Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli | International Committee for the Development of Peoples 2515 views

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Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli | International Committee for the Development of Peoples

The International Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP) is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) established in 1983 with headquarters in Rome, Italy . The principles and purposes of the organization are summarized in the Declaration of Intent and the Code of Conduct for cooperation programs . The Statement of Purpose "For the Rights and against Poverty: Approaches and Operational Priorities CISP", developed with input from all players in the See of Rome and offices in third countries, defines the priorities of the CISP, built around the main objectives of combating poverty and social exclusion .


In collaboration with various local stakeholders, public and private, CISP has realized and realizes projects of humanitarian aid , rehabilitation and development in more than 30 countries of : Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe , while in countries of ' European Union promotes initiatives of cultural policy , the promotion of international solidarity and enhancing the role of diasporas in the development of their countries.

The Statement of Purpose identifies as priority areas :

a) the right to social security and economic as the development of income opportunities, migration, development and food security; b) the right to health , access to water and environmental sanitation ; c) the right to the future understood as the rights of children , adolescents , young people and enhancing the environment and natural resources ; d) the right to humanitarian assistance that emergency and first reconstruction; e) the support to public policies for social cohesion and civil society .

The CISP projects are designed not only to meet the priority needs and solve real problems in the country and in the action, but also as tools to identify, formulate and consolidate specific sectoral policies . Two interrelated purposes, because the possibility that an inspiring project or strengthens a policy address depends on its impact, the effectiveness and the credibility of those who carry it out. In this in 1997 , CISP has been the Co-operation and Development Network (CDN) of Pavia, in collaboration with the University of Pavia, the School of Pavia IUSS and two other NGOs.

The CISP processes and produces publications and audio-visual material and promotes opportunities for meetings and investigation to disclose and inform public opinion, the experience of cooperation more meaningful.


The CISP projects make use of funding and contributions from private individuals , associations, foundations, companies and Italian public institutions and international. Among the latter: the European Union , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Italian local authorities, agencies, UN , governmental agencies of countries' Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ), national governments and local authorities in the countries in which it operates.

CISP, already formal approval under the Act 26 February 1987, n. 49 and considered a non-profit social organization (NPO) in accordance with art. 10, paragraph 8, of Legislative Decree 4 December 1997, n. 460, is also enrolled in the registry office of NPO of the Lazio Region (NGO sector activities).

CISP is part of the ' Directory of Civil Society Organizations and other subjects not-for-profit Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Decree n. 2016/337/00161/4).

It is recognized Association (N ° 752/2010 of the Register of Legal Persons at the Prefecture of Rome), also registered in the Register of entities and associations operating in favor of immigrants at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (A / 138 / 2001 / RM). 

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