KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 – 2021 1
This Call for Proposals is an open tender for networks of people living with HIV interested in
implementing community interventions that supports the achievement of 90.90.90 cascade in HIV
prevention, treatment, care and support for People Living with HIV (PLHIV). The Networks of
PLHIV will be expected to implement community interventions that support HIV treatment
cascade and reduce human rights-related barriers to HIV services in selected five (5) counties in
Kenya. The small grant project will provide funding to support such organizations within the
Global Fund HIV grant under the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) in selected counties namely
Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River, Mandera and Wajir.
Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Kenya. Its
mission is as auxiliary to the National and County Governments we will work with our
communities, volunteers and partners to ensure we prepare for and respond to our humanitarian
and development needs. KRCS was appointed by the Kenya Country Coordinating Mechanism
(KCM) as the Non State Principal Recipient (PR) to manage resources under the Country’s Global
Fund HIV grant. The KRCS seeks interested organizations/networks of people living with HIV to
apply for funding in selected counties namely Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River, Mandera
and Wajir.
The successful applicants will contribute to the achievement of Vision 2030 through implementing
strategies, interventions and activities to help the country accelerate and achieve a drastic reduction
in new HIV infections among PLHIV in a manner which is evidence-informed, rights-based and
gender sensitive.
KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 – 2021 2
The goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of new HIV infections amongst PLHIV by
75% and AIDS related mortality by 25% in the targeted counties by providing goal comprehensive
HIV prevention, treatment and care in line with the Kenya Aids Strategic Framework (KASF).
The key result areas are:

  1. Improved access to care to PLHIVs with emphasis to vulnerable groups (newly diagnosed
    people living with HIV, defaulters, HIV TB co-infected and Pregnant and lactating PLHIV
    mothers, Men, Adolescents and Youth including girls with tailored services and strategies to
    ensure that they are retained in care)
  2. Reduction of the barrier of discrimination and stigma among the PLHIVs and in the
    communities they live through counseling and psychosocial support.
  3. Increased participation of beneficiaries through working with PLHIV network and support
    groups of PLHIVs for children caregiver, women and men that are supported with Counseling
    and psychosocial support and treatment and care support
  4. Ensure that at least 90% of PLHIVs under the program are adhering to care and treatment
  5. Ensure that at least 90% of PLHIVs under the program are viral load suppressed
    The key interventions are:
  6. Support Community based HTS and Facility based testing services; link those who test positive
    to treatment and support them in the care cascade.
  7. Identify and support PLHIVs with emphasis to vulnerable groups (newly diagnosed people
    living with HIV, defaulters, HIV TB co-infected, PLHIV living with Co-morbidities and
    Pregnant and Lactating PLHIV mothers, Men, Adolescents and Youth including girls with
    tailored services and strategies to ensure that they are retained in care
  8. Stigma and discrimination reduction through:
    a) Sensitization of PLHIV and community leaders (including awareness days in the
    b) Integrating HIV/TB and human rights issues in faith sector messages
    c) Building the capacity of unions and private sector leaders in addressing stigma and
    d) Gender based violence prevention and response
    e) Capacity building and promoting human rights champions (e.g. SGBV survivors) in
    communities to advocate for human rights
  9. Legal literacy by:
    a) Building the capacity of 2 community based organizations in each county to screen and
    report human rights violations
    b) Conducting know your rights campaigns through PLHIV networks.
    c) Awareness on the HIV tribunal role will be raised to improve access to its services.
    KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 – 2021 3
  10. Training of health care providers and other leaders on human rights to establish an enabling
    environment and promote “friendly” services that meet the needs of the key and vulnerable
  11. Advocacy among law enforcers and county government on the punitive legislations and
    municipal by-laws that inhibit key populations from accessing health services.
    Target beneficiaries
    The targeted beneficiaries are PLHIVs including children and adolescents living with HIV in
    Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River Mandera and Wajir counties.
    KRCS seeks to recruit at least one organization to implement these interventions in each of these
    five (5) target counties.
    The applicant will be a legal entity registered in Kenya with the right to enter a contractual
    agreement with the KRCS. The applicant must have the mandate to work in the county applied for
    with no history of legal proceedings related to fraud, corruption or any other criminal matter.
    The applicant can be a Civil Society Organization (FBO, CBO, NGO, etc.) or a consortium of
    organizations that meets the criteria. Organizations that apply as a consortium, must provide a
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with clear mandate, work plan and budget for each
    Mandatory Requirements
    The applicant must meet the following requirements:
    i. Is registered with the relevant authorities’ e.g. social development office as a community
    based organization (CBO), self-help group.
    ii. Has a set of rules governing the organization (The Constitution / by laws).
    iii. Has been in existence and active in HIV related activities for at least one year.
    iv. Has local presence in the County. Provide recommendation letter from the County / sub-
    County government structures e.g. the county department of health especially
    CASCO/SCASCO, health facility, social development office, CACC/SCACC.
    v. Has people living with HIV as members with two thirds of the senior leadership of the
    network being PLHIV. This should be evidenced by a recommendation letter from any
    of the national PLHIV networks e.g. NEPHAK, WOFAK, KENEPOTE, MAC,
    vi. Has a bank account.
    vii. Has a KRA PIN Certificate.
    KINDLY NOTE that special consideration will be provided for;
    KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 – 2021 4
     PLHIV led organization with experience of working with people with disabilities.
     Organizations that have at least a third of their composition as adolescent and young people.
    Organizations meeting these special consideration are particularly encouraged to apply
    The application reference documents including technical and financial proposal format for
    applicants, the criteria for evaluation are available from the County department of health office,
    the Kenya Red Cross Society county office. The documents can also be downloaded from the
    following websites:,,,
    The technical proposal together with all mandatory requirements should be put in one plain
    envelope clearly marked, enclosed and sealed. The proposals should be dropped in the tender box
    at the respective Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) county office addressed to:
    Retender No. GF/EOI/0205/2018
    The Chairman
    Tender Committee
    Kenya Red Cross Society
    P.O Box 40712-00100 Nairobi
    The applications should be submitted not later than Friday 4th January 2019 at 4.00 PM Kenyan
    Time. All applications will be transported by courier services on the same day from the county
    offices to the Kenya Red Cross Society Head Office in Nairobi.
    Applicants are invited to attend the tender opening on Wednesday 9th January 2019 at the Kenya
    Red Cross Society Headquarters in South C, at 12.00 noon.
    Expressions of Interest that are not clearly marked on the envelope or are not delivered at the
    stipulated place and time will not be considered.

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The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace amongst all people.

It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

The Movement is Independent. While the National Societies are auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, they must always maintain their autonomy so that they are able at all time to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.

On 24th June 1859, the armies of imperial Austria and the Franco-Sardinian alliance fought a daylong battle near the northern Italian village of Solferino. The casualties were heavy - some 40,000 dead, wounded or missing. Military medical services at the time were virtually non-existent; as a result there was great suffering and many of the wounded dies for lack of care. The injured were brought to the surrounding villages for whatever treatment they could get. In the church at Castiglione, a young Swiss called Henry Dunant, horrified by the agony of the soldiers, began to organize help with the aid of the local people.

Returning home to Geneva, still haunted by what he had seen, he wrote a book about his experience.''A Memory of Solferino'', published in 1862, was acclaimed throughout Europe. In it, Dunant put forward an idea for supplementing army medical services in times of war. This would be done through national relief Societies which, in peacetime, would train their voluntary members for this work. Dunant also proposed that the wounded, and all those attending them, should be regarded as neutral, even on the battlefield.

To help promote the aims of the book, four citizens of Geneva - Gustave Moynier, who was President of the Geneva Public Welfare Society, General Guillaume-Henri Dufour, Dr. Louis Appia and Dr.Theodore Maunoir - joined Dunant in setting up the ''International Committee for Relief to the Wounded'', which later became the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). In response to an invitation from the International Committee, specialists from 16 countries met in Geneva in October 1863. They adopted ten resolutions that made up the founding charter of the Red Cross, defining the functions and working methods of the Committees for the Relief of the Wounded which Dunant had proposed.

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0 USD KENYA CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Kenya Red Cross
KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 - 2021 1 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST CALL NETWORKS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV TO APPLY AS IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS IN LAMU, GARISSA, TANA RIVER, TAITA TAVETA, MANDERA AND WAJIR COUNTIES IN KENYA This Call for Proposals is an open tender for networks of people living with HIV interested in implementing community interventions that supports the achievement of 90.90.90 cascade in HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for People Living with HIV (PLHIV). The Networks of PLHIV will be expected to implement community interventions that support HIV treatment cascade and reduce human rights-related barriers to HIV services in selected five (5) counties in Kenya. The small grant project will provide funding to support such organizations within the Global Fund HIV grant under the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) in selected counties namely Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River, Mandera and Wajir. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Kenya. Its mission is as auxiliary to the National and County Governments we will work with our communities, volunteers and partners to ensure we prepare for and respond to our humanitarian and development needs. KRCS was appointed by the Kenya Country Coordinating Mechanism (KCM) as the Non State Principal Recipient (PR) to manage resources under the Country’s Global Fund HIV grant. The KRCS seeks interested organizations/networks of people living with HIV to apply for funding in selected counties namely Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River, Mandera and Wajir. SCOPE OF WORK The successful applicants will contribute to the achievement of Vision 2030 through implementing strategies, interventions and activities to help the country accelerate and achieve a drastic reduction in new HIV infections among PLHIV in a manner which is evidence-informed, rights-based and gender sensitive. KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 - 2021 2 The goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of new HIV infections amongst PLHIV by 75% and AIDS related mortality by 25% in the targeted counties by providing goal comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment and care in line with the Kenya Aids Strategic Framework (KASF). The key result areas are:
  1. Improved access to care to PLHIVs with emphasis to vulnerable groups (newly diagnosed people living with HIV, defaulters, HIV TB co-infected and Pregnant and lactating PLHIV mothers, Men, Adolescents and Youth including girls with tailored services and strategies to ensure that they are retained in care)
  2. Reduction of the barrier of discrimination and stigma among the PLHIVs and in the communities they live through counseling and psychosocial support.
  3. Increased participation of beneficiaries through working with PLHIV network and support groups of PLHIVs for children caregiver, women and men that are supported with Counseling and psychosocial support and treatment and care support
  4. Ensure that at least 90% of PLHIVs under the program are adhering to care and treatment
  5. Ensure that at least 90% of PLHIVs under the program are viral load suppressed The key interventions are:
  6. Support Community based HTS and Facility based testing services; link those who test positive to treatment and support them in the care cascade.
  7. Identify and support PLHIVs with emphasis to vulnerable groups (newly diagnosed people living with HIV, defaulters, HIV TB co-infected, PLHIV living with Co-morbidities and Pregnant and Lactating PLHIV mothers, Men, Adolescents and Youth including girls with tailored services and strategies to ensure that they are retained in care
  8. Stigma and discrimination reduction through: a) Sensitization of PLHIV and community leaders (including awareness days in the community) b) Integrating HIV/TB and human rights issues in faith sector messages c) Building the capacity of unions and private sector leaders in addressing stigma and discrimination. d) Gender based violence prevention and response e) Capacity building and promoting human rights champions (e.g. SGBV survivors) in communities to advocate for human rights
  9. Legal literacy by: a) Building the capacity of 2 community based organizations in each county to screen and report human rights violations b) Conducting know your rights campaigns through PLHIV networks. c) Awareness on the HIV tribunal role will be raised to improve access to its services. KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 - 2021 3
  10. Training of health care providers and other leaders on human rights to establish an enabling environment and promote “friendly” services that meet the needs of the key and vulnerable groups.
  11. Advocacy among law enforcers and county government on the punitive legislations and municipal by-laws that inhibit key populations from accessing health services. Target beneficiaries The targeted beneficiaries are PLHIVs including children and adolescents living with HIV in Lamu, Garissa, Tana River, Tana River Mandera and Wajir counties. KRCS seeks to recruit at least one organization to implement these interventions in each of these five (5) target counties. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The applicant will be a legal entity registered in Kenya with the right to enter a contractual agreement with the KRCS. The applicant must have the mandate to work in the county applied for with no history of legal proceedings related to fraud, corruption or any other criminal matter. The applicant can be a Civil Society Organization (FBO, CBO, NGO, etc.) or a consortium of organizations that meets the criteria. Organizations that apply as a consortium, must provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with clear mandate, work plan and budget for each partner. Mandatory Requirements The applicant must meet the following requirements: i. Is registered with the relevant authorities’ e.g. social development office as a community based organization (CBO), self-help group. ii. Has a set of rules governing the organization (The Constitution / by laws). iii. Has been in existence and active in HIV related activities for at least one year. iv. Has local presence in the County. Provide recommendation letter from the County / sub- County government structures e.g. the county department of health especially CASCO/SCASCO, health facility, social development office, CACC/SCACC. v. Has people living with HIV as members with two thirds of the senior leadership of the network being PLHIV. This should be evidenced by a recommendation letter from any of the national PLHIV networks e.g. NEPHAK, WOFAK, KENEPOTE, MAC, ICWK, ITPC, KENERELA. vi. Has a bank account. vii. Has a KRA PIN Certificate. KINDLY NOTE that special consideration will be provided for; KRCS GF HIV GRANT 2018 - 2021 4  PLHIV led organization with experience of working with people with disabilities.  Organizations that have at least a third of their composition as adolescent and young people. Organizations meeting these special consideration are particularly encouraged to apply The application reference documents including technical and financial proposal format for applicants, the criteria for evaluation are available from the County department of health office, the Kenya Red Cross Society county office. The documents can also be downloaded from the following websites:,,, The technical proposal together with all mandatory requirements should be put in one plain envelope clearly marked, enclosed and sealed. The proposals should be dropped in the tender box at the respective Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) county office addressed to: Retender No. GF/EOI/0205/2018 The Chairman Tender Committee Kenya Red Cross Society P.O Box 40712-00100 Nairobi The applications should be submitted not later than Friday 4th January 2019 at 4.00 PM Kenyan Time. All applications will be transported by courier services on the same day from the county offices to the Kenya Red Cross Society Head Office in Nairobi. Applicants are invited to attend the tender opening on Wednesday 9th January 2019 at the Kenya Red Cross Society Headquarters in South C, at 12.00 noon. Expressions of Interest that are not clearly marked on the envelope or are not delivered at the stipulated place and time will not be considered.

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