Survey Firm for SAfA (Foundations Alliance for Africa) Endline Survey, Ethiopia 44 views0 applications


SAfA (Foundations Alliance for Africa) is implementing a project that aims to enhance livelihood prospects of young people in Ethiopia through an integrated approach (packages of interventions). The project specifically includes three components: (i) training on agronomy, husbandry, and business and entrepreneurial skills; (ii) training on logistics, transportation, and supply chain management; and (iii) training on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR). IFPRI is undertaking an endline assessment to measure the impacts of the project.

The endline study will follow-up about 3400 youth who were surveyed at baseline (from February to April 2022) and midline (March 14 – May 06) in 8 districts/woredas (i.e., 4 project districts and 4 neighboring comparison districts) in Amhara and Oromia regions. The endline survey will mainly consist of youth background characteristics, youth participation in project activities, employment and time use, business knowledge and ownership, life skill and emotional wellbeing, knowledge and use of SRHR services, and attitudes and behaviors related to SRHR and gender equality. The youth survey will be administered on tablets by same sex enumerators and will approximately take 2 hours. In addition, the endline study includes: (i) a kebele-level survey, aimed at capturing background information about the kebele demographics, services, and infrastructure; (ii) a brief youth group/club level survey that aims to collect administrative information on group size, composition, participation, governance, etc.; and (iii) a qualitative data collection on project implementation (i.e., take-up and perceived importance of the project, acceptability and implementation fidelity in the organization of the YAIG and Youth Clubs, and challenges (successes) in delivery of activities), and perceived impacts in the words of youth/participants in selected kebeles. IFPRI is seeking a qualified survey firm based in Ethiopia to conduct the endline quantitative and qualitative data collections.

Scope of work:

The endline data collections will be conducted in the month of November and December 2024 and the survey firm will be mainly responsible for (but not limited to) the following tasks:

  • Provide feedback/input on the questionnaire and translation: the endline questionnaires will be developed by the research team at IFPRI and partner organization (the “IFPRI team”). The survey firm will provide feedback and update/revise the translation translate of the quantitative surveys and qualitative discussion guides into Amharic and Afan Oromo. (Both the quantitative and qualitative instruments were translated during the midline and updating/revising the translations will require minimal effort).
  • Recruiting, hiring, and managing survey enumerators, supervisors, and coordinator: the survey firm will be responsible for the recruitment of 30 quantitative enumerators, 6 supervisors, 4 discussion facilitators/interviewers (for the qualitative data collection) and 2 coordinators (1 coordinator for the quantitative survey and 1 qualitative expert that coordinate the qualitative component)—in addition to several alternate candidates who will undertake training and serve as alternates to the selected field team. An equal number of female and male enumerators and facilitators are expected to be recruited. In addition, as the survey sample is approximately equally split between Amhara and Oromia, an equal number of enumerators and facilitators fluent in each language (or fluent in both) are expected to be recruited. The enumerators should have at least three years of university education, experience in at least three rural household surveys, and be at ease with working with computer assisted data collection software such as SurveyCTO. The qualitative facilitators should have a university degree and experience with at least three prior projects conducting and transcribing in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) on similar or closely related topics.
  • Organizing enumerators training session to be led by the IFPRI team: the survey firm will be responsible for organizing a 6-day training session (4 days in the classroom plus two-day pilots) for the quantitative survey and 5 days training for the qualitative data collection (3 days in the classroom plus two-day pilot) in Addis Ababa. This includes renting training hall and availing all the necessary materials for the training. The IFPRI team will evaluate each enumerator throughout the training for understanding of the questionnaires and discussion guides and decide the final list of enumerators/ facilitators who qualify to take part in the data collections. The survey firm will be responsible for organizing two pre-tests/pilots of the survey as part of the enumerator training (quantitative) and two pre-test/pilot as part of the facilitator training (qualitative). For the quantitative and qualitative surveys, one pilot can be in the local (Addis Ababa) area, while one should be in a rural area (outskirts of Addis Ababa).
  • Organizing and conducting quantitative data collection: organize for quantitative data collection among approximately 3,400 youth living in 8 districts in Amahra and Oromia regions, alongside youth group/club level and kebele surveys for local partners. The organization of data collection mainly include:
    • Providing all relevant materials (printed consent forms, notebooks, enumerator IDs etc.) for the collection of data and field team
    • The rental of six 4×4 vehicles to be used for data collection and all vehicles shall be insured for all its occupants in case of any injury occurring during transport.
    • Organizing the survey logistics and checking the quality of the work performed by enumerators by frequent random visits to enumerators during their field work, and by the verification of submitted surveys (i.e., spot-checks and back-checks, at least for 2.5% of the sample distributed across geography and enumerators).
    • Ensuring that the field operations run smoothly and solving any issues related to logistics, tablet computers and others.
    • Ensuring that enumerators upload all collected data onto the SurveyCTO every day.
    • Ensuring the interviews meet ethical requirements, including but not limited to administration of informed consent and maintaining confidentiality of data.
    • Conducting a debriefing session at the end of the survey and preparation of a detailed field report.
  • Organizing and conducting qualitative data collection: organize for data collection among approximately 18 FGDs, 12 IDIs, and 12 key informant interviews (KIIs) with selected youth and youth groups and district and kebele level stakeholders. The organization of qualitative data mainly include:

eataQbP BVUcJh

    • Providing all relevant materials (printed consent forms, interview guides, enumerator IDs, voice recorders, etc.) for the collection of data and field team
    • Organizing/developing the data collection plan/logistics.
    • Conducting FGDs (with an interviewer pair), IDIs, and KIIs (with one interviewer).
    • Checking the quality of the work performed by facilitators/interviewers.
    • Transcribing and translating interviews and discussions from Amharic and Afan Oromo into English.
    • Conducting a debriefing session with the team and preparing a summary report.

Required qualifications of the consultant / survey firm:

  • Documented past performance on the organization and implementation of at least three large-scale household surveys in Ethiopia with a sample size comparable to this endline survey.
  • The proposed survey team/staff (i.e., enumerators, supervisors, coordinators) should have at least 3 years of university education and experience of at least three rural household surveys conducted with CAPI.
  • Documented prior experience on conducting/managing qualitative data collection (i.e., FGDs, IDIs, and KIIs) on similar or closely related topics.
  • Financial / audit report that shows proficiency in managing and documenting expenditures.
  • Ability to undertake survey work within the specified timeline.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Prior experience in conducting youth surveys on topics related to youth employment and/or SRHR.

Duration: 4 months (from preparation to completion)

Application documents:

Please include the following (in English) in your application:

  • Cover letter.
  • Technical proposal with CVs of key personnel and financial proposal with detail description.

Application Deadline: October 17, 2024

More Information

  • Job City Addis Ababa
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0 USD Addis Ababa CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


SAfA (Foundations Alliance for Africa) is implementing a project that aims to enhance livelihood prospects of young people in Ethiopia through an integrated approach (packages of interventions). The project specifically includes three components: (i) training on agronomy, husbandry, and business and entrepreneurial skills; (ii) training on logistics, transportation, and supply chain management; and (iii) training on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR). IFPRI is undertaking an endline assessment to measure the impacts of the project.

The endline study will follow-up about 3400 youth who were surveyed at baseline (from February to April 2022) and midline (March 14 - May 06) in 8 districts/woredas (i.e., 4 project districts and 4 neighboring comparison districts) in Amhara and Oromia regions. The endline survey will mainly consist of youth background characteristics, youth participation in project activities, employment and time use, business knowledge and ownership, life skill and emotional wellbeing, knowledge and use of SRHR services, and attitudes and behaviors related to SRHR and gender equality. The youth survey will be administered on tablets by same sex enumerators and will approximately take 2 hours. In addition, the endline study includes: (i) a kebele-level survey, aimed at capturing background information about the kebele demographics, services, and infrastructure; (ii) a brief youth group/club level survey that aims to collect administrative information on group size, composition, participation, governance, etc.; and (iii) a qualitative data collection on project implementation (i.e., take-up and perceived importance of the project, acceptability and implementation fidelity in the organization of the YAIG and Youth Clubs, and challenges (successes) in delivery of activities), and perceived impacts in the words of youth/participants in selected kebeles. IFPRI is seeking a qualified survey firm based in Ethiopia to conduct the endline quantitative and qualitative data collections.

Scope of work:

The endline data collections will be conducted in the month of November and December 2024 and the survey firm will be mainly responsible for (but not limited to) the following tasks:

  • Provide feedback/input on the questionnaire and translation: the endline questionnaires will be developed by the research team at IFPRI and partner organization (the “IFPRI team”). The survey firm will provide feedback and update/revise the translation translate of the quantitative surveys and qualitative discussion guides into Amharic and Afan Oromo. (Both the quantitative and qualitative instruments were translated during the midline and updating/revising the translations will require minimal effort).
  • Recruiting, hiring, and managing survey enumerators, supervisors, and coordinator: the survey firm will be responsible for the recruitment of 30 quantitative enumerators, 6 supervisors, 4 discussion facilitators/interviewers (for the qualitative data collection) and 2 coordinators (1 coordinator for the quantitative survey and 1 qualitative expert that coordinate the qualitative component)—in addition to several alternate candidates who will undertake training and serve as alternates to the selected field team. An equal number of female and male enumerators and facilitators are expected to be recruited. In addition, as the survey sample is approximately equally split between Amhara and Oromia, an equal number of enumerators and facilitators fluent in each language (or fluent in both) are expected to be recruited. The enumerators should have at least three years of university education, experience in at least three rural household surveys, and be at ease with working with computer assisted data collection software such as SurveyCTO. The qualitative facilitators should have a university degree and experience with at least three prior projects conducting and transcribing in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) on similar or closely related topics.
  • Organizing enumerators training session to be led by the IFPRI team: the survey firm will be responsible for organizing a 6-day training session (4 days in the classroom plus two-day pilots) for the quantitative survey and 5 days training for the qualitative data collection (3 days in the classroom plus two-day pilot) in Addis Ababa. This includes renting training hall and availing all the necessary materials for the training. The IFPRI team will evaluate each enumerator throughout the training for understanding of the questionnaires and discussion guides and decide the final list of enumerators/ facilitators who qualify to take part in the data collections. The survey firm will be responsible for organizing two pre-tests/pilots of the survey as part of the enumerator training (quantitative) and two pre-test/pilot as part of the facilitator training (qualitative). For the quantitative and qualitative surveys, one pilot can be in the local (Addis Ababa) area, while one should be in a rural area (outskirts of Addis Ababa).
  • Organizing and conducting quantitative data collection: organize for quantitative data collection among approximately 3,400 youth living in 8 districts in Amahra and Oromia regions, alongside youth group/club level and kebele surveys for local partners. The organization of data collection mainly include:
    • Providing all relevant materials (printed consent forms, notebooks, enumerator IDs etc.) for the collection of data and field team
    • The rental of six 4x4 vehicles to be used for data collection and all vehicles shall be insured for all its occupants in case of any injury occurring during transport.
    • Organizing the survey logistics and checking the quality of the work performed by enumerators by frequent random visits to enumerators during their field work, and by the verification of submitted surveys (i.e., spot-checks and back-checks, at least for 2.5% of the sample distributed across geography and enumerators).
    • Ensuring that the field operations run smoothly and solving any issues related to logistics, tablet computers and others.
    • Ensuring that enumerators upload all collected data onto the SurveyCTO every day.
    • Ensuring the interviews meet ethical requirements, including but not limited to administration of informed consent and maintaining confidentiality of data.
    • Conducting a debriefing session at the end of the survey and preparation of a detailed field report.
  • Organizing and conducting qualitative data collection: organize for data collection among approximately 18 FGDs, 12 IDIs, and 12 key informant interviews (KIIs) with selected youth and youth groups and district and kebele level stakeholders. The organization of qualitative data mainly include:

eataQbP BVUcJh

    • Providing all relevant materials (printed consent forms, interview guides, enumerator IDs, voice recorders, etc.) for the collection of data and field team
    • Organizing/developing the data collection plan/logistics.
    • Conducting FGDs (with an interviewer pair), IDIs, and KIIs (with one interviewer).
    • Checking the quality of the work performed by facilitators/interviewers.
    • Transcribing and translating interviews and discussions from Amharic and Afan Oromo into English.
    • Conducting a debriefing session with the team and preparing a summary report.

Required qualifications of the consultant / survey firm:

  • Documented past performance on the organization and implementation of at least three large-scale household surveys in Ethiopia with a sample size comparable to this endline survey.
  • The proposed survey team/staff (i.e., enumerators, supervisors, coordinators) should have at least 3 years of university education and experience of at least three rural household surveys conducted with CAPI.
  • Documented prior experience on conducting/managing qualitative data collection (i.e., FGDs, IDIs, and KIIs) on similar or closely related topics.
  • Financial / audit report that shows proficiency in managing and documenting expenditures.
  • Ability to undertake survey work within the specified timeline.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Prior experience in conducting youth surveys on topics related to youth employment and/or SRHR.

Duration: 4 months (from preparation to completion)

Application documents:

Please include the following (in English) in your application:

  • Cover letter.
  • Technical proposal with CVs of key personnel and financial proposal with detail description.

Application Deadline: October 17, 2024


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