Pediatrician -Somali Diaspora expert 39 views0 applications

II. Background Information

About the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education Project

The past decades have seen continued migration from various African countries, causing a “brain drain” that has debilitated various public sector systems across the continent. Through the IOM Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) programme, Somali diaspora professionals have supported institutional capacity building, service delivery, and policy development of health and education institutions across Somalia since 2015.

The MIDA FINNSOM PHASE III – Health & Education project – contributes to strengthening the Health and Education sectors in Somalia towards achieving specific priorities in the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) and the Essential Package for Health Services (EPHS), as prioritized and outlined by the government. The project aims to do so by engaging and enhancing the role of qualified Somali diaspora experts willing to temporarily return to their country of origin. In particular, through assignments within key ministries and public institutions (including hospitals and universities), Somali diaspora experts contribute addressing gaps and enhancing strengths in the planning and delivery of health and education services, coherently with the needs identified through the dedicated baseline assessment conducted during the inception phase of the project. Furthermore, a component of the project is devoted toward contributing to the creation of stable and sustainable access to employment opportunities in the health and education sectors for local experts and interns, who will work in close coordination with the Somali diaspora experts – therefore reaping long-terms benefits of knowledge transfer, competencies sharing and skills development.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

The Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministry of Health and Human services (MoHHS), through the technical assistance provided by the IOM MIDA FINNSOM III Health and education project, seeks to build the skills of its pediatrician.

Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director of the Hospital, the pediatrician will carry out the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Perform his/her professional duties, according to the Ministry of Health and local Hospital guidelines, ensure national standards are maintained and adhere to universal precautions.
  2. Interpret test results, discuss treatment and medication, and advise patients and the general public on issues pertaining to child health care, according to the Hospital guidelines.
  3. Transfer skills and knowledge in explaining diagnoses to staff of the department, local medical students, internship students and residents.
  4. Educate local experts and interns attached to the host institution, as well as patients, on family planning options, for the prevention of diseases under five years of age, administering vaccinations for common viruses or allergies and/or other medical care.
  5. Carry out daily ward rounds in the hospital department of pediatrics with other medical doctors and nurses, health professionals, local experts, interns, medical students, internship students and residents working in the pediatric department, according to good clinical practice.
  6. Attends to children’s needs during their first year of life.
  7. Perform procedures and provide on-the-job training to local staff and students on pediatrics emergency cases.
  8. Carry out diagnostic tasks, complete and duly file treatment documentation.
  9. Admit and discharges patients with appropriate instructions for further follow up and out-patient care.
  10. Refer patients to specialists, based on their needs.
  11. Participate in case studies and weekly presentations, write, file and disseminate relevant notes.
  12. Be on-call for night shifts and emergencies department.
  13. Actively participate in existing health sector coordination mechanisms and liaises with health sector stakeholders to contribute to: 1) addressing the unmet needs in reproductive health; 2) optimizing the allocation of available resources; and 3) developing clinical protocols, guidelines, and standards.
  14. Perform any other tasks required by the Institution
  15. Support the Ministry in the update , review of pediatric and child policies, guidelines and protocols
  16. Ensure that all documentation meets local medico-legal requirements and that statistical data is collected, using the health monitoring system, and to incorporate information in regular reports.

IV: Requirements:

Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section III, the MIDA FINNSOM III Heath and Education project is requiring the following deliverables to be submitted throughout the assignment. These are the standard requirements for all assignments under this project:

  1. Transfer of skills: The main responsibility of the qualified Somali expatriate—which he/she will be measured against—will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. The institution will provide a conducive environment for knowledge transfer between the diaspora and the staff in the institution.
  2. Work plan: A work plan must be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of the assignment to provide clear and time-bound activities to successfully implement the outputs of the assignment. This work plan will be shared with the supervisor, MoHHS coordinator, MoHHS M&E Specialist and IOM project team. This work plan can be revised during the assignment to reflect on new developments or changes.
  3. Quarterly and Final Reports: Quarterly progress reports will be submitted by the expert to the supervisor, MoHHS Coordinator, MoHHS M&E Specialist and IOM project team. At the end of the assignment, the participant must also provide a final report covering the duration of his/her assignment.
  4. Exit interview: An exit interview will be conducted to ensure that a proper exit plan has been put in place to sustain the achievements, upon completion of the assignment.

V: Qualifications

Level of Education: Master’s degree, with pediatrics specialization

Area of Study: Medicine

Years of work experience in what area(s):

Minimum 5 years of working experience as pediatrician

Languages needed:

  • Fluent in English.
  • Fluent in Somali.

General Skills / Other Requirements:

  • Ability to work long hours, often under pressure.
  • Have excellent practical and management skills.
  • Capacities to communicate with colleagues and stuff in a clear and concise manner.
  • Have compassion and a good bedside manner.
  • Have a drive to teach and learn throughout their career.
  • Good interpersonal and cross-cultural skills.

VI: Subsistence Allowance

The monthly stipend amount will be determined by the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education project, based on degree and years of relevant experience.

All applications must be sent via email to: with the following reference as a subject in your e-mail: APPLICATION – as mentioned in the vacancy announcement. For further inquiries about the MIDA positions, you can reach out to: and

To be considered, applicants must provide a cover letter, CV, and the contact information (email and phone number) of two professional references by the closing date of this vacancy. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The closing date of this application is 14.04.2025, at 12.00 PM EAT.

While this project is geared toward the Somali-Finnish diaspora, members of other Somali diaspora communities are also welcomed to apply. Females are highly encouraged to apply and participate in the MIDA FINNSOM III Health and Education Project.

VII: Security and insurance modalities

Health insurance—including evacuation due to a medical emergency—will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically fit and able to work in a hardship area in Africa.

Please note that IOM, according to the contract, will not be responsible for the security of qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.

Before leaving the country of residence or upon arrival in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-service briefing including security advice and cultural background.

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  • Job City Mogadishu-Banadir Hospital
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Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.

With 165 member states, a further 8 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.

The IOM Constitution recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedom of movement.

IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management:

  • Migration and development
  • Facilitating migration
  • Regulating migration
  • Forced migration.

IOM activities that cut across these areas include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

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0 USD Mogadishu-Banadir Hospital CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week International Organization for Migration

II. Background Information

About the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education Project

The past decades have seen continued migration from various African countries, causing a “brain drain” that has debilitated various public sector systems across the continent. Through the IOM Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) programme, Somali diaspora professionals have supported institutional capacity building, service delivery, and policy development of health and education institutions across Somalia since 2015.

The MIDA FINNSOM PHASE III – Health & Education project – contributes to strengthening the Health and Education sectors in Somalia towards achieving specific priorities in the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) and the Essential Package for Health Services (EPHS), as prioritized and outlined by the government. The project aims to do so by engaging and enhancing the role of qualified Somali diaspora experts willing to temporarily return to their country of origin. In particular, through assignments within key ministries and public institutions (including hospitals and universities), Somali diaspora experts contribute addressing gaps and enhancing strengths in the planning and delivery of health and education services, coherently with the needs identified through the dedicated baseline assessment conducted during the inception phase of the project. Furthermore, a component of the project is devoted toward contributing to the creation of stable and sustainable access to employment opportunities in the health and education sectors for local experts and interns, who will work in close coordination with the Somali diaspora experts - therefore reaping long-terms benefits of knowledge transfer, competencies sharing and skills development.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

The Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministry of Health and Human services (MoHHS), through the technical assistance provided by the IOM MIDA FINNSOM III Health and education project, seeks to build the skills of its pediatrician.

Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director of the Hospital, the pediatrician will carry out the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Perform his/her professional duties, according to the Ministry of Health and local Hospital guidelines, ensure national standards are maintained and adhere to universal precautions.
  2. Interpret test results, discuss treatment and medication, and advise patients and the general public on issues pertaining to child health care, according to the Hospital guidelines.
  3. Transfer skills and knowledge in explaining diagnoses to staff of the department, local medical students, internship students and residents.
  4. Educate local experts and interns attached to the host institution, as well as patients, on family planning options, for the prevention of diseases under five years of age, administering vaccinations for common viruses or allergies and/or other medical care.
  5. Carry out daily ward rounds in the hospital department of pediatrics with other medical doctors and nurses, health professionals, local experts, interns, medical students, internship students and residents working in the pediatric department, according to good clinical practice.
  6. Attends to children’s needs during their first year of life.
  7. Perform procedures and provide on-the-job training to local staff and students on pediatrics emergency cases.
  8. Carry out diagnostic tasks, complete and duly file treatment documentation.
  9. Admit and discharges patients with appropriate instructions for further follow up and out-patient care.
  10. Refer patients to specialists, based on their needs.
  11. Participate in case studies and weekly presentations, write, file and disseminate relevant notes.
  12. Be on-call for night shifts and emergencies department.
  13. Actively participate in existing health sector coordination mechanisms and liaises with health sector stakeholders to contribute to: 1) addressing the unmet needs in reproductive health; 2) optimizing the allocation of available resources; and 3) developing clinical protocols, guidelines, and standards.
  14. Perform any other tasks required by the Institution
  15. Support the Ministry in the update , review of pediatric and child policies, guidelines and protocols
  16. Ensure that all documentation meets local medico-legal requirements and that statistical data is collected, using the health monitoring system, and to incorporate information in regular reports.

IV: Requirements:

Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section III, the MIDA FINNSOM III Heath and Education project is requiring the following deliverables to be submitted throughout the assignment. These are the standard requirements for all assignments under this project:

  1. Transfer of skills: The main responsibility of the qualified Somali expatriate—which he/she will be measured against—will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. The institution will provide a conducive environment for knowledge transfer between the diaspora and the staff in the institution.
  2. Work plan: A work plan must be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of the assignment to provide clear and time-bound activities to successfully implement the outputs of the assignment. This work plan will be shared with the supervisor, MoHHS coordinator, MoHHS M&E Specialist and IOM project team. This work plan can be revised during the assignment to reflect on new developments or changes.
  3. Quarterly and Final Reports: Quarterly progress reports will be submitted by the expert to the supervisor, MoHHS Coordinator, MoHHS M&E Specialist and IOM project team. At the end of the assignment, the participant must also provide a final report covering the duration of his/her assignment.
  4. Exit interview: An exit interview will be conducted to ensure that a proper exit plan has been put in place to sustain the achievements, upon completion of the assignment.

V: Qualifications

Level of Education: Master’s degree, with pediatrics specialization

Area of Study: Medicine

Years of work experience in what area(s):

Minimum 5 years of working experience as pediatrician

Languages needed:

  • Fluent in English.
  • Fluent in Somali.

General Skills / Other Requirements:

  • Ability to work long hours, often under pressure.
  • Have excellent practical and management skills.
  • Capacities to communicate with colleagues and stuff in a clear and concise manner.
  • Have compassion and a good bedside manner.
  • Have a drive to teach and learn throughout their career.
  • Good interpersonal and cross-cultural skills.

VI: Subsistence Allowance

The monthly stipend amount will be determined by the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education project, based on degree and years of relevant experience.

All applications must be sent via email to: with the following reference as a subject in your e-mail: APPLICATION – as mentioned in the vacancy announcement. For further inquiries about the MIDA positions, you can reach out to: and

To be considered, applicants must provide a cover letter, CV, and the contact information (email and phone number) of two professional references by the closing date of this vacancy. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The closing date of this application is 14.04.2025, at 12.00 PM EAT.

While this project is geared toward the Somali-Finnish diaspora, members of other Somali diaspora communities are also welcomed to apply. Females are highly encouraged to apply and participate in the MIDA FINNSOM III Health and Education Project.

VII: Security and insurance modalities

Health insurance—including evacuation due to a medical emergency—will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically fit and able to work in a hardship area in Africa.

Please note that IOM, according to the contract, will not be responsible for the security of qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.

Before leaving the country of residence or upon arrival in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-service briefing including security advice and cultural background.


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