Develop an All-Inclusive and Deliberate Biodiversity Strategy as an Important Entry Point for Women’s Empowerment for The Arab Republic of Egypt 66 views2 applications

National Consultative Workshop to Develop an All-Inclusive and Deliberate Biodiversity Strategy as an Important Entry Point for Women’s Empowerment in Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Management for The Arab Republic of Egypt


The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) of the African Union Commission (AUC), is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union. The Vision of the AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2018-2023 is an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to integration, prosperity and peace. AU-IBAR’s intervention in the fisheries and aquaculture sector is guided by the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) which is aimed at improving governance of the sector for increased sustainable contribution to food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. Also, within the framework of the African Union 2063, the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES) was developed to guide the development of an inclusive and sustainable blue economy that becomes a significant contributor to continental transformation and growth.

To support the implementation of Africa Blue Economy Strategy, AU-IBAR, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), is implementing a three-year project on “Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity and ecosystems in African Blue Economy”.

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the policy environment, regulatory frameworks and institutional capacities of AU member states and regional economic communities to sustainably utilize and conserve aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Ratify and/or align relevant international/regional instruments related to blue economy themes (with specific reference to protecting and conserving biodiversity);
  2. Optimizing conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity while minimizing conflicts among blue economy sub-themes;
  3. Strengthening measures for mitigating the negative impacts of coastal and marine tourism oil, gas, deep sea mining and climate change on aquatic biodiversity and environment;
  4. Strengthening gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.

An important area which the project is addressing is promoting gender mainstreaming in conservation of aquatic biodiversity and environmental management to address and remove gender-based barriers, that are most often experienced disproportionately by women and strengthen gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management in AU member states.

AU-IBAR commissioned studies to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management, and facilitated the drafting of a Continental Strategy on gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management programmes and initiatives in Africa as an essential tool for attaining the inclusive, transformational development denoted by the blue economy.

To roll out the Continental Strategy, AU-IBAR seeks the services of a National Consultant to facilitate actions to support the Arab Republic of Egypt to develop all-inclusive and deliberate biodiversity strategy as an important entry point for enhancing the role of women and youth in inclusive aquatic biodiversity conservation and integrated environmental management in the context of the Continental strategy.

Objectives of the Consultancy

The main objective of this consultancy is to collect information on existing relevant national instruments or documents and facilitate a national consultative workshop to develop an all-inclusive and deliberate biodiversity strategy as important entry point for women’s empowerment; for enhancing the role of women and youth in inclusive aquatic biodiversity conservation and integrated environmental management for Egypt.

The specific tasks for this consultancy will include but not limited to:

  1. Liaise with relevant personnel at AU-IBAR for detailed briefing on the tasks;
  2. Identify relevant national stakeholders from biodiversity conservation and environmental management related sectors in Egypt to participate in the consultative workshop;
  3. Review existing relevant national policy documents to identify entry points for developing a gender inclusive biodiversity strategy for women’s empowerment in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt.
  4. Facilitate a national consultative workshop;
  5. In consultation with stakeholders, identify priority issues and actions for the development of the National Strategy;
  6. In consultation with stakeholders, develop regulatory and policy guidelines for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt;
  7. In consultation with stakeholders, develop mechanisms for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt.

Academic Requirements

The successful candidate should have a minimum of a Master’s degree in disciplines related to Gender Studies, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Social Science, Policy Development studies with focus on Gender considerations.


General Experience

  1. A Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in at least one of the sectors – gender and climate change mitigation programmes; conservation of aquatic biodiversity; integrating gender considerations; and women’s empowerment in environmental programming; including sector
  2. Familiarization with national institutions with functions on environment management and / or aquatic biodiversity conservation.
  3. Knowledge and evidence of experience on processes, political and policy related issues in the governance of aquatic ecosystems.
  4. Proven experience of working with and mobilizing communities (including women and youth) in riparian and coastal settlements and their challenges.
  5. Experience in planning, implementing training and facilitating stakeholders’ consultative workshops.

Specific Experience

  1. Evidence of familiarization with and supporting or promoting implementation of continental and global instruments, initiatives addressing environmental and ecosystems sustainability, gender considerations, blue economy, and sustainable development.
  2. Record of performing similar consultancy in gender mainstreaming activities and on projects in the field of the environment and/or related development policies or strategies in Africa; aquatic biodiversity conservation.
  3. Evidence of involvement in or formulation of policy, strategy development for strengthening gender equality considerations in natural resources governance at national or regional levels in Africa.
  4. Familiarization or experience of working with NGOs on issues of environmental management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity.
  5. Experience with the practical challenges faced by women and mechanisms for promoting inclusiveness, participatory approaches, including effective engagement of women in aquatic resources management in Africa.

Required Skills

  1. Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations in Africa;
  2. Good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions or stakeholders operating in the regions;
  3. Very strong writing, analytical and communication, computer skills are necessary;
  4. Proficiency in at least 2 AU official languages – English and Arabic.


  1. Relevant national stakeholders from biodiversity conservation and environmental management related sectors in Egypt identified and listed;
  2. Existing relevant national policy documents reviewed and entry points for developing a gender inclusive biodiversity strategy for women’s empowerment in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt identified, reviewed and documented;
  3. National consultative workshop conducted and facilitated;
  4. Priority issues and actions for the development of the National Strategy identified;
  5. Regulatory and policy guidelines for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt developed;
  6. Mechanisms for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt developed, and;
  7. A National strategy for mainstreaming gender in environmental management and aquatic biodiversity conservation developed.


This is a National consultative workshop to be organized (physically) in Cairo, Egypt at a suitably selected place/location.

Criteria for Scoring

Criteria Scores (%)

Qualifications 20

General Experience 25

Specific Experience 40

Other skills 10

Proficiency in language 5

Total 100

Gender Mainstreaming

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.


The effective duration of this assignment is 10 days but can be accomplished within 30 days from the date of signing the contract.


The remuneration for this Consultancy is USD 3,000.00 (Three Thousand United States Dollars) after submission of satisfactory report to be paid after submission of satisfactory report based on deliverables.

Supervision and Reporting

The candidate will be under the direct supervision of the project team leader with oversight supervision by the Director of AU-IBAR. The team leader will have the responsibility of approval of the final report.

Evaluation Criteria

The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevant technical qualifications, experience and competence of the candidates.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday 25th October 2024, 17.00 hours, Nairobi Local Time (EAT).

Submission of Applications

The address for submission of applications is: Applications including detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be submitted through email to: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]

Documents forming part of this application:

  • Terms of reference
  • Declaration on exclusion criteria
  • Data protection and privacy statement

Documents to be submitted with the application

  • Technical proposal detailing the process for planning and facilitating the national consultative workshop
  • Academic certificates and Curriculum Vitae
  • Identification documents e.g. passport with relevant biodata pages
  • Tax status/registration documents
  • Signed declaration on exclusion criteria.

More Information

  • Job City Egypt
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The African Union – Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) provides leadership in the development of animal resources for Africa. By supporting and empowering the African Union (AU) Member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AU-IBAR's vision is that of an Africa free from hunger and poverty in which animal resources make a significant contribution within the global arena.

Founded in 1951 to study the epidemiological situation and fight rinderpest in Africa, AU-IBAR's mandate covers all aspects of animal resources, including livestock, fisheries and wildlife, across the entire African continent. At the same time AU-IBAR fills a unique and strategic niche by working at the continental and regional levels, with the RECs being key partners.

AU-IBAR was founded on an important principle that guides everything we do, i.e. the principle of subsidiarity; animal resources-related activities should be undertaken at the most local level possible, with AU-IBAR assuming responsibility for those areas that national and regional bodies are unable to address, or for which AU-IBAR enjoys a clear comparative and strategic advantage.

By providing a pool of expertise that can be accessed by the RECs and AU Member States, AU-IBAR will help to avoid duplication of effort and ensure more effective resource utilization.

An important area of focus is the development and promotion of common African positions within the global animal resources arena. Meanwhile, animal resources-based trade within Africa is facilitated through harmonization of policies and regulation between AU Member States.

Being a specialised technical office of the African Union Commission (AUC), AU-IBAR enjoys unique convening power, and is a critical instrument for advocacy; it is able to bring together animal resources policies and decision-makers from the AU Member States, including at ministerial level or higher. This means it is very well placed to translate technical recommendations into national, regional and continent-wide policies and practices, and to achieve real impact on the lives and livelihoods of those who depend on Africa's animal resources.

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0 USD Egypt CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week African Union – InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources

National Consultative Workshop to Develop an All-Inclusive and Deliberate Biodiversity Strategy as an Important Entry Point for Women’s Empowerment in Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Management for The Arab Republic of Egypt


The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) of the African Union Commission (AUC), is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union. The Vision of the AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2018-2023 is an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to integration, prosperity and peace. AU-IBAR’s intervention in the fisheries and aquaculture sector is guided by the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) which is aimed at improving governance of the sector for increased sustainable contribution to food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. Also, within the framework of the African Union 2063, the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES) was developed to guide the development of an inclusive and sustainable blue economy that becomes a significant contributor to continental transformation and growth.

To support the implementation of Africa Blue Economy Strategy, AU-IBAR, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), is implementing a three-year project on "Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity and ecosystems in African Blue Economy".

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the policy environment, regulatory frameworks and institutional capacities of AU member states and regional economic communities to sustainably utilize and conserve aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Ratify and/or align relevant international/regional instruments related to blue economy themes (with specific reference to protecting and conserving biodiversity);
  2. Optimizing conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity while minimizing conflicts among blue economy sub-themes;
  3. Strengthening measures for mitigating the negative impacts of coastal and marine tourism oil, gas, deep sea mining and climate change on aquatic biodiversity and environment;
  4. Strengthening gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.

An important area which the project is addressing is promoting gender mainstreaming in conservation of aquatic biodiversity and environmental management to address and remove gender-based barriers, that are most often experienced disproportionately by women and strengthen gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management in AU member states.

AU-IBAR commissioned studies to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management, and facilitated the drafting of a Continental Strategy on gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management programmes and initiatives in Africa as an essential tool for attaining the inclusive, transformational development denoted by the blue economy.

To roll out the Continental Strategy, AU-IBAR seeks the services of a National Consultant to facilitate actions to support the Arab Republic of Egypt to develop all-inclusive and deliberate biodiversity strategy as an important entry point for enhancing the role of women and youth in inclusive aquatic biodiversity conservation and integrated environmental management in the context of the Continental strategy.

Objectives of the Consultancy

The main objective of this consultancy is to collect information on existing relevant national instruments or documents and facilitate a national consultative workshop to develop an all-inclusive and deliberate biodiversity strategy as important entry point for women’s empowerment; for enhancing the role of women and youth in inclusive aquatic biodiversity conservation and integrated environmental management for Egypt.

The specific tasks for this consultancy will include but not limited to:

  1. Liaise with relevant personnel at AU-IBAR for detailed briefing on the tasks;
  2. Identify relevant national stakeholders from biodiversity conservation and environmental management related sectors in Egypt to participate in the consultative workshop;
  3. Review existing relevant national policy documents to identify entry points for developing a gender inclusive biodiversity strategy for women’s empowerment in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt.
  4. Facilitate a national consultative workshop;
  5. In consultation with stakeholders, identify priority issues and actions for the development of the National Strategy;
  6. In consultation with stakeholders, develop regulatory and policy guidelines for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt;
  7. In consultation with stakeholders, develop mechanisms for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt.

Academic Requirements

The successful candidate should have a minimum of a Master’s degree in disciplines related to Gender Studies, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Social Science, Policy Development studies with focus on Gender considerations.


General Experience

  1. A Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in at least one of the sectors - gender and climate change mitigation programmes; conservation of aquatic biodiversity; integrating gender considerations; and women’s empowerment in environmental programming; including sector
  2. Familiarization with national institutions with functions on environment management and / or aquatic biodiversity conservation.
  3. Knowledge and evidence of experience on processes, political and policy related issues in the governance of aquatic ecosystems.
  4. Proven experience of working with and mobilizing communities (including women and youth) in riparian and coastal settlements and their challenges.
  5. Experience in planning, implementing training and facilitating stakeholders’ consultative workshops.

Specific Experience

  1. Evidence of familiarization with and supporting or promoting implementation of continental and global instruments, initiatives addressing environmental and ecosystems sustainability, gender considerations, blue economy, and sustainable development.
  2. Record of performing similar consultancy in gender mainstreaming activities and on projects in the field of the environment and/or related development policies or strategies in Africa; aquatic biodiversity conservation.
  3. Evidence of involvement in or formulation of policy, strategy development for strengthening gender equality considerations in natural resources governance at national or regional levels in Africa.
  4. Familiarization or experience of working with NGOs on issues of environmental management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity.
  5. Experience with the practical challenges faced by women and mechanisms for promoting inclusiveness, participatory approaches, including effective engagement of women in aquatic resources management in Africa.

Required Skills

  1. Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations in Africa;
  2. Good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions or stakeholders operating in the regions;
  3. Very strong writing, analytical and communication, computer skills are necessary;
  4. Proficiency in at least 2 AU official languages – English and Arabic.


  1. Relevant national stakeholders from biodiversity conservation and environmental management related sectors in Egypt identified and listed;
  2. Existing relevant national policy documents reviewed and entry points for developing a gender inclusive biodiversity strategy for women’s empowerment in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt identified, reviewed and documented;
  3. National consultative workshop conducted and facilitated;
  4. Priority issues and actions for the development of the National Strategy identified;
  5. Regulatory and policy guidelines for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt developed;
  6. Mechanisms for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Egypt developed, and;
  7. A National strategy for mainstreaming gender in environmental management and aquatic biodiversity conservation developed.


This is a National consultative workshop to be organized (physically) in Cairo, Egypt at a suitably selected place/location.

Criteria for Scoring

Criteria Scores (%)

Qualifications 20

General Experience 25

Specific Experience 40

Other skills 10

Proficiency in language 5

Total 100

Gender Mainstreaming

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.


The effective duration of this assignment is 10 days but can be accomplished within 30 days from the date of signing the contract.


The remuneration for this Consultancy is USD 3,000.00 (Three Thousand United States Dollars) after submission of satisfactory report to be paid after submission of satisfactory report based on deliverables.

Supervision and Reporting

The candidate will be under the direct supervision of the project team leader with oversight supervision by the Director of AU-IBAR. The team leader will have the responsibility of approval of the final report.

Evaluation Criteria

The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevant technical qualifications, experience and competence of the candidates.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday 25th October 2024, 17.00 hours, Nairobi Local Time (EAT).

Submission of Applications

The address for submission of applications is: Applications including detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be submitted through email to: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]

Documents forming part of this application:

  • Terms of reference
  • Declaration on exclusion criteria
  • Data protection and privacy statement

Documents to be submitted with the application

  • Technical proposal detailing the process for planning and facilitating the national consultative workshop
  • Academic certificates and Curriculum Vitae
  • Identification documents e.g. passport with relevant biodata pages
  • Tax status/registration documents
  • Signed declaration on exclusion criteria.

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