To contribute to the remediation of Intra-Regional Migration imbalance, the newly established Merian Institute of Advanced Studies (MIASA) at the University of Ghana in Accra and the network Point Sud will organize a Summer School to bring together a group of young researchers (PhD-students and post-docs) and senior scholars from various disciplines who are working on different aspects of intra-regional migration in Africa.
Course Level: PhD, Postdoctorate, ShortCourse
Eligible Countries: African countries
To be taken at (country): University of Ghana; Legon, Accra
Eligibility Criteria:
- The call is open for doctoral and postdoctoral students doing research on one of the axis mentioned above.
- Post-doctoral candidates should have defended their thesis no longer than five years ago.
- Doctoral students should be in an advanced stage of their project and should be able to present first results of their research.
- Candidates should relate their application to one of the axes mentioned above.
- Candidates should have good skills in English and/or French language.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: The entire cost for each participant (travel, accommodation, meals, etc.) will be covered by MIASA.
Duration of Programme: The summer school will take place from the 23rd to 28th May 2019 at the Centre for Migration Studies in Accra/Ghana.
Method of Application:
- Candidates are required to send an abstract of their research (500 words maximum), a CV with current academic affiliation and a letter of motivation.
- Please send your application via email by 4th February 2019 to the following address:
- It is important to go through all application requirements on the Programme Webpage see link below) before applying
Visit Programme Webpage for Details
Scholarship Application Deadline: 4th February 2019
Award Providers: The Summer School is financed by the Merian Institute for Advanced Studies (MIASA) and organized in collaboration with the network Program Point Sud, the Centre for Migration Studies at the University of Ghana in Accra and the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main in Germany.