Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI)
The Inspection and Evaluation Division (IED) of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) is undertaking an outcome evaluation of the implementation of the Protection of Civilians (POC) mandate by the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). The objective of the evaluation is to determine, as systematically and objectively as possible, the relevance, effectiveness, and coherence of UNISFA implementation of the POC mandate.
The evaluation will assess three intermediate outcomes:
- Reduction in intra- and inter-communal violence.
- Increased response capacities and acts of violence reduced.
- Enhanced delivery of the rule of law to support the protection of civilians (e.g., humane and dignified treatment of suspects, response to Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), and Human Rights (HR) violations.
OIOS-IED seeks Expressions of Interest (EoI) from qualified mid-level evaluation consultants to assist with primary data collection for this outcome evaluation.
Specifically, the consultant will.
a. Pilot key informant interview guides and focus group discussion interview protocols and adapt and align with local languages and contextual nuances.
b. Develop a comprehensive data collection plan encompassing scheduling, logistical arrangements, meeting particulars, and stakeholder contact information tailored to the scope of interviews outlined in Annex 1 Terms of Reference: Interview Schedule. OIOS-IED will assist the consultant in scheduling interviews.
c. Coordinate the engagement of stakeholders for interviews while ensuring equitable representation of all genders and persons with disabilities.
d. Lead the data collection process and conduct and oversee both key informant and focus group discussion interviews.
e. Establish a protocol and mechanism for stringent quality control of interviews conducted, maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the collected data.
f. Conduct regular debrief sessions with the OIOS-IED evaluation team.
g. Safeguard all physical copies of data collection tools containing vital information such as interview dates, participant names, gender, and interview locations.
h. Generate transcripts of key informant and focus group interviews, capturing the spoken content in a written format for further analysis.
i. Provide a concise 3-5-page preliminary analysis report of findings, mapped by evaluation question and corresponding indicator, including data quality assurance measures undertaken.
j. Be available for regular video or phone discussions for any clarification on the tasks to be undertaken above.
k. Liaise with the OIOS-IED and UNISFA focal points at regular intervals to complete the above tasks.
The duration of this consultancy engagement will entail a total of 20 working days spread over a period from 25 September 2023 to 30 October 2023. The consultant will carry out the work in the Abyei box in close consultation with evaluation team members Mr. Aidan Connolly and Ms. Daisy Nakasi under the overall supervision of Ms. Patty Chang, Chief of Section, OIOS-IED.
Deliverables and Timeline
The following deliverables are to be produced by the consultant:
- Review and approve interview protocols.
- Develop a comprehensive data collection plan.
- Conduct data collection (key informant and focus group interviews).
- Transcribe all interviews and provide the written format to the evaluation team.
- Preliminary analysis report.
All deliverables must be submitted in English. All transcripts should be appropriately labeled and numbered consistently with the interview log.
OIOS daily fees for a mid-level evaluation consultant range between USD 300 to USD 500 per day (rates will be determined based on candidate skills and experience as well as the complexity of the assignment).
Work Experience
- Degree in peace and conflict studies/political science/social sciences/economics/or any related field.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research, preferably in peacekeeping/ peacebuilding contexts.
- Minimum 3 years of experience working in the Abyei box and knowledge of the tribal contexts is desirable.
- Strong analytical, synthesis, and report-writing skills.
- Knowledge of the United Nations, especially the Peace & Security pillar, is highly desirable.
- English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, fluency in oral and written English is required, and knowledge of the languages in the Abyei box is an added advantage.
Interested candidates may submit their EoI to Mr. Aidan Connolly at and Ms. Daisy Nakasi at with an up-to-date CV and one-page cover letter that highlights how their background and experience are of direct relevance to the evaluation topic and above-described role. A detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) will be provided to shortlisted candidates.
The deadline to submit expressions of interest is by close of business on 10 September 2023.