Grand and Finance Compliance Specialist 103 views0 applications

L’ Organisation

Plan International est une organisation humanitaire et de développement indépendante qui fait avancer les droits des enfants et l’égalité filles-garçons ou l’égalité supp des droits pour les filles. Nous croyons au pouvoir et au potentiel de chaque enfant mais nous savons que cela est souvent balayés par la pauvreté, la violence, l’exclusion, les normes sociales et la discrimination. Et ce sont les filles qui sont le plus affectées.

En travaillant conjointement avec des enfants, des jeunes, des sympathisants et des partenaires, nous recherchons un monde plus juste et plus durable qui s’attaquent aux causes profondes des défis que les filles et les enfants vulnérables peuvent rencontrer.

Nous accompagnons, les filles et plus largements tous les enfants de la naissance jusqu’à l’âge adulte pour développer leur autonomie et leur donner la capacité de décider pour leur vie en situation de développement et/ou d’urgence. Nous stimulons des changements dans les pratiques et les politiques aux niveaux local, national et mondial grâce à notre portée, notre expérience et notre connaissance des besoins, des réalités et des inégalités.

Pendant plus de 85 ans, nous avons mobilisé d’autres optimistes déterminé∙es pour transformer les vies de tous les enfants dans plus de 80 pays. Ensemble, nous n’arrêterons pas.

Jusqu’à l’égalité !



  • Lead the implementation and monitoring of grant policies, objectives, activity plans, timelines and make recommendations for the effective management of grants and compliance
  • Contribute to the collective and informed decisions made by the Country Leadership team (CLT) and regional hub on issues related to grant management and compliance.
  • Facilitate the establishment and implementation of standards of accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in the achievement of organizational grant objectives.
  • Represent Plan International in external engagements that are related to grant and compliance.
  • Provide technical support in budget setup phase to ensure that country annual budget is uploaded into SAP or any new ERP according to the cost recovery procedures.
  • Support relevant country focal points, ensuring the development tools for mapping and monitoring cost recovery on all grants.
  • Support the CO in understanding the cost drivers and cost ratios

Grant Management:

  • Maintain an overview of available budgets, budget versus actuals, pre-empting future realignments and advising on course correction and responding to information requests.
  • Work collaboratively with Project Managers, to prepare, review, submit, and oversee project budgets and forecasts, ensuring alignment with project activities.
  • Work closely with finance team to develop and implement a standardized package for quality financial management of grant funded projects including standard KPIs, budget and reporting guidelines, Gift in Kind treatment, procurement and asset management plans, compliance training, project start-up and closing procedures.
  • Analyse Grants portfolio to inform CLT about grants financial health
  • Communicate with donors and NOs as required on all grants finance related queries and update.
  • Ensure that the grants department:
  • Keep relevant grant sections of SAP or new ERP up to date, for allocated projects and grants SAP/ERP data are kept up to date.
  • Ensure Grant/FAD files & archiving (both electronic and hard copies) are properly maintained.
  • Support the effective start-up and set up of new grants (system set-up, FAD activation, start-up workshop, income recognition and record in SAP, etc) and  close out.
  • Hold monthly calls with project managers to monitor progress on grants & hold quarterly updates with NO colleagues on project
  • Conduct regular field office visits to support grant monitoring, compliance and reporting
  • Update key grant management systems, including donor reporting calendar/trackers and grant status report.
  • Receive and review narrative and financial reports on a timely basis, and submit before the NO or donor deadline.
  • Work closely with project manager and finance staff to keep an overview of financial progress of active grants through regular review of expenditure against approved budget.
  • Support the effective closure of grants (including assets transfer, final evaluation, audits and reporting, and final system closure).

Cost Recovery

  • Monitor Country office LoE tracker monthly
  • All projects update POs to align with their PA shared and CO apportioned costs with accurately forecasts
  • Leading the development and dissemination of training package on cost recovery, in particular the automated system of the cost apportionment
  • Facilitate a refresher training on cost recovery process and procedures for specific countries and follow up on the training action plan
  • Ensure that all NO ICRs are properly recorded on the grants and recharges are completed and communicated to the NOs
  • Share credit notes with NOs where applicable for all locally raised/received grants

Internal and External Financial reporting:

  • Ensure donor financial and narrative reports and related financials are finalized and submitted on time and with quality as per donor requirements/formats, ensuring alignment with both reports.
  • Support in setting up efficient financial reporting forms in line with requirements of the project, donor and Plan financial systems.
  • Participate in feedback mechanism to capture lessons learned from projects in implementation to inform future budget development and build on donor intelligence from compliance perspective.

Donor Compliance, Risk and Audit:

  • Identify areas of risk by providing regular analysis of financial health of projects against standard key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Provide training and ongoing support to relevant stakeholders including project team members,
  • Ensure all project expenditures and contracts follow terms and conditions of donor agreements
  • Oversee coordination of donor audits with field offices for assigned portfolio of projects.
  • Evaluate projects financial risks and update risk registers as required for escalation to Management, including mitigation measures.

     *   Review donor and partner agreements ensuring the financial terms and conditions are compatible with Plan’s systems and are favourable to quality implementation and reporting.

Lieu de travail : Bamako



Se rapporte au: Grand and Business Development Manager


Niveau : Grade 16


Date limite : Le 15 septembre 2024

L’application anticipée est encouragée, car nous examinerons les demandes tout au long de la période publicitaire et nous nous réservons le droit de fermer l’annonce en avant la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

Veuillez noter que seules les candidatures et les CV rédigés en français ou anglais seront acceptés.

Une série de contrôles préalables à l’embauche seront effectués conformément à la politique de Plan International sur la protection des enfants et des jeunes.

En tant qu’organisation internationale de développement communautaire centrée sur l’enfant, Plan International s’engage pleinement à promouvoir la réalisation des droits de l’enfant, y compris leur droit à la protection contre la violence et les abus. Cela signifie que nous avons des responsabilités particulières envers les enfants avec lesquels nous entrons en contact.

Plan International croit que dans un monde où les enfants font face à tant de menaces, il est de notre devoir de veiller à ce que nous, en tant qu’organisation, fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour assurer la sécurité des enfants. Nous ne devons en aucun cas contribuer à nuire aux enfants ou à les mettre en danger.

Plan International mène une politique d’égalité des chances et encourage activement la diversité en accueillant des candidatures provenant de tous les domaines de la communauté internationale.

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Plan International is an international organisation or development which works in 51 countries across Africa, the Americas, and Asia to promote the safeguarding of children.It is a nonprofit organisation and is one of the world's largest organisations based on children, it works in 58,000 communities with the help of volunteers to improve how 56 million children live. The charity also has 21 national organisations who have been given the responsibility to oversee the raising of funds and awareness in their individual countries.

The organisation puts an emphasis on communities working together in order to address the needs of children around the world. The NGO focuses on child participation, education, economic security, emergencies, health, protection, sexual health (including HIV), and water and sanitation. It provides training in disaster preparedness, response and recovery, and has worked on relief efforts in countries including Haiti, Colombia and Japan.

Plan International also sponsors the Because I Am a Girl campaign, which has published many stories focusing on the struggle of young women in the developing world.

Plan International was founded during the Spanish Civil War by British journalist John Langdon-Davies and aid worker Eric Muggeridge. When they witnessed the conflict change the lives of children, they founded ‘Foster Parents Plan for Children in Spain’, which would later change its name to Plan International. Set up in 1937, the organisation provided food, shelter and clothing to children whose lives had been destroyed by the war.

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0 USD Bamako CF 3201 Abc road Fixed Term , 40 hours per week Plan International

L' Organisation

Plan International est une organisation humanitaire et de développement indépendante qui fait avancer les droits des enfants et l'égalité filles-garçons ou l’égalité supp des droits pour les filles. Nous croyons au pouvoir et au potentiel de chaque enfant mais nous savons que cela est souvent balayés par la pauvreté, la violence, l’exclusion, les normes sociales et la discrimination. Et ce sont les filles qui sont le plus affectées.

En travaillant conjointement avec des enfants, des jeunes, des sympathisants et des partenaires, nous recherchons un monde plus juste et plus durable qui s’attaquent aux causes profondes des défis que les filles et les enfants vulnérables peuvent rencontrer.

Nous accompagnons, les filles et plus largements tous les enfants de la naissance jusqu'à l’âge adulte pour développer leur autonomie et leur donner la capacité de décider pour leur vie en situation de développement et/ou d’urgence. Nous stimulons des changements dans les pratiques et les politiques aux niveaux local, national et mondial grâce à notre portée, notre expérience et notre connaissance des besoins, des réalités et des inégalités.

Pendant plus de 85 ans, nous avons mobilisé d’autres optimistes déterminé∙es pour transformer les vies de tous les enfants dans plus de 80 pays. Ensemble, nous n’arrêterons pas.

Jusqu’à l’égalité !



  • Lead the implementation and monitoring of grant policies, objectives, activity plans, timelines and make recommendations for the effective management of grants and compliance
  • Contribute to the collective and informed decisions made by the Country Leadership team (CLT) and regional hub on issues related to grant management and compliance.
  • Facilitate the establishment and implementation of standards of accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in the achievement of organizational grant objectives.
  • Represent Plan International in external engagements that are related to grant and compliance.
  • Provide technical support in budget setup phase to ensure that country annual budget is uploaded into SAP or any new ERP according to the cost recovery procedures.
  • Support relevant country focal points, ensuring the development tools for mapping and monitoring cost recovery on all grants.
  • Support the CO in understanding the cost drivers and cost ratios

Grant Management:

  • Maintain an overview of available budgets, budget versus actuals, pre-empting future realignments and advising on course correction and responding to information requests.
  • Work collaboratively with Project Managers, to prepare, review, submit, and oversee project budgets and forecasts, ensuring alignment with project activities.
  • Work closely with finance team to develop and implement a standardized package for quality financial management of grant funded projects including standard KPIs, budget and reporting guidelines, Gift in Kind treatment, procurement and asset management plans, compliance training, project start-up and closing procedures.
  • Analyse Grants portfolio to inform CLT about grants financial health
  • Communicate with donors and NOs as required on all grants finance related queries and update.
  • Ensure that the grants department:
  • Keep relevant grant sections of SAP or new ERP up to date, for allocated projects and grants SAP/ERP data are kept up to date.
  • Ensure Grant/FAD files & archiving (both electronic and hard copies) are properly maintained.
  • Support the effective start-up and set up of new grants (system set-up, FAD activation, start-up workshop, income recognition and record in SAP, etc) and  close out.
  • Hold monthly calls with project managers to monitor progress on grants & hold quarterly updates with NO colleagues on project
  • Conduct regular field office visits to support grant monitoring, compliance and reporting
  • Update key grant management systems, including donor reporting calendar/trackers and grant status report.
  • Receive and review narrative and financial reports on a timely basis, and submit before the NO or donor deadline.
  • Work closely with project manager and finance staff to keep an overview of financial progress of active grants through regular review of expenditure against approved budget.
  • Support the effective closure of grants (including assets transfer, final evaluation, audits and reporting, and final system closure).

Cost Recovery

  • Monitor Country office LoE tracker monthly
  • All projects update POs to align with their PA shared and CO apportioned costs with accurately forecasts
  • Leading the development and dissemination of training package on cost recovery, in particular the automated system of the cost apportionment
  • Facilitate a refresher training on cost recovery process and procedures for specific countries and follow up on the training action plan
  • Ensure that all NO ICRs are properly recorded on the grants and recharges are completed and communicated to the NOs
  • Share credit notes with NOs where applicable for all locally raised/received grants

Internal and External Financial reporting:

  • Ensure donor financial and narrative reports and related financials are finalized and submitted on time and with quality as per donor requirements/formats, ensuring alignment with both reports.
  • Support in setting up efficient financial reporting forms in line with requirements of the project, donor and Plan financial systems.
  • Participate in feedback mechanism to capture lessons learned from projects in implementation to inform future budget development and build on donor intelligence from compliance perspective.

Donor Compliance, Risk and Audit:

  • Identify areas of risk by providing regular analysis of financial health of projects against standard key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Provide training and ongoing support to relevant stakeholders including project team members,
  • Ensure all project expenditures and contracts follow terms and conditions of donor agreements
  • Oversee coordination of donor audits with field offices for assigned portfolio of projects.
  • Evaluate projects financial risks and update risk registers as required for escalation to Management, including mitigation measures.

     *   Review donor and partner agreements ensuring the financial terms and conditions are compatible with Plan’s systems and are favourable to quality implementation and reporting.

Lieu de travail : Bamako



Se rapporte au: Grand and Business Development Manager


Niveau : Grade 16


Date limite : Le 15 septembre 2024

L’application anticipée est encouragée, car nous examinerons les demandes tout au long de la période publicitaire et nous nous réservons le droit de fermer l'annonce en avant la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

Veuillez noter que seules les candidatures et les CV rédigés en français ou anglais seront acceptés.

Une série de contrôles préalables à l'embauche seront effectués conformément à la politique de Plan International sur la protection des enfants et des jeunes.

En tant qu'organisation internationale de développement communautaire centrée sur l'enfant, Plan International s'engage pleinement à promouvoir la réalisation des droits de l'enfant, y compris leur droit à la protection contre la violence et les abus. Cela signifie que nous avons des responsabilités particulières envers les enfants avec lesquels nous entrons en contact.

Plan International croit que dans un monde où les enfants font face à tant de menaces, il est de notre devoir de veiller à ce que nous, en tant qu'organisation, fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour assurer la sécurité des enfants. Nous ne devons en aucun cas contribuer à nuire aux enfants ou à les mettre en danger.

Plan International mène une politique d'égalité des chances et encourage activement la diversité en accueillant des candidatures provenant de tous les domaines de la communauté internationale.


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