Call for applications: CLIFF-GRADS scholarship

Call for applications: CLIFF-GRADS program

The CLIFF-GRADS program invites applications for short-term (4-6 month) scientific training and research on the measurement and management of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon storage in agricultural systems. Students from developing countries* who are currently enrolled in PhD research related to agricultural greenhouse gas quantification or mitigation are eligible to apply. Research will be conducted in association with CCAFS and GRA scientists’ projects.

Applications are requested on either of two themes:

  1. measurement and mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions or carbon storage in agricultural systems in developing countries, including in the context of enhancing food security;
  2. quantification and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from reduced food loss in high emission supply chains (e.g. dairy, beef, vegetables, fruits) in developing countries, including estimation of costs and constraints to mitigation.

Selected students will be sponsored in the amount of 10,000 -12,000 USD.

A list of research opportunities available to students is in this document. Students are free to also suggest potential host institutions if they do not find a good match in the opportunities listed in the call.

The grants can be used to support living and research costs at the host institution and the grant amounts have been determined based on living costs estimated by the institution. Grants may not be used for tuition, university fees or unrelated personal expenses.

Deadline: 30 September 2019

For more information about the application process, read the call for applications. If you have any questions about the scholarship program, please send an email to


If you’d like to know more about the program, read our recent evaluation that assessed the outcomes and preliminary impacts of the CLIFF-GRADS program on enhanced capacity for innovation in partner development organizations.

* Includes all countries listed as “low-income economies’’, “lower-middle-income economies”, “upper-middle income economies” and “Latin America and the Caribbean” by the World Bank

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