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IFDC, established in October 1974, is known for its expertise in fertilizers that service developing countries.
IFDC Headquarters and Offices
IFDC opened its headquarters in Muscle Shoals, Alabama on the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Reservation in 1976. Division offices opened in Lomé, Togo in 1987 and Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1992. Today, IFDC operates four divisions in over 20 countries.
IFDC’s Background
IFDC originated as a private, nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Alabama, United States.
In March 1977, IFDC qualified as a Public International Organization by Presidential Decree 11977. IFDC received widespread support, cooperation and backing from the global community for which it was created and continues to thrive upon its successes.
Outgrowth of TVA
When Dr. Donald L. McCune, IFDC’s founder and former managing director, joined TVA’s National Fertilizer Center (NFDC) in the early 1960’s, he recognized the center’s capabilities of contributing to foreign assistance in developing countries. Thus IFDC became an outgrowth of TVA.
IFDC was established in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, in late 1974. Construction of the IFDC complex began at its present site in March 1976. Partial occupancy began in late 1976 and full occupancy followed in August 1977.
Although numerous locations in developing countries were considered, building a site on TVA’s property had several advantages including:
Close proximity to TVA’s Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development, which facilitated the transfer of U.S. technology.
TVA furnished at cost, the materials (phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, urea solution, etc.) needed for IFDC’s research activities.
Usage of the OACD Library recognized at the time as the best working library on fertilizers in existence.
Access to TVA’s medical facilities.
A contract with TVA for fire protection, security, ground maintenance and other services.
In July 1975, TVA transferred their international staff to IFDC to become the nucleus of the organization.