Institutional and Community Needs Assessment for P/CVE in Jubaland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and Banadir Regions 77 views0 applications


Somalia is navigating complex challenges that hinder social cohesion, stability and development.

Effective governance and community engagement are vital for fostering a secure environment.

Various initiatives aimed at addressing these issues have been implemented. However, many

existing P/CVE structures lack the necessary institutional capacity and resources to achieve their


Conducting this assessment is a crucial step toward developing a comprehensive and sustainable

strategy for P/CVE in Somalia, ensuring that efforts are informed by evidence and aligned with the

needs of local communities.


The institutional capacity and community needs assessment targets federal and state-level P/CVE

structures, CSOs and communities, to assess the local PCVE capacities, best practices, coordination

between relevant stakeholders, and local threats in Jubaland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Banadir

Region Administration. Based on the assessment findings and recommendations, realistic, feasible,

and time- bound capacity and intervention strategies that can be implemented in line with the

Somali National Strategy for P/CVE, will be developed.

The purpose of this capacity and needs assessment is to guide the national strategy and its action

plans towards enhancing the professionalization of the Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE, FMS

P/CVE Coordinators / Focal Points, federal and state line Ministries’ Focal Points and CSOs. The

assessment will identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and inform the

reorientation of the strategy.


Under the overall supervision of the HAPEN and Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE, the consultant

will perform the following substantive duties and responsibilities:

a) Prepare an inception report outlining the background, objectives, methodological approach,

work plan and deliverables for presentation at the inception workshop, incorporating

feedback from relevant stakeholders to ensure the approach aligns with both institutional

and community-level needs and priorities.

b) Develop comprehensive tools to conduct both a capacity and needs assessment of

participating institutions and communities. These tools should be designed to gather data on

institutional capacity as well as the specific needs, vulnerabilities, and aspirations of

community members in relation to P/CVE. The tools should utilize participatory approaches(e.g., surveys, interviews, focus group discussions) to ensure community voices are accurately

captured. Pilot and refine these tools before full deployment.

c) Conduct a gaps analysis of P/CVE institutions’ and CSOs’ structures, mandates, personnel,

and funding, as well as a detailed assessment of community needs and vulnerabilities in

relation to violent extremism. This includes exploring community perceptions of P/CVE

efforts, understanding local drivers of violent extremism and identifying potential

interventions that can address these drivers at the community level. The gaps analysis should

also consider how effectively the institutions’ and CSOs’ mandates align with community


d) Conduct an in-depth assessment of the capacity of the participating institutions and their

organs, identifying specific capacity gaps, institutional development requirements and

assessing their ability to engage and meet the needs of the local communities. This

assessment should also include evaluating the institutions’ ability to foster positive

relationships with the communities they serve, especially marginalized or vulnerable groups,

and to incorporate community input into decision-making processes.

e) Evaluate the professional and technical qualifications of the staff of the participating

institutions, assessing the relevance of their skills in engaging with communities,

understanding community dynamics and addressing community concerns related to violent

extremism. Additionally, assess community members’ perceived gaps in capacity among

P/CVE actors.

f) Assess the institutional strategies, business processes, human resource management,

information systems, equipment and communications capacity of the participating

institutions. This includes an evaluation of how well institutions communicate and

collaborate with communities, especially in addressing community needs, building trust, and

promoting collaboration for P/CVE initiatives.

g) Conduct a community-level needs assessment, identifying key vulnerabilities, concerns, and

aspirations of different community groups, including women, youth, marginalized groups and

those most affected by violent extremism. This should include an analysis of local-level

drivers of conflict and extremism, the capacity of communities to prevent and counter violent

extremism, and community preferences for P/CVE interventions. Special attention should be

paid to the involvement of women and youth in shaping P/CVE policies and strategies.

h) Provide actionable recommendations based on both institutional and community-level

assessments, offering a comprehensive framework to address identified capacity gaps and

community needs. The recommendations should aim to strengthen institutional

effectiveness and align P/CVE interventions with community priorities, while considering the

local political, cultural and social contexts.


The consultant must demonstrate an understanding of the assignment and describe how

they will address/deliver the demands of the ToR providing a detailed description of the essential

performance characteristics, reporting conditions, and quality assurance mechanisms that will be

put in place while demonstrating that the proposed methodology will be appropriate to the local

needs and context of the work. On the minimum, the consultant will be expected to:

 Have active engagement with all participating institutions in the capacity assessment anddevelopment process.

 Adopt a combination of participatory tools and methodologies (e.g., desk research, self-

assessment, stakeholder analysis, interview with key holders, comprehensive workshops

with each stakeholder and review of functions, TORs, roles, and responsibilities) and group

facilitation techniques to promote participation and buy-in, understand status and

strategies (or lack thereof) for achieving future goals.

 Coordinate the work closely with Tubsan, HAPEN and GCERF teams throughout the entire

capacity assessment process.

The concrete tasks and deliverables will be discussed and agreed upon by the Tubsan and HAPEN

team on one hand and the Consultant on the other in advance


The deliverables are as follows:

1. Desk review conducted. document review, assessment design, methodology, and detailed

work plan.

2. Inception report finalized and submitted – The consultant will prepare an inception report which

details the consultant’s understanding of the consultancy and how the assessment will be

conducted. The report will be presented to the reference group at an inception meeting. This

ensures that the consultant and the key stakeholders have a shared understanding of the

Capacity Assessment. The inception report will include the assessment design, methodology,

sample questions, data sources and collection analysis tools. The report will consist of the scope

of work, plan of action, and time frame. The methodology must include precise instruments

and procedures for the P/CVE sector mapping institutional capacity development based on

identified needs and gaps. The Inception meeting will consist of an initial briefing with relevant


3. Draft Report completed and submitted – The consultant will hold consultations and conduct

capacity assessments with relevant institutions. Hold a briefing or workshop to present findings

and draft capacity assessment report: The consultant will prepare a draft capacity assessment

report presented at a validation workshop to be attended by the Tubsan, representation from

implementing partner, and participating institutions. The findings, a draft assessment report

and a capacity development strategy will be reviewed and comments provided.

4. Preliminary data analysis, debriefing, and draft Institutional Capacity Assessment

5. Report presentation. Validation workshop with the reference group

6. Final assessment report will be submitted to Tubsan and its partner. The final report will be

structured as follows:

A. Table of Contents

B. Acronyms

C. Executive Summary

 Overview of the project

 Evaluation objectives and intended users

 Methodology

 Most important findings and conclusions

 Key recommendations

D. Introduction Scope and purpose of the assessment, intended users, team composition, and

structure of the report

 Assessment questions and criteria

E. Methodology

 Description of methods used and rationale

 Limitations and constraints, potential biases, and mitigation measures

F. Context: Analysis of the context

G. Presentation of the findings

H. Conclusions:

I. Recommendations: Clear, specific, relevant, implementable, linked with conclusions,

reflecting consultations with stakeholders, presented by priority level, with timeframe

and suggestions of where responsibility for follow-up should lie

J. Annexes


 List of interviewed individuals (anonymized) and sites visited

 List of documents consulted and secondary data used

 Data collection instruments

 Raw data collected after cleaning

 PowerPoint presentation of the main findings and recommendations


 Document review.

 Developing and pre-testing the necessary data collection tools (to be presented in the

Inception Report).

 Leading/managing the capacity and needs assessment team through the Capacity

Assessment phases.

 Ensuring the use of best practices in capacity and needs assessment methodologies.

 Leading the presentation of the draft Capacity Assessment findings and recommendations.

 Drafting, finalizing, and submitting the final capacity and needs assessment report; and

 Quality control of the capacity and needs assessment report.


The cumulative duration of the contract will be 40 working days effective from the date of

signing contract by both parties.


The consultant will report directly to Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE. Following initial discussions, an inception report will be provided in the first week of the contract to establish agreements on any issues requiring clarification and the agreed-upon implementation strategy. Weekly updates will be provided to Tubsan and its partner HAPEN detailing progress to date, challenges affecting implementation, and suggested mitigation strategies or needs. A final report, including data analysis indicating implications for assessing the capacity of institutions broken down by location, will be submitted in the last week of the contract.


HAPEN reserves the right to amend or terminate the contract if circumstances warrant such action.


Functional Competencies:

 Good knowledge and understanding of Violent Extremism in Somalia and in the Horn of

Africa, familiarity with Somalia National Strategy to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism

is an asset.

 Knowledge of issues concerning radicalization, Preventing and Countering violent

extremism, conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding.

 Thorough knowledge of results-based management and strategic planning processes.

 Excellent facilitation and communication skills.

 Comprehensive experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and –

analysis, including surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, etc.

 Ability to deal with multi-stakeholder groups.

 Ability to write focused Capacity Assessment reports.

 Willingness and ability to travel to the different FMS to conduct the assessment.

 Strong interpersonal and managerial skills.

 Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and evidence of delivering good

quality Capacity Assessment and research products promptly.

 Thorough understanding of key elements of result-based management/programming.

 Demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking and excellent analytical and writing skills.

 Initiative, ability to work independently, sound judgment, and good interpersonal skills.

Required Skills and Experience


 At least an advanced university degree (Masters) in conflict resolution, human rights,

political sciences, law, or public administration and social science fields.


 Minimum of seven years of accumulated experience in institutional Capacity Assessment,–

preferably in post-conflict or fragile state contexts.

 The consultant / consultancy firm must have extensive experience in Capacity Assessment

of Somali Institutions, in-depth knowledge of Counterterrorism and violence extremism

(ideally focusing on prevention) at national and sub-national levels, and preferably in “in-

conflict” and post-conflict environments.

 Possess in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Somalia context.

 Have extensive experience in assessing national institutions, preferably in the region.

 Extensive experience and knowledge in conducting institutional capacity assessment and

mapping exercises.

 Substantive solid experience in at least one practice area of governance (governance,conflict prevention, the rule of law, and justice).


Fluency in English with excellent oral, written, communication, and reporting skills is required.


Technical proposal:

 A brief description of why the individual considers him/herself /consultancy firm the most

suitable for the assignment, and a methodology on how he/she /consultancy firm will

approach and complete the assignment.

 Personal CV / CVs, indicating all experience from similar projects, the contact details (email

and telephone number) of the candidate (s).

 Budget for conflict assessment.

Financial proposal:

A Financial Proposal must be submitted that indicates an all-inclusive fixed total contract price

supported by a breakdown of costs. The Offeror must indicate this and ensure that all expenses are

duly incorporated in the submitted financial proposal.

Interested firms or individual consultants should send their technical and financial proposals to [email protected] copying [email protected] by 22th November 2024, 5pm East African Time.

More Information

  • Job City Somalia
  • This job has expired!
0 USD Somalia CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)


Somalia is navigating complex challenges that hinder social cohesion, stability and development.

Effective governance and community engagement are vital for fostering a secure environment.

Various initiatives aimed at addressing these issues have been implemented. However, many

existing P/CVE structures lack the necessary institutional capacity and resources to achieve their


Conducting this assessment is a crucial step toward developing a comprehensive and sustainable

strategy for P/CVE in Somalia, ensuring that efforts are informed by evidence and aligned with the

needs of local communities.


The institutional capacity and community needs assessment targets federal and state-level P/CVE

structures, CSOs and communities, to assess the local PCVE capacities, best practices, coordination

between relevant stakeholders, and local threats in Jubaland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Banadir

Region Administration. Based on the assessment findings and recommendations, realistic, feasible,

and time- bound capacity and intervention strategies that can be implemented in line with the

Somali National Strategy for P/CVE, will be developed.

The purpose of this capacity and needs assessment is to guide the national strategy and its action

plans towards enhancing the professionalization of the Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE, FMS

P/CVE Coordinators / Focal Points, federal and state line Ministries' Focal Points and CSOs. The

assessment will identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and inform the

reorientation of the strategy.


Under the overall supervision of the HAPEN and Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE, the consultant

will perform the following substantive duties and responsibilities:

a) Prepare an inception report outlining the background, objectives, methodological approach,

work plan and deliverables for presentation at the inception workshop, incorporating

feedback from relevant stakeholders to ensure the approach aligns with both institutional

and community-level needs and priorities.

b) Develop comprehensive tools to conduct both a capacity and needs assessment of

participating institutions and communities. These tools should be designed to gather data on

institutional capacity as well as the specific needs, vulnerabilities, and aspirations of

community members in relation to P/CVE. The tools should utilize participatory approaches(e.g., surveys, interviews, focus group discussions) to ensure community voices are accurately

captured. Pilot and refine these tools before full deployment.

c) Conduct a gaps analysis of P/CVE institutions' and CSOs’ structures, mandates, personnel,

and funding, as well as a detailed assessment of community needs and vulnerabilities in

relation to violent extremism. This includes exploring community perceptions of P/CVE

efforts, understanding local drivers of violent extremism and identifying potential

interventions that can address these drivers at the community level. The gaps analysis should

also consider how effectively the institutions' and CSOs' mandates align with community


d) Conduct an in-depth assessment of the capacity of the participating institutions and their

organs, identifying specific capacity gaps, institutional development requirements and

assessing their ability to engage and meet the needs of the local communities. This

assessment should also include evaluating the institutions' ability to foster positive

relationships with the communities they serve, especially marginalized or vulnerable groups,

and to incorporate community input into decision-making processes.

e) Evaluate the professional and technical qualifications of the staff of the participating

institutions, assessing the relevance of their skills in engaging with communities,

understanding community dynamics and addressing community concerns related to violent

extremism. Additionally, assess community members' perceived gaps in capacity among

P/CVE actors.

f) Assess the institutional strategies, business processes, human resource management,

information systems, equipment and communications capacity of the participating

institutions. This includes an evaluation of how well institutions communicate and

collaborate with communities, especially in addressing community needs, building trust, and

promoting collaboration for P/CVE initiatives.

g) Conduct a community-level needs assessment, identifying key vulnerabilities, concerns, and

aspirations of different community groups, including women, youth, marginalized groups and

those most affected by violent extremism. This should include an analysis of local-level

drivers of conflict and extremism, the capacity of communities to prevent and counter violent

extremism, and community preferences for P/CVE interventions. Special attention should be

paid to the involvement of women and youth in shaping P/CVE policies and strategies.

h) Provide actionable recommendations based on both institutional and community-level

assessments, offering a comprehensive framework to address identified capacity gaps and

community needs. The recommendations should aim to strengthen institutional

effectiveness and align P/CVE interventions with community priorities, while considering the

local political, cultural and social contexts.


The consultant must demonstrate an understanding of the assignment and describe how

they will address/deliver the demands of the ToR providing a detailed description of the essential

performance characteristics, reporting conditions, and quality assurance mechanisms that will be

put in place while demonstrating that the proposed methodology will be appropriate to the local

needs and context of the work. On the minimum, the consultant will be expected to:

 Have active engagement with all participating institutions in the capacity assessment anddevelopment process.

 Adopt a combination of participatory tools and methodologies (e.g., desk research, self-

assessment, stakeholder analysis, interview with key holders, comprehensive workshops

with each stakeholder and review of functions, TORs, roles, and responsibilities) and group

facilitation techniques to promote participation and buy-in, understand status and

strategies (or lack thereof) for achieving future goals.

 Coordinate the work closely with Tubsan, HAPEN and GCERF teams throughout the entire

capacity assessment process.

The concrete tasks and deliverables will be discussed and agreed upon by the Tubsan and HAPEN

team on one hand and the Consultant on the other in advance


The deliverables are as follows:

1. Desk review conducted. document review, assessment design, methodology, and detailed

work plan.

2. Inception report finalized and submitted - The consultant will prepare an inception report which

details the consultant's understanding of the consultancy and how the assessment will be

conducted. The report will be presented to the reference group at an inception meeting. This

ensures that the consultant and the key stakeholders have a shared understanding of the

Capacity Assessment. The inception report will include the assessment design, methodology,

sample questions, data sources and collection analysis tools. The report will consist of the scope

of work, plan of action, and time frame. The methodology must include precise instruments

and procedures for the P/CVE sector mapping institutional capacity development based on

identified needs and gaps. The Inception meeting will consist of an initial briefing with relevant


3. Draft Report completed and submitted - The consultant will hold consultations and conduct

capacity assessments with relevant institutions. Hold a briefing or workshop to present findings

and draft capacity assessment report: The consultant will prepare a draft capacity assessment

report presented at a validation workshop to be attended by the Tubsan, representation from

implementing partner, and participating institutions. The findings, a draft assessment report

and a capacity development strategy will be reviewed and comments provided.

4. Preliminary data analysis, debriefing, and draft Institutional Capacity Assessment

5. Report presentation. Validation workshop with the reference group

6. Final assessment report will be submitted to Tubsan and its partner. The final report will be

structured as follows:

A. Table of Contents

B. Acronyms

C. Executive Summary

 Overview of the project

 Evaluation objectives and intended users

 Methodology

 Most important findings and conclusions

 Key recommendations

D. Introduction Scope and purpose of the assessment, intended users, team composition, and

structure of the report

 Assessment questions and criteria

E. Methodology

 Description of methods used and rationale

 Limitations and constraints, potential biases, and mitigation measures

F. Context: Analysis of the context

G. Presentation of the findings

H. Conclusions:

I. Recommendations: Clear, specific, relevant, implementable, linked with conclusions,

reflecting consultations with stakeholders, presented by priority level, with timeframe

and suggestions of where responsibility for follow-up should lie

J. Annexes


 List of interviewed individuals (anonymized) and sites visited

 List of documents consulted and secondary data used

 Data collection instruments

 Raw data collected after cleaning

 PowerPoint presentation of the main findings and recommendations


 Document review.

 Developing and pre-testing the necessary data collection tools (to be presented in the

Inception Report).

 Leading/managing the capacity and needs assessment team through the Capacity

Assessment phases.

 Ensuring the use of best practices in capacity and needs assessment methodologies.

 Leading the presentation of the draft Capacity Assessment findings and recommendations.

 Drafting, finalizing, and submitting the final capacity and needs assessment report; and

 Quality control of the capacity and needs assessment report.


The cumulative duration of the contract will be 40 working days effective from the date of

signing contract by both parties.


The consultant will report directly to Tubsan National Centre for P/CVE. Following initial discussions, an inception report will be provided in the first week of the contract to establish agreements on any issues requiring clarification and the agreed-upon implementation strategy. Weekly updates will be provided to Tubsan and its partner HAPEN detailing progress to date, challenges affecting implementation, and suggested mitigation strategies or needs. A final report, including data analysis indicating implications for assessing the capacity of institutions broken down by location, will be submitted in the last week of the contract.


HAPEN reserves the right to amend or terminate the contract if circumstances warrant such action.


Functional Competencies:

 Good knowledge and understanding of Violent Extremism in Somalia and in the Horn of

Africa, familiarity with Somalia National Strategy to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism

is an asset.

 Knowledge of issues concerning radicalization, Preventing and Countering violent

extremism, conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding.

 Thorough knowledge of results-based management and strategic planning processes.

 Excellent facilitation and communication skills.

 Comprehensive experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and –

analysis, including surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, etc.

 Ability to deal with multi-stakeholder groups.

 Ability to write focused Capacity Assessment reports.

 Willingness and ability to travel to the different FMS to conduct the assessment.

 Strong interpersonal and managerial skills.

 Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and evidence of delivering good

quality Capacity Assessment and research products promptly.

 Thorough understanding of key elements of result-based management/programming.

 Demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking and excellent analytical and writing skills.

 Initiative, ability to work independently, sound judgment, and good interpersonal skills.

Required Skills and Experience


 At least an advanced university degree (Masters) in conflict resolution, human rights,

political sciences, law, or public administration and social science fields.


 Minimum of seven years of accumulated experience in institutional Capacity Assessment,–

preferably in post-conflict or fragile state contexts.

 The consultant / consultancy firm must have extensive experience in Capacity Assessment

of Somali Institutions, in-depth knowledge of Counterterrorism and violence extremism

(ideally focusing on prevention) at national and sub-national levels, and preferably in "in-

conflict" and post-conflict environments.

 Possess in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Somalia context.

 Have extensive experience in assessing national institutions, preferably in the region.

 Extensive experience and knowledge in conducting institutional capacity assessment and

mapping exercises.

 Substantive solid experience in at least one practice area of governance (governance,conflict prevention, the rule of law, and justice).


Fluency in English with excellent oral, written, communication, and reporting skills is required.


Technical proposal:

 A brief description of why the individual considers him/herself /consultancy firm the most

suitable for the assignment, and a methodology on how he/she /consultancy firm will

approach and complete the assignment.

 Personal CV / CVs, indicating all experience from similar projects, the contact details (email

and telephone number) of the candidate (s).

 Budget for conflict assessment.

Financial proposal:

A Financial Proposal must be submitted that indicates an all-inclusive fixed total contract price

supported by a breakdown of costs. The Offeror must indicate this and ensure that all expenses are

duly incorporated in the submitted financial proposal.

Interested firms or individual consultants should send their technical and financial proposals to [email protected] copying [email protected] by 22th November 2024, 5pm East African Time.


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