not later than 10th April 2025

Interested and qualified consultant/firms should submit the following:
  1. The technical proposal detailing the methodology of undertaking the assignments described in the TOR, timeline, tentative work plan as well as relevant knowledge and technical expertise of the consultant/consultants undertaking the assignment.
  2. The financial proposal indicates all-inclusive costs for undertaking the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).
  3. Company profile and CV(s) including a minimum of 3 references highlighting relevant experience. Lead consultant for the assignment must have the pre-requisite experience and technical knowledge on researching on Child Protection and Child rights themes.
  4. A sample of previously conducted researches in similar or related child right /Child Protection themes in the region is a requirement .
  5. ApplicationPlease send all the required document to: procurement@sossomalia.org ;
  6. Deadline for applicationsPlease send your completed applications not later than 10th April 2025


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Ngojobsinafrica.com is Africa’s largest Job site that focuses only on Non-Government Organization job Opportunities across Africa. We publish latest jobs and career information for Africans who intends to build a career in the NGO Sector. We ensure that we provide you with all Non-governmental Jobs in Africa on a consistent basis. We aggregate all NGO Jobs in Africa and ensure authenticity of all jobs available on our site. We are your one stop site for all NGO Jobs in Africa. Stay with us for authenticity & consistency.

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