Mid-Term Review Consultant 63 views0 applications

Request for Proposals (RfP)

Mid-Term Review Consultant

IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)

SADC TFCA Financing Facility (SADC TFCA FF)

Issue Date: 28 August 2023

Closing Date and Time: 12 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

IUCN Contact :

Kudakwashe Chigodo

Team Leader: SADC TFCA Financing Facility

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Email : [email protected]


1.1.About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides

public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress,

economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Headquartered in Switzerland, IUCN Secretariat comprises around 950 staff in more than 50 countries.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the

knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,300 Member organisations and some 15,000 experts. It is a

leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the

role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists,

businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and

implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation

projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these

projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.

1.2.Summary of the Requirement

IUCN invites you to submit a Proposal for the individual consultancy of Mid-Term Review for the SADC TFCA

Financing Facility. The detailed Terms of Reference can be found in Part 2 of this RfP.

1.3.The procurement process

The following key dates apply to this RfP:

RfP Issue Date 24 August 2023

RfP Closing Date and Time 14 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

Estimated Contract Award Date 6 October 2023



IUCN is not bound in any way to enter into any contractual or other arrangement with any Proposer as a result of

issuing this RfP. IUCN is under no obligation to accept the lowest priced Proposal or any Proposal. IUCN reserves

the right to terminate the procurement process at any time prior to contract award. By participating in this RfP,

Proposers accept the conditions set out in this RfP.

Proposers must sign the “Proposer’s Declaration” and include it in their Proposal.

1.5.Queries and questions during the RfP period

Proposers are to direct any queries and questions regarding the RfP to the above IUCN Contact. No other IUCN

personnel are to be contacted in relation to this RfP.

Proposers may submit their queries no later than 7 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST.

As far as possible, IUCN will issue the responses to any questions, suitably anonymised, to all Proposers. If you

consider the content of your question confidential, you must state this at the time the question is posed.

1.6.Amendments to RfP documents

IUCN may amend the RfP documents by issuing notices to that effect to all Proposers and may extend the RfP

closing date and time if deemed appropriate.

1.7.Proposal lodgement methods and requirements

Proposers must submit their Proposal to IUCN no later than 14 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST by email to:

[email protected]. The subject heading of the email shall be [RfP – SADC TFCA FF Mid-Term

Review- [Proposer Name]]. Electronic copies are to be submitted in PDF and MS Word format. Proposers may

submit multiple emails (suitably annotated – e.g. Email 1 of 3) if attached files are deemed too large to suit a

single email transmission exceeding 20 MB.

Proposals must be prepared in English and in the format stated in Part 4 of this RfP.

1.8.Late and Incomplete Proposals

Any Proposal received by IUCN later than the stipulated RfP closing date and time, and any Proposal that is

incomplete, will not be considered. There will be no allowance made by IUCN for any delays in transmission of the

Proposal from Proposer to IUCN.

1.9.Withdrawals and Changes to the Proposal

Proposals may be withdrawn or changed at any time prior to the RfP closing date and time by written notice to the

IUCN contact. No changes or withdrawals will be accepted after the RfP closing date and time.

1.10. Validity of Proposals

Proposals submitted in response to this RfP are to remain valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the RfP

closing date.

1.11. Evaluation of Proposals

The evaluation of Proposals shall be carried out exclusively with regards to the evaluation criteria and their relative

weights specified in part 3 of this RfP.




The SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas Financing Facility ( SADC TFCA FF) is a grant-making mechanism

established to provide the basis for long-term and more sustainable funding for SADC TFCAs. The fund became

operational in 2020, with initial funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in

German (BMZ), through KfW Development Bank. The target is to grow the fund up to EUR 100 million in the long

term through contributions from various International Cooperating Partners (ICPs). The TFCA FF is implemented

by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office

(ESARO). The Project Management Unit for the TFCA FF is based in the IUCN South Africa Office.

The SADC TFCA FF is aligned with the objectives of the SADC TFCAs Programme and informed by a number

for SADC Protocols and Regional Development Strategies.

The programme has a focus on improving three main areas:

➢ Improved habitat connectivity, especially for elephants and large carnivores as flagship species (“species”


➢ Improved management effectiveness of TFCAs and PAs (“habitat” dimension); and

➢ Improved livelihoods for communities affected by human-wildlife co-habitation (“people” dimension)

The initial phase of the TFCA FF runs from 2020-2026. This phase started with an initial funding from KfW of

EUR 12 million. To date, there have been subsequent commitments by the German Development Cooperation

(EUR 11 million + 2 million + 8 million) of up to EUR 33 million. Following two Calls for Concept Notes, 83

applications were received for Covid-19 Response Grants and the Main Call. To date, up to EUR 15.6 million is

committed in 26 projects which are at various stages of implementation. These funds are disbursed to

Government Agencies, NGOs, and CBOs. The main activities for the project portfolio highlighted above, include

but are not limited to: law enforcement support, fire management, human wildlife conflict interventions, protected

area infrastructure development and maintenance, tourism development and alternative livelihoods.

Following three years of implementation, the SADC TFCA FF is now fully operational. The timing of the review

has been chosen as the TFCA Financing Facility is mid-way of implementing the initial phase of the TFCA FF


Aim and Objectives of the Mid-term Review

This mid-term review is requested by IUCN to assess the progress and performance of the SADC TFCA

Financing Facility.

The overall purpose of this review is two-fold:

I. Learning and Improvement: It is intended that the outcomes of this mid-term review will provide

useful and relevant information to the ongoing scope of work of the SADC TFCA Financing Facility;

and provide guidance for implementation mechanisms of subsequent SADC TFCA FF interventions.

II. Accountability: The mid-term review is also an instrument for the overall accountability system of

the Financing Facility.

Specific objectives of the review will be as follows:

i. Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of SADC TFCA FF on the institutional and

process framework such as governance and management structures, grant making

processes, ESMS, evaluations and approvals of grants, monitoring & evaluation


ii. Determining the relevance and appropriateness of the SADC TFCA FF approach in relation

to the needs of key stakeholders – SADC Secretariat, SADC Member States, ICPS/donors

and IUCN and the SADC TFCA Programme.

iii. Assessing the fundraising, growth potential and convening power of the TFCA FF, by

stimulating dialogue with potential donors and partners, and serving as a reference point

for major donors of the SADC TFCAs.

iv. Identifying lessons learned on the strategic approach (strategic processes and

mechanisms put in place to achieve the TFCA FF objectives).

v. Providing short-term (operational) and strategic recommendations to key stakeholders.


Intended Uses and Users

This midterm review is commissioned by IUCN. The main users and uses of the review are expected to be:

• SADC Member States: to reflect on progress for the Facility (focusing on the governance and

operational framework of the TFCA FF.

• Project Steering Committee: to adjust their role/approach in providing policy guidance and strategic

oversight to the TFCA FF.

• IUCN and SADC TFCA FF Project Management Unit: to guide programme implementation based on

lessons learned and analysis of past results.

• KfW: to reflect on their current support to the TFCA FF; KfW and future funders to understand the impact

of the SADC TFCA FF to date, and the necessary adjustments that may affect the way their investments

are managed through the SADC TFCA FF.

• Individual project managers to provide contributions on any adjustments required to improve efficiency

and effectiveness of the Facility.

Scope of Work of the Consultant

The consultant will undertake the following reviews to achieve the objective of the Assessment:

• The governance mechanisms for TFCA FF;

• Operations and Grants Manuals; ESMS, applications templates, selection criteria, score sheets, process

of reviewing proposals, process for approval of grants by PSC and the donor, contracting, reporting,

management of timeframes and deadlines; TFCA FF work plans and operational tools; internal IUCN

procedures for managing grants; communications – to determine whether the documents/tools are clear,

complete and comprehensive and TFCA FF Project Management Unit can readily use their content to

carry out their functions;

• The process for designing and launching Calls for Concept Notes, reviewing funding proposals and

approval of projects for funding;

• The framework for monitoring performance and impact of activities financed by TFCA FF;

• Any risks and challenges related to IUCN, SADC Secretariat, Project Steering Committee, grantees,

applicants, host countries, host TFCAs, donors, ICPs? Where would we need additional resources and

who would provide such?

• TFCA FF’s fundraising strategy and approach to resource mobilization.

Methodology and Approach

The Assessment will be carried out through the following approach:

• Review of grant agreements; operational & ESMS manuals; progress reports to KfW, SADC and PSC.

• Interviews with: TFCA FF Project Steering Committee members, SADC Secretariat, other SADC

Member States, IUCN staff, Donors or other partners, and other members of the SADC TFCA Network

as appropriate.

• Online survey with grantees combined with workshops (virtual and physical). for the purpose of

discussing their experience throughout the funding cycle.

Documents for review:

• Project Steering Committee reports

• Reports to the Donor and SADC

• Operational Manual (including log-frame)


• Guidelines for Full Proposals (includes guidance on M&E)

• Project proposals-with project log-frames (2 covid package; 2 Main Call; 1 Direct Award)

• Evaluation forms and criteria

• Project Preparation Grant reports

• Supervisory mission reports (by SADC TFCA FF PMU)

• Sample reports from Grantees

• IUCN Evaluation Policy

• Midterm report on programme to KfW and SADC (prepared by PMU)

Management of the Evaluation

IUCN ESARO will manage the evaluation. IUCN ESARO M&E unit will verify that the draft report is useful,

conforms to these ToRs, answers all questions as best as data will allow, and conforms to the IUCN Evaluation


Policy. The SADC TFCA FF PMU will supply documentation, create access to stakeholder lists and stakeholders,

and provide day-to-day support as needed for logistical arrangements.

The SADC TFCA FF PMU is expected to prepare and implement a management response to each

recommendation of the evaluation as is normal procedure within IUCN.

Qualifications of the Evaluator / Evaluation Team

The expert must meet the following requirements:

i. A post-graduate degree in natural resources management, social or management sciences, or any other

relevant qualification.

ii. Experience with evaluation of grant-making programmes and or large transboundary conservation


iii. Experience running or evaluating conservation programmes in the SADC region.

iv. A minimum of 10 years of experience working in the field of evaluation and a proven track record of

evaluation work in conservation and development (written sample to be provided);

v. At least 10 years of experience in conservation or development.

vi. Ability to work with limited supervision.

vii. Superior English language skills.

Outputs and deliverables

• Inception report, with details of data collection (people to interview), including tools, and agreed dates for

subsequent deliverables;

• Midterm Technical Workshop in South Africa to present preliminary findings to IUCN;

• Draft report; and

• Final report;

• A PowerPoint (or other visual, shareable format) presentation of the final findings and recommendations

for the key audiences and users of this evaluation

Work plan

The work plan and deliverables for this evaluation are as follows:


Recruitment of Mid-term Evaluation consultant August – September 2023

Appointment of Evaluator October

Inception Report Mid-October

Data collection and analysis October-November

Presentation of Preliminary findings to IUCN

and PSC (workshop)


Draft Report December 2023

Final Report Early February 2024


The maximum available budget for this review is EUR 15,000. The Consultant shall be paid by IUCN according

to the following calendar:

• 50% upon signing of the contract.

• 50% after the approval of the final reports.

Meetings and travel

The consultant will participate in a number of physical and/or online meetings for validating all necessary outputs.

If a need for traveling arises, this need will be assessed by the SADC TFCA FF PMU and if approved it will be

subject to IUCN’s travel policy. Approval of costs for travel will be subject to prior written approval by IUCN

ESARO and submission of all receipts.


Responsibilities and communication

The consultant is mandated by IUCN for all the tasks and deliverables mentioned in above sections. All

deliverables need to be submitted to IUCN ESARO in English by the given deadline.


The evaluation criteria shall consist of a technical and financial component. A weighting will be assigned to each

component as follows: Technical Weighting Factor 85%, Financial Weighting Factor 15%, with the total score

being a combination of these two percentages.

The evaluation of proposals shall be carried out exclusively with regards to the evaluation criteria and their

relative weights specified in the table below:

3.1 Technical evaluation

Evaluation Criteria Weighting

1 Qualifications of the expert, with demonstrated quantitative and qualitative data

collection and analysis skills.

Proven experience in conducting and managing evaluations of donor funded

projects which involve international science-based organisations government

agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as in conducting

evaluations of projects and programmes related to conservation of nature.


2 Quality of the project methodology and work plan. 30

3 Qualifications of the expert related to local understanding, practical solution

orientated experience and understanding of relevant context and governance

arrangements in the Southern African Region.


4 Price Score 15

Total Score 100

A Price Score (PS) is assigned to all proposals applying the following formula:

PS = 15 x LP/PP


PS is the Price Score of the offer under evaluation.

15- is the maximum score in points obtainable in the Price evaluation.

LP is the value of the lowest Budget offered by all Proposals in the Price evaluation.

PP is the value of the Budget offered through the Proposal under evaluation.

The contract will be awarded to the Proposal which has obtained the highest total score.


By participating in this RfP, Proposers are indicating their acceptance to be bound by the conditions set out in

this RfP.

This Part details all the information Proposers are required to provide to IUCN. Submitted information will be

used in the evaluation of Proposals. Proposers are discouraged from sending additional information, such as

sales brochures, that are not specifically requested.

Each of the following must be submitted as a separate document and will be evaluated separately.

4.1.Technical information/Service Proposal

Proposers are required to submit the following details in their technical proposal:

• Executive summary of proposal.

• Candidate’s background, including CV.

• List of similar projects evaluated within the last 10 years.

• At least one relevant example demonstrating the expert’s experience in conducting and managing

evaluations of projects which involve international science-based organisations, government

agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as in conducting evaluations of

projects and programmes related to conservation of nature.

• Project methodology, including a description of how the expert intends to undertake the delivery of

tasks, providing justification of the approach.

• Work plan.

• A short budget description that demonstrates that the assignment will be done within the budget


• Contact details of 3 referees, familiar with the proponent’s experience.

4.2.Pricing information

Prices include all costs.

The maximum available budget for this review is EUR 15 000. Submitted rates and prices are deemed to include

all costs, insurances, taxes, fees, expenses, liabilities, obligations, risk and other things necessary for the

performance of the Requirement. Any charge not stated in the Proposal as being additional, will not be allowed

as a charge against any transaction under any resultant Contract.

Travel for face-to-face meetings that are considered necessary for the assignment will be directly reimbursed

by IUCN on a case-by-case basis.

Applicable Goods and Services Taxes

Proposal rates and prices shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax.

Currency of proposed rates and prices

Unless otherwise indicated, all rates and prices submitted by Proposers shall be in Euro.


For the purposes of this Request for Proposal (RfP) the following definitions apply:

SADC TFCA FF Southern Africa Development Community, Transfrontier Conservation

Areas, Financing Facility

Instructions Means the instructions and conditions set out in Part 1 of this

Request for Proposals.

IUCN ESARO Means IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

and Natural Resources – Eastern and Southern Africa Regional


IUCN Contact Means the person IUCN has nominated to be used exclusively

for contact regarding this Request for Proposals and the


Proposal Means a written offer submitted in response to this Request for


Proposer Means an entity that submits, or is invited to submit, a Proposal

in response to this Request for Proposals.

Requirement Means the supply to be made by the Contractor to IUCN in

accordance with Part 2 of the RfP.

RfP Request for Proposals

Detailed proposals should be submitted to:

Closing Date and Time: 12 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

IUCN Contact :

Kudakwashe Chigodo

Team Leader: SADC TFCA Financing Facility

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Email : [email protected]

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The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)[2] is an international organization working in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. It is involved in data gathering and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy, lobbying and education. IUCN's mission is to "influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable."Over the past decades, IUCN has widened its focus beyond conservation ecology and now incorporates issues related to gender equality, poverty alleviation and sustainable business in its projects. Unlike other international NGOs, IUCN does not itself aim to mobilize the public in support of nature conservation. It tries to influence the actions of governments, business and other stakeholders by providing information and advice, and through lobbying and partnerships. The organization is best known to the wider public for compiling and publishing the IUCN Red List, which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide.IUCN has a membership of over 1200 governmental and non-governmental organizations. Some 11,000 scientists and experts participate in the work of IUCN commissions on a voluntary basis. It employs approximately 1000 full-time staff in more than 60 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.IUCN has observer and consultative status at the United Nations, and plays a role in the implementation of several international conventions on nature conservation and biodiversity. It was involved in establishing the World Wide Fund for Nature and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. In the past, IUCN has been criticized for placing the interests of nature over those of indigenous peoples. In recent years, its closer relations with the business sector have caused controversy

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0 USD Somalia CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Request for Proposals (RfP)

Mid-Term Review Consultant

IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)

SADC TFCA Financing Facility (SADC TFCA FF)

Issue Date: 28 August 2023

Closing Date and Time: 12 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

IUCN Contact :

Kudakwashe Chigodo

Team Leader: SADC TFCA Financing Facility

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Email : [email protected]


1.1.About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides

public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress,

economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Headquartered in Switzerland, IUCN Secretariat comprises around 950 staff in more than 50 countries.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the

knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,300 Member organisations and some 15,000 experts. It is a

leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the

role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists,

businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and

implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation

projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these

projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.

1.2.Summary of the Requirement

IUCN invites you to submit a Proposal for the individual consultancy of Mid-Term Review for the SADC TFCA

Financing Facility. The detailed Terms of Reference can be found in Part 2 of this RfP.

1.3.The procurement process

The following key dates apply to this RfP:

RfP Issue Date 24 August 2023

RfP Closing Date and Time 14 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

Estimated Contract Award Date 6 October 2023



IUCN is not bound in any way to enter into any contractual or other arrangement with any Proposer as a result of

issuing this RfP. IUCN is under no obligation to accept the lowest priced Proposal or any Proposal. IUCN reserves

the right to terminate the procurement process at any time prior to contract award. By participating in this RfP,

Proposers accept the conditions set out in this RfP.

Proposers must sign the “Proposer’s Declaration” and include it in their Proposal.

1.5.Queries and questions during the RfP period

Proposers are to direct any queries and questions regarding the RfP to the above IUCN Contact. No other IUCN

personnel are to be contacted in relation to this RfP.

Proposers may submit their queries no later than 7 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST.

As far as possible, IUCN will issue the responses to any questions, suitably anonymised, to all Proposers. If you

consider the content of your question confidential, you must state this at the time the question is posed.

1.6.Amendments to RfP documents

IUCN may amend the RfP documents by issuing notices to that effect to all Proposers and may extend the RfP

closing date and time if deemed appropriate.

1.7.Proposal lodgement methods and requirements

Proposers must submit their Proposal to IUCN no later than 14 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST by email to:

[email protected]. The subject heading of the email shall be [RfP – SADC TFCA FF Mid-Term

Review- [Proposer Name]]. Electronic copies are to be submitted in PDF and MS Word format. Proposers may

submit multiple emails (suitably annotated – e.g. Email 1 of 3) if attached files are deemed too large to suit a

single email transmission exceeding 20 MB.

Proposals must be prepared in English and in the format stated in Part 4 of this RfP.

1.8.Late and Incomplete Proposals

Any Proposal received by IUCN later than the stipulated RfP closing date and time, and any Proposal that is

incomplete, will not be considered. There will be no allowance made by IUCN for any delays in transmission of the

Proposal from Proposer to IUCN.

1.9.Withdrawals and Changes to the Proposal

Proposals may be withdrawn or changed at any time prior to the RfP closing date and time by written notice to the

IUCN contact. No changes or withdrawals will be accepted after the RfP closing date and time.

1.10. Validity of Proposals

Proposals submitted in response to this RfP are to remain valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the RfP

closing date.

1.11. Evaluation of Proposals

The evaluation of Proposals shall be carried out exclusively with regards to the evaluation criteria and their relative

weights specified in part 3 of this RfP.




The SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas Financing Facility ( SADC TFCA FF) is a grant-making mechanism

established to provide the basis for long-term and more sustainable funding for SADC TFCAs. The fund became

operational in 2020, with initial funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in

German (BMZ), through KfW Development Bank. The target is to grow the fund up to EUR 100 million in the long

term through contributions from various International Cooperating Partners (ICPs). The TFCA FF is implemented

by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office

(ESARO). The Project Management Unit for the TFCA FF is based in the IUCN South Africa Office.

The SADC TFCA FF is aligned with the objectives of the SADC TFCAs Programme and informed by a number

for SADC Protocols and Regional Development Strategies.

The programme has a focus on improving three main areas:

➢ Improved habitat connectivity, especially for elephants and large carnivores as flagship species (“species”


➢ Improved management effectiveness of TFCAs and PAs (“habitat” dimension); and

➢ Improved livelihoods for communities affected by human-wildlife co-habitation (“people” dimension)

The initial phase of the TFCA FF runs from 2020-2026. This phase started with an initial funding from KfW of

EUR 12 million. To date, there have been subsequent commitments by the German Development Cooperation

(EUR 11 million + 2 million + 8 million) of up to EUR 33 million. Following two Calls for Concept Notes, 83

applications were received for Covid-19 Response Grants and the Main Call. To date, up to EUR 15.6 million is

committed in 26 projects which are at various stages of implementation. These funds are disbursed to

Government Agencies, NGOs, and CBOs. The main activities for the project portfolio highlighted above, include

but are not limited to: law enforcement support, fire management, human wildlife conflict interventions, protected

area infrastructure development and maintenance, tourism development and alternative livelihoods.

Following three years of implementation, the SADC TFCA FF is now fully operational. The timing of the review

has been chosen as the TFCA Financing Facility is mid-way of implementing the initial phase of the TFCA FF


Aim and Objectives of the Mid-term Review

This mid-term review is requested by IUCN to assess the progress and performance of the SADC TFCA

Financing Facility.

The overall purpose of this review is two-fold:

I. Learning and Improvement: It is intended that the outcomes of this mid-term review will provide

useful and relevant information to the ongoing scope of work of the SADC TFCA Financing Facility;

and provide guidance for implementation mechanisms of subsequent SADC TFCA FF interventions.

II. Accountability: The mid-term review is also an instrument for the overall accountability system of

the Financing Facility.

Specific objectives of the review will be as follows:

i. Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of SADC TFCA FF on the institutional and

process framework such as governance and management structures, grant making

processes, ESMS, evaluations and approvals of grants, monitoring & evaluation


ii. Determining the relevance and appropriateness of the SADC TFCA FF approach in relation

to the needs of key stakeholders - SADC Secretariat, SADC Member States, ICPS/donors

and IUCN and the SADC TFCA Programme.

iii. Assessing the fundraising, growth potential and convening power of the TFCA FF, by

stimulating dialogue with potential donors and partners, and serving as a reference point

for major donors of the SADC TFCAs.

iv. Identifying lessons learned on the strategic approach (strategic processes and

mechanisms put in place to achieve the TFCA FF objectives).

v. Providing short-term (operational) and strategic recommendations to key stakeholders.


Intended Uses and Users

This midterm review is commissioned by IUCN. The main users and uses of the review are expected to be:

• SADC Member States: to reflect on progress for the Facility (focusing on the governance and

operational framework of the TFCA FF.

• Project Steering Committee: to adjust their role/approach in providing policy guidance and strategic

oversight to the TFCA FF.

• IUCN and SADC TFCA FF Project Management Unit: to guide programme implementation based on

lessons learned and analysis of past results.

• KfW: to reflect on their current support to the TFCA FF; KfW and future funders to understand the impact

of the SADC TFCA FF to date, and the necessary adjustments that may affect the way their investments

are managed through the SADC TFCA FF.

• Individual project managers to provide contributions on any adjustments required to improve efficiency

and effectiveness of the Facility.

Scope of Work of the Consultant

The consultant will undertake the following reviews to achieve the objective of the Assessment:

• The governance mechanisms for TFCA FF;

• Operations and Grants Manuals; ESMS, applications templates, selection criteria, score sheets, process

of reviewing proposals, process for approval of grants by PSC and the donor, contracting, reporting,

management of timeframes and deadlines; TFCA FF work plans and operational tools; internal IUCN

procedures for managing grants; communications - to determine whether the documents/tools are clear,

complete and comprehensive and TFCA FF Project Management Unit can readily use their content to

carry out their functions;

• The process for designing and launching Calls for Concept Notes, reviewing funding proposals and

approval of projects for funding;

• The framework for monitoring performance and impact of activities financed by TFCA FF;

• Any risks and challenges related to IUCN, SADC Secretariat, Project Steering Committee, grantees,

applicants, host countries, host TFCAs, donors, ICPs? Where would we need additional resources and

who would provide such?

• TFCA FF’s fundraising strategy and approach to resource mobilization.

Methodology and Approach

The Assessment will be carried out through the following approach:

• Review of grant agreements; operational & ESMS manuals; progress reports to KfW, SADC and PSC.

• Interviews with: TFCA FF Project Steering Committee members, SADC Secretariat, other SADC

Member States, IUCN staff, Donors or other partners, and other members of the SADC TFCA Network

as appropriate.

• Online survey with grantees combined with workshops (virtual and physical). for the purpose of

discussing their experience throughout the funding cycle.

Documents for review:

• Project Steering Committee reports

• Reports to the Donor and SADC

• Operational Manual (including log-frame)


• Guidelines for Full Proposals (includes guidance on M&E)

• Project proposals-with project log-frames (2 covid package; 2 Main Call; 1 Direct Award)

• Evaluation forms and criteria

• Project Preparation Grant reports

• Supervisory mission reports (by SADC TFCA FF PMU)

• Sample reports from Grantees

• IUCN Evaluation Policy

• Midterm report on programme to KfW and SADC (prepared by PMU)

Management of the Evaluation

IUCN ESARO will manage the evaluation. IUCN ESARO M&E unit will verify that the draft report is useful,

conforms to these ToRs, answers all questions as best as data will allow, and conforms to the IUCN Evaluation


Policy. The SADC TFCA FF PMU will supply documentation, create access to stakeholder lists and stakeholders,

and provide day-to-day support as needed for logistical arrangements.

The SADC TFCA FF PMU is expected to prepare and implement a management response to each

recommendation of the evaluation as is normal procedure within IUCN.

Qualifications of the Evaluator / Evaluation Team

The expert must meet the following requirements:

i. A post-graduate degree in natural resources management, social or management sciences, or any other

relevant qualification.

ii. Experience with evaluation of grant-making programmes and or large transboundary conservation


iii. Experience running or evaluating conservation programmes in the SADC region.

iv. A minimum of 10 years of experience working in the field of evaluation and a proven track record of

evaluation work in conservation and development (written sample to be provided);

v. At least 10 years of experience in conservation or development.

vi. Ability to work with limited supervision.

vii. Superior English language skills.

Outputs and deliverables

• Inception report, with details of data collection (people to interview), including tools, and agreed dates for

subsequent deliverables;

• Midterm Technical Workshop in South Africa to present preliminary findings to IUCN;

• Draft report; and

• Final report;

• A PowerPoint (or other visual, shareable format) presentation of the final findings and recommendations

for the key audiences and users of this evaluation

Work plan

The work plan and deliverables for this evaluation are as follows:


Recruitment of Mid-term Evaluation consultant August - September 2023

Appointment of Evaluator October

Inception Report Mid-October

Data collection and analysis October-November

Presentation of Preliminary findings to IUCN

and PSC (workshop)


Draft Report December 2023

Final Report Early February 2024


The maximum available budget for this review is EUR 15,000. The Consultant shall be paid by IUCN according

to the following calendar:

• 50% upon signing of the contract.

• 50% after the approval of the final reports.

Meetings and travel

The consultant will participate in a number of physical and/or online meetings for validating all necessary outputs.

If a need for traveling arises, this need will be assessed by the SADC TFCA FF PMU and if approved it will be

subject to IUCN’s travel policy. Approval of costs for travel will be subject to prior written approval by IUCN

ESARO and submission of all receipts.


Responsibilities and communication

The consultant is mandated by IUCN for all the tasks and deliverables mentioned in above sections. All

deliverables need to be submitted to IUCN ESARO in English by the given deadline.


The evaluation criteria shall consist of a technical and financial component. A weighting will be assigned to each

component as follows: Technical Weighting Factor 85%, Financial Weighting Factor 15%, with the total score

being a combination of these two percentages.

The evaluation of proposals shall be carried out exclusively with regards to the evaluation criteria and their

relative weights specified in the table below:

3.1 Technical evaluation

Evaluation Criteria Weighting

1 Qualifications of the expert, with demonstrated quantitative and qualitative data

collection and analysis skills.

Proven experience in conducting and managing evaluations of donor funded

projects which involve international science-based organisations government

agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as in conducting

evaluations of projects and programmes related to conservation of nature.


2 Quality of the project methodology and work plan. 30

3 Qualifications of the expert related to local understanding, practical solution

orientated experience and understanding of relevant context and governance

arrangements in the Southern African Region.


4 Price Score 15

Total Score 100

A Price Score (PS) is assigned to all proposals applying the following formula:

PS = 15 x LP/PP


PS is the Price Score of the offer under evaluation.

15- is the maximum score in points obtainable in the Price evaluation.

LP is the value of the lowest Budget offered by all Proposals in the Price evaluation.

PP is the value of the Budget offered through the Proposal under evaluation.

The contract will be awarded to the Proposal which has obtained the highest total score.


By participating in this RfP, Proposers are indicating their acceptance to be bound by the conditions set out in

this RfP.

This Part details all the information Proposers are required to provide to IUCN. Submitted information will be

used in the evaluation of Proposals. Proposers are discouraged from sending additional information, such as

sales brochures, that are not specifically requested.

Each of the following must be submitted as a separate document and will be evaluated separately.

4.1.Technical information/Service Proposal

Proposers are required to submit the following details in their technical proposal:

• Executive summary of proposal.

• Candidate’s background, including CV.

• List of similar projects evaluated within the last 10 years.

• At least one relevant example demonstrating the expert’s experience in conducting and managing

evaluations of projects which involve international science-based organisations, government

agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as in conducting evaluations of

projects and programmes related to conservation of nature.

• Project methodology, including a description of how the expert intends to undertake the delivery of

tasks, providing justification of the approach.

• Work plan.

• A short budget description that demonstrates that the assignment will be done within the budget


• Contact details of 3 referees, familiar with the proponent’s experience.

4.2.Pricing information

Prices include all costs.

The maximum available budget for this review is EUR 15 000. Submitted rates and prices are deemed to include

all costs, insurances, taxes, fees, expenses, liabilities, obligations, risk and other things necessary for the

performance of the Requirement. Any charge not stated in the Proposal as being additional, will not be allowed

as a charge against any transaction under any resultant Contract.

Travel for face-to-face meetings that are considered necessary for the assignment will be directly reimbursed

by IUCN on a case-by-case basis.

Applicable Goods and Services Taxes

Proposal rates and prices shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax.

Currency of proposed rates and prices

Unless otherwise indicated, all rates and prices submitted by Proposers shall be in Euro.


For the purposes of this Request for Proposal (RfP) the following definitions apply:

SADC TFCA FF Southern Africa Development Community, Transfrontier Conservation

Areas, Financing Facility

Instructions Means the instructions and conditions set out in Part 1 of this

Request for Proposals.

IUCN ESARO Means IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

and Natural Resources – Eastern and Southern Africa Regional


IUCN Contact Means the person IUCN has nominated to be used exclusively

for contact regarding this Request for Proposals and the


Proposal Means a written offer submitted in response to this Request for


Proposer Means an entity that submits, or is invited to submit, a Proposal

in response to this Request for Proposals.

Requirement Means the supply to be made by the Contractor to IUCN in

accordance with Part 2 of the RfP.

RfP Request for Proposals

Detailed proposals should be submitted to:

Closing Date and Time: 12 September 2023 at 17:00 SAST

IUCN Contact :

Kudakwashe Chigodo

Team Leader: SADC TFCA Financing Facility

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Email : [email protected]


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