Technical Support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia to conduct a Gender Equality Assessment, Monrovia, Liberia 41 views0 applications


Integrating feminist principles in policy design and implementation, including in foreign policy is emerging as a new frontier for gender responsive governance globally. 2024 marks a decade since the first Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) was adopted by a government, a move that has been replicated by at least ten other countries since then. Existing FFP frameworks vary significantly in scope and in coverage, focusing on country-specific priority fields such as diplomacy, development cooperation, trade, climate, peace, security and gender responsive institutional reforms among others.

At the multilateral level, FFP advocacy is increasing through member state led informal groups such as the FFP+ Group in New York which Liberia is an allied member. Advocacy efforts spearheaded by this group culminated in the first FFP political declaration during the High-Level Week of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. In the political declaration, signatory members, including Liberia reaffirm the commitment of their governments to take feminist, intersectional and gender-transformative approaches to their foreign policies, based on mainstreaming gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in all their diversity, taking into account the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination to which they may be subjected, in close cooperation with feminist civil society and movements.

Against this backdrop, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia (MFA) has committed to undertake a Gender Equality Assessment to audit the extent to which equality is effectively institutionalized in the organizational culture, policies, programmes, structures, processes, practices (including decision-making processes) and in the corresponding budgets of the ministry. The gender equality assessment will be the first step in Liberia’s journey towards the adoption and implementation of a Feminist Foreign Policy, in consultation with relevant ministries, departments and agency and in coordination with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

Specifically, the gender equality assessment will aim to:

  • Assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the development and delivery of gender-sensitive services within MFA institutions and processes.
  • Identify mechanisms, policies and practices that promote gender mainstreaming within MFA highlighting promising practices as well as gaps.
  • Assess the resource allocation and expenditure on gender mainstreaming and gender-targeted initiatives of the MFA.
  • Examine the gender balance of MFA staff across departments, agencies, and other MFA affiliated institutions.
  • Establish a baseline as a starting point to track progress of promotion of gender equality within MFA’s actions overtime, including formulation and implementation of policies and institutional processes in bilateral and multilateral engagements.
  • Identify key priority foreign policy issues to shape the Feminist Policy Agenda in Liberia.
  • Identify gaps and recommend possible strategies to advance MFA’s journey towards adoption and implementation of a Feminist Foreign Policy.

The main outcome of the gender assessment will be an assessment report that includes a clearly defined roadmap of implementing the recommended actions, stemming from the assessment findings.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the UN Women Rep, with day-to-day support from the Coordination and Partnerships Officer and the Gender Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks: Task 1: Inception Phase: Desk Review and Development of the Consultancy Plan and Inception Report

  • Comprehensive review of existing literature, policy documents, including best practices related to feminist foreign policies (FFP)
  • Detailed consultancy plan outlining the methodology, timeline, and key activities for the gender equality assessment. This plan will include stakeholder engagement strategies, and data collection methods.
  • Stakeholder mappings of key stakeholders, including government focal points, representatives from affiliated institutions and partners, civil society organizations, and other relevant entities.
  • Development of a roadmap for developing and implementing Feminist Foreign Policy in Liberia
  • Presentation of inception report to key stakeholders for review and feedback.

Task 2: Data Collection, Compilation, and Analysis

  • Compile and analyse available statistical data, research findings, and relevant policy.
  • Conduct selected stakeholders’ consultations including Government entities, UN agencies, development partners and non-governmental organisations/civil societies, private sector representatives, and media representatives.
  • Document key insights, perspectives, and recommendations from stakeholders, focusing on gender mainstreaming efforts, gaps, and opportunities and priorities to inform Liberia’s Feminist Foreign Policy.

Task 3: Report Development – Draft Gender Equality Assessment Report

  • Develop a draft report based on the findings from the data collection and analysis phase – The report will assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the MFA, including resource allocation, gender balance in staffing, and the effectiveness of existing mechanisms, policies, and practices; and key foreign policy priorities in Liberia to inform the Feminist Foreign Policy
  • Share the draft report to MFA and UN Women for review and feedback.
  • Organize review sessions or workshop to discuss the draft findings and recommendations.

Task 4: Stakeholder Validation, Endorsement, and Finalization

  • Organize and facilitate a validation workshop with key stakeholders to present the draft gender equality assessment report and the proposed roadmap for implementing a Feminist Foreign Policy in Liberia.
  • Incorporate feedback from the validation workshop and finalize the gender equality assessment report.
  • Develop a brief policy note summarizing the key findings, recommendations, and next steps for dissemination to a broader audience.


  • Draft and Final Inception Report with detailed work plan, methodology, tools, roles, responsibilities, and time frame. eYGadQc BVUcJh
  • Stakeholder mapping.
  • Roadmap on the implementation of Liberia’s Feminist Foreign Policy.
  • Multi-Stakeholders’ Consultations Reports to provide the main findings of in-depth consultations with key stakeholders (including, but not exclusive to, all relevant Government ministries and local government bodies, UN agencies, Development partners, agencies, civil society organizations, gender focal persons, representatives).
  • Gender Equality Assessment Report.

Consultant’s Workplace other logistic arrangements

The consultant will work from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with intermittent presence on UN Women premises and will work using her/his own laptop.

Technical Committee will be established and composed of selected key stakeholders and gender experts from other Ministries, UN Agencies, Development Partners, and CSOs among others to provide technical guidance and oversight to the consultant(s) throughout the process of conducting the assignment. The Technical Committee will also strengthen ownership of the process. The consultant shall be ultimately accountable to UN Women and MFA for this assignment.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective
  •  Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:

Required Skills and Experience

The Consultant should fulfill the following requirements:

  • At least 10 years of professional experience in the field of gender and M&E, gender and organizational development, international relations, gender equality audits, gender studies, and other related fields.
  • Sound knowledge and understanding of international best practices, tools and methodologies on gender equality assessments or audits.
  • Demonstrable experience in developing methodologies and tools for gender equality assessments/audits and conducting trainings and workshops with national governmental institutions.
  • Demonstrable experience in providing advisory services to government institutions at the national level.
  • Advanced understanding of gender equality and women’s human rights.
  • A sound understanding of foreign policy concepts and their intersection with gender equality and women’s human rights.


  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Knowledge of any other UN official language is an asset.

How to Apply

  • Personal CV or P11 (P11 can be downloaded from: )
  • A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page)
  • Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns, or other materials.

More Information

  • Job City Monrovia, Liberia
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In response to the UN General Assembly resolution 63/311, in January 2006 the Secretary-General presented the report A/64/588, entitled Comprehensive Proposal for the Composite Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In his report, the Secretary-General resolved that, rather than relieving other parts of the United Nations system of their responsibility for contributing to the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment, the new entity should seek to sharpen the focus and impact of the gender equality activities of the entire United Nations system. Additionally, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon estimated that approximately $125 million per annum were needed for operating costs and "start-up" capacity at the country, regional, and headquarters levels. Moreover, an additional $375 million per annum were needed in the initial phase to respond to country level requests for programmatic support.

After years of negotiations between UN member states, women's groups, and civil society, on 2 July 2010 the General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution 64/289, thus creating UN Women by merging the Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW); the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW, established in 1976); the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI, established in 1997), and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM, established in 1976). Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced at the founding of the movement that he is "grateful to Member States for having taken this major step forward for the world's women and girls. UN Women will significantly boost UN efforts to promote gender equality, expand opportunity, and tackle discrimination around the globe
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0 USD Monrovia, Liberia CF 3201 Abc road Full Time , 40 hours per week UN Women


Integrating feminist principles in policy design and implementation, including in foreign policy is emerging as a new frontier for gender responsive governance globally. 2024 marks a decade since the first Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) was adopted by a government, a move that has been replicated by at least ten other countries since then. Existing FFP frameworks vary significantly in scope and in coverage, focusing on country-specific priority fields such as diplomacy, development cooperation, trade, climate, peace, security and gender responsive institutional reforms among others.

At the multilateral level, FFP advocacy is increasing through member state led informal groups such as the FFP+ Group in New York which Liberia is an allied member. Advocacy efforts spearheaded by this group culminated in the first FFP political declaration during the High-Level Week of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. In the political declaration, signatory members, including Liberia reaffirm the commitment of their governments to take feminist, intersectional and gender-transformative approaches to their foreign policies, based on mainstreaming gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in all their diversity, taking into account the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination to which they may be subjected, in close cooperation with feminist civil society and movements.

Against this backdrop, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia (MFA) has committed to undertake a Gender Equality Assessment to audit the extent to which equality is effectively institutionalized in the organizational culture, policies, programmes, structures, processes, practices (including decision-making processes) and in the corresponding budgets of the ministry. The gender equality assessment will be the first step in Liberia's journey towards the adoption and implementation of a Feminist Foreign Policy, in consultation with relevant ministries, departments and agency and in coordination with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

Specifically, the gender equality assessment will aim to:

  • Assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the development and delivery of gender-sensitive services within MFA institutions and processes.
  • Identify mechanisms, policies and practices that promote gender mainstreaming within MFA highlighting promising practices as well as gaps.
  • Assess the resource allocation and expenditure on gender mainstreaming and gender-targeted initiatives of the MFA.
  • Examine the gender balance of MFA staff across departments, agencies, and other MFA affiliated institutions.
  • Establish a baseline as a starting point to track progress of promotion of gender equality within MFA's actions overtime, including formulation and implementation of policies and institutional processes in bilateral and multilateral engagements.
  • Identify key priority foreign policy issues to shape the Feminist Policy Agenda in Liberia.
  • Identify gaps and recommend possible strategies to advance MFA's journey towards adoption and implementation of a Feminist Foreign Policy.

The main outcome of the gender assessment will be an assessment report that includes a clearly defined roadmap of implementing the recommended actions, stemming from the assessment findings.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the UN Women Rep, with day-to-day support from the Coordination and Partnerships Officer and the Gender Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks: Task 1: Inception Phase: Desk Review and Development of the Consultancy Plan and Inception Report

  • Comprehensive review of existing literature, policy documents, including best practices related to feminist foreign policies (FFP)
  • Detailed consultancy plan outlining the methodology, timeline, and key activities for the gender equality assessment. This plan will include stakeholder engagement strategies, and data collection methods.
  • Stakeholder mappings of key stakeholders, including government focal points, representatives from affiliated institutions and partners, civil society organizations, and other relevant entities.
  • Development of a roadmap for developing and implementing Feminist Foreign Policy in Liberia
  • Presentation of inception report to key stakeholders for review and feedback.

Task 2: Data Collection, Compilation, and Analysis

  • Compile and analyse available statistical data, research findings, and relevant policy.
  • Conduct selected stakeholders' consultations including Government entities, UN agencies, development partners and non-governmental organisations/civil societies, private sector representatives, and media representatives.
  • Document key insights, perspectives, and recommendations from stakeholders, focusing on gender mainstreaming efforts, gaps, and opportunities and priorities to inform Liberia's Feminist Foreign Policy.

Task 3: Report Development - Draft Gender Equality Assessment Report

  • Develop a draft report based on the findings from the data collection and analysis phase - The report will assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the MFA, including resource allocation, gender balance in staffing, and the effectiveness of existing mechanisms, policies, and practices; and key foreign policy priorities in Liberia to inform the Feminist Foreign Policy
  • Share the draft report to MFA and UN Women for review and feedback.
  • Organize review sessions or workshop to discuss the draft findings and recommendations.

Task 4: Stakeholder Validation, Endorsement, and Finalization

  • Organize and facilitate a validation workshop with key stakeholders to present the draft gender equality assessment report and the proposed roadmap for implementing a Feminist Foreign Policy in Liberia.
  • Incorporate feedback from the validation workshop and finalize the gender equality assessment report.
  • Develop a brief policy note summarizing the key findings, recommendations, and next steps for dissemination to a broader audience.


  • Draft and Final Inception Report with detailed work plan, methodology, tools, roles, responsibilities, and time frame. eYGadQc BVUcJh
  • Stakeholder mapping.
  • Roadmap on the implementation of Liberia's Feminist Foreign Policy.
  • Multi-Stakeholders' Consultations Reports to provide the main findings of in-depth consultations with key stakeholders (including, but not exclusive to, all relevant Government ministries and local government bodies, UN agencies, Development partners, agencies, civil society organizations, gender focal persons, representatives).
  • Gender Equality Assessment Report.

Consultant's Workplace other logistic arrangements

The consultant will work from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with intermittent presence on UN Women premises and will work using her/his own laptop.

Technical Committee will be established and composed of selected key stakeholders and gender experts from other Ministries, UN Agencies, Development Partners, and CSOs among others to provide technical guidance and oversight to the consultant(s) throughout the process of conducting the assignment. The Technical Committee will also strengthen ownership of the process. The consultant shall be ultimately accountable to UN Women and MFA for this assignment.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective
  •  Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women's Core Values and Competencies:

Required Skills and Experience

The Consultant should fulfill the following requirements:

  • At least 10 years of professional experience in the field of gender and M&E, gender and organizational development, international relations, gender equality audits, gender studies, and other related fields.
  • Sound knowledge and understanding of international best practices, tools and methodologies on gender equality assessments or audits.
  • Demonstrable experience in developing methodologies and tools for gender equality assessments/audits and conducting trainings and workshops with national governmental institutions.
  • Demonstrable experience in providing advisory services to government institutions at the national level.
  • Advanced understanding of gender equality and women's human rights.
  • A sound understanding of foreign policy concepts and their intersection with gender equality and women's human rights.


  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Knowledge of any other UN official language is an asset.

How to Apply

  • Personal CV or P11 (P11 can be downloaded from: )
  • A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page)
  • Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns, or other materials.


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