Transforming Waste into Wealth: Capacity Building of Coffee Farmers on Vermicomposting for Improved Soil Health and Yields 27 views0 applications


Solidaridad Network is an international solution-oriented civil society organisation working through eight regional expertise centres to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our eight regional expertise centres include Asia, Eastern and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, South America, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa, one of the regional centres, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximises the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access. Solidaridad embraces the public-private and people partnerships (PPPP) in order to test innovations, speed up change, and take success to scale. Globally, Solidaridad works around Coffee and other 12 commodities/sectors (

  1. The Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Project in Kenya Summary

The Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Coffee Project is a seven-year project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs supporting smallholder coffee farmers through 3 pathways; (i) creating viable and resilient production systems ii) catalysing inclusive service delivery systems and iii) championing inclusive markets. The programme will co-create and implement tailored interventions to facilitate transformation in the coffee sector contributing to increased sustainable production (productivity and quality) and incomes, enhancing resilience to the impacts of climate change and other shocks and the creation of decent jobs and inclusive supply chains.

The P2P project aims to build the capacity of 101,500 smallholder coffee farmers (30% women and 15% youth) from Bomet, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Bungoma, Transnzoia and West Pokot Counties in Kenya to produce good quality coffee. Also, strengthen the leadership and governance of 189 cooperatives and provide a platform for cooperatives to link & interact with over 500 service providers in their respective countries to establish long term relations that go to serve the interests of both.

The intended long-term impact is that small- holder coffee farmers thrive by participating in the supply chain that is economically viable, socially responsible and environmentally sound by 2029. Smallholder coffee farmers will have an opportunity to participate in economically viable value chains by increasing their productivity through adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP’s) for increased incomes. It prioritises the inclusion of women and youth. Environmental conservation is a key element focusing on adoption of climate resilient practices, implementing carbon projects as well as adopting agroforestry.

3. 1 Background

Vermicomposting is the process of using earthworms, specifically the red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida) , to decompose organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. Vermicomposting significantly enhances soil health in coffee farming by transforming organic waste into nutrient-rich compost through earthworm activity. This process enriches the soil with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, improving both fertility and structure. Enhanced microbial activity aids in nutrient cycling, fostering a biodiverse soil ecosystem that is crucial for plant health.

The application of vermicompost can lead to increased moisture retention and aeration, reducing the need for frequent irrigation and promoting resilient root systems. This can lower water costs for farmers while enhancing crop yield and quality. Economically, the initial investment in vermicomposting infrastructure can be offset by reduced chemical fertiliser expenses and improved coffee productivity, resulting in better financial returns.

Moreover, incorporating vermicomposting practices contributes to environmental sustainability by minimising agricultural waste and promoting organic matter recycling, ultimately supporting both farmer livelihoods and ecosystem health in the long term.

In response, Solidaridad through the Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Programme seeks to build the capacity of farmers to apply vermicomposting techniques for the transformation of coffee pulps to nutrient-rich compost manure applied on coffee bushes. This will also reduce the emission caused by the uncontrolled decomposing of the pulps. Solidaridad is looking for a consultant that can provide vermicomposting training including supply of required materials for:

i) 100 ToTs, lead Farmers and government extension officers on the CSA practises, carbon farming, carbon credits and carbon trading. The delivery of these training will be finalised by 30th of November 2024.

ii) Facilitate vermicomposting demonstrations for 30 cooperative societies. These should be finalised by 30th November 2024.

3.2 Assignment Objective(s):

The overall objective of the assignment is to enhance the capacity of smallholder coffee farmers on vermicomposting aimed at improving the soil health and productivity of coffee.

Specific Objectives and Deliverables include;

  1. Training of 100 ToTs, Lead Farmers and Government Extension Officers on vermicomposting.
  2. Facilitate the set-up of vermicomposting demonstrations units for 30 AMCOs.
  3. Guide on the multiplication of the worms for long-term sharing amongst farmers.
  4. Follow up on the survival of the established vermi-composting units guiding responsible persons on the maintenance procedures i.e. moisture, temperature, light exposure, aeration and pest management.

4.0 Expert/Consultant’s Profile:

Qualified and experienced Consultancy Firms should develop a comprehensive expression of interest (E.O.I)outlining:

• A profile of the firm/consultant

• Firm/Consultants statement on the interpretation of the TOR

• Curriculum Vitaes’ of consultant/firm outlining qualifications and demonstrable experience in training on vermicomposting.

• A description of the methodology

• At least 3 references of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3 years

• Sample of some of the works delivered on vermicomposting.

• A detailed financial proposal (inclusive of relevant taxes) and a work plan for carrying out the assignment

6.0 Duration of the assignment.

The assignment is expected to take place within a maximum of 30 days after signing the contract. Application process:

The consultancy firms/companies are required to submit an EOI containing a statement on the candidate’s experience with similar assignments, curriculum vitae, financial proposal, and work plan by October 27th, 2024 at 5:00pm (EAT). All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, those unable to meet the requirement will not be considered.

Each EOI submission should be not more than 5 pages and include the following:

  • A brief proposal for the study with methodology and work plan.
  • A sample/samples of previous related work.
  • A financial proposal with a budget with breakdowns of different costs involved, to the finer detail. A budget with aggregated figures will not be accepted.
  • Updated CVs for the team leader and team members (each CV not more than 2 pages).
  • Contact details of 3 references with complete contact information (i.e. name, organisation, title position, address, email, telephone).


The completed proposal together with a budget and work plan (inclusive of relevant taxes), should be submitted to;

Submissions are by email to [email protected]while addressed to:

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO Nairobi

With the Subject below:

Expression of Interest for “Transforming Waste into Wealth: Capacity Building of Coffee Farmers on Vermicomposting for Improved Soil Health and Yields – Solidaridad East and Central Africa

Note: Only successful candidates will be contacted

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As a frontrunner in the area of sustainable economic development, Solidaridad seeks to create prosperity for everyone that respects both the people and the planet. With almost 50 years of experience, experts in the field and pragmatic collaboration with influential partners in and around the supply chain, Solidaridad develops smart solutions that bring lasting positive impact.

We envision a world in which all we produce, and all we consume, can sustain us while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations.We bring together supply chain actors and engage them in innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all.

Solidaridad initiates corporate social responsibility and fair trade to combat poverty worldwide.

Solidaridad is an international network organization with more than 20 years of experience in creating fair and sustainable supply chains from producer to consumer.

Solidaridad was launched in 1969 by the Catholic bishops as an advent campaign in aid of Latin America. In the 1970s, protestant churches joined Solidaridad and a formal ecumenical organization emerged in 1976. During those days, this model was a unique form of collaboration between the Dutch churches in their programmes for development aid in Latin America.Unfortunately in the 90s, inter-church cooperation came under pressure and the breakdown of ecumenical collaboration started. In the end, the church-based foundation of Solidaridad’s work gradually eroded. The Catholic Church became increasingly inward-looking and less inclined to see responsibility for the world as a task. The growing conservatism within the churches led to breaking of the ties. The era of 40 years of eucumenical cooperation ended in 2010. But still to date, many local Christian communities are committed to Solidaridad’s work.International network organization The developments in the relationships with the churches created new opportunities for Solidaridad. An international network organization is being built up, both in terms of governance as well as in terms of operations. This change of structure will give our partners in the South a prominent say in the policymaking processes. The implementation of that policy will be better underpinned by the knowledge and experience of local partners. Moreover, the implementation of the policies will be decentralized and delegated to the regional expertise centres, thus making a better use of local expertise.Solidaridad The Netherlands is to be one player in a network of nine Regional Expertise Centres (RECs) in various parts of the world. In the process, the organization’s centre of gravity is shifted from North to South. The offices in the South take over the entire project cycle. Solidaridad The Netherlands will apply itself to market development in the North, fundraising to cover the network budget and publicity campaigns to involve consumers, citizens and businessess in the taks of making the international economy more sustainable.Fair Trade In 1988, Solidaridad was the founding father of the Max Havelaar label for coffee for the Dutch market. This was the starting point of Fair Trade certification, directly leading to the international standard of Fair Trade (FLO). After having introduced fair trade coffee Solidaridad initiated in 1996 a fair trade scheme for bananas. For this purpose, Solidaridad set up the fruit company Agrofair. This company is co-owned by farmers and supplies its fair trade labelled fruit to supermarkets across Europe. At the turn of this century Solidaridad established Kuyichi jeans, a trendy sustainable fashion brand that is sold in over than 500 leading stores across Europe.CSR-models Corporate social responsibility is developing at a fast rate. Solidaridad is building on this together with UTZ CERTIFIED, the sustainable label for coffee, cocoa and tea. MADE-BY, the label for clean clothes introduced in 2004, is another of Solidaridad’s initiatives. Solidaridad is also intensively involved in CSR models such as Social Accountability International (SAI) and the Business Social Compliance Inititiative (BSCI), and is active in Round Tables for responsible soy, palm oil, sugarcane and cotton. An increasing number of large and small companies, brands and retailers, all over the world are now working with Solidaridad on sustainable chain development.
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0 USD Kenya CF 3201 Abc road Consultancy , 40 hours per week Solidaridad


Solidaridad Network is an international solution-oriented civil society organisation working through eight regional expertise centres to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our eight regional expertise centres include Asia, Eastern and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, South America, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa, one of the regional centres, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximises the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access. Solidaridad embraces the public-private and people partnerships (PPPP) in order to test innovations, speed up change, and take success to scale. Globally, Solidaridad works around Coffee and other 12 commodities/sectors (

  1. The Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Project in Kenya Summary

The Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Coffee Project is a seven-year project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs supporting smallholder coffee farmers through 3 pathways; (i) creating viable and resilient production systems ii) catalysing inclusive service delivery systems and iii) championing inclusive markets. The programme will co-create and implement tailored interventions to facilitate transformation in the coffee sector contributing to increased sustainable production (productivity and quality) and incomes, enhancing resilience to the impacts of climate change and other shocks and the creation of decent jobs and inclusive supply chains.

The P2P project aims to build the capacity of 101,500 smallholder coffee farmers (30% women and 15% youth) from Bomet, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Bungoma, Transnzoia and West Pokot Counties in Kenya to produce good quality coffee. Also, strengthen the leadership and governance of 189 cooperatives and provide a platform for cooperatives to link & interact with over 500 service providers in their respective countries to establish long term relations that go to serve the interests of both.

The intended long-term impact is that small- holder coffee farmers thrive by participating in the supply chain that is economically viable, socially responsible and environmentally sound by 2029. Smallholder coffee farmers will have an opportunity to participate in economically viable value chains by increasing their productivity through adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP’s) for increased incomes. It prioritises the inclusion of women and youth. Environmental conservation is a key element focusing on adoption of climate resilient practices, implementing carbon projects as well as adopting agroforestry.

3. 1 Background

Vermicomposting is the process of using earthworms, specifically the red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida) , to decompose organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. Vermicomposting significantly enhances soil health in coffee farming by transforming organic waste into nutrient-rich compost through earthworm activity. This process enriches the soil with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, improving both fertility and structure. Enhanced microbial activity aids in nutrient cycling, fostering a biodiverse soil ecosystem that is crucial for plant health.

The application of vermicompost can lead to increased moisture retention and aeration, reducing the need for frequent irrigation and promoting resilient root systems. This can lower water costs for farmers while enhancing crop yield and quality. Economically, the initial investment in vermicomposting infrastructure can be offset by reduced chemical fertiliser expenses and improved coffee productivity, resulting in better financial returns.

Moreover, incorporating vermicomposting practices contributes to environmental sustainability by minimising agricultural waste and promoting organic matter recycling, ultimately supporting both farmer livelihoods and ecosystem health in the long term.

In response, Solidaridad through the Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Programme seeks to build the capacity of farmers to apply vermicomposting techniques for the transformation of coffee pulps to nutrient-rich compost manure applied on coffee bushes. This will also reduce the emission caused by the uncontrolled decomposing of the pulps. Solidaridad is looking for a consultant that can provide vermicomposting training including supply of required materials for:

i) 100 ToTs, lead Farmers and government extension officers on the CSA practises, carbon farming, carbon credits and carbon trading. The delivery of these training will be finalised by 30th of November 2024.

ii) Facilitate vermicomposting demonstrations for 30 cooperative societies. These should be finalised by 30th November 2024.

3.2 Assignment Objective(s):

The overall objective of the assignment is to enhance the capacity of smallholder coffee farmers on vermicomposting aimed at improving the soil health and productivity of coffee.

Specific Objectives and Deliverables include;

  1. Training of 100 ToTs, Lead Farmers and Government Extension Officers on vermicomposting.
  2. Facilitate the set-up of vermicomposting demonstrations units for 30 AMCOs.
  3. Guide on the multiplication of the worms for long-term sharing amongst farmers.
  4. Follow up on the survival of the established vermi-composting units guiding responsible persons on the maintenance procedures i.e. moisture, temperature, light exposure, aeration and pest management.

4.0 Expert/Consultant’s Profile:

Qualified and experienced Consultancy Firms should develop a comprehensive expression of interest (E.O.I)outlining:

• A profile of the firm/consultant

• Firm/Consultants statement on the interpretation of the TOR

• Curriculum Vitaes’ of consultant/firm outlining qualifications and demonstrable experience in training on vermicomposting.

• A description of the methodology

• At least 3 references of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3 years

• Sample of some of the works delivered on vermicomposting.

• A detailed financial proposal (inclusive of relevant taxes) and a work plan for carrying out the assignment

6.0 Duration of the assignment.

The assignment is expected to take place within a maximum of 30 days after signing the contract. Application process:

The consultancy firms/companies are required to submit an EOI containing a statement on the candidate’s experience with similar assignments, curriculum vitae, financial proposal, and work plan by October 27th, 2024 at 5:00pm (EAT). All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, those unable to meet the requirement will not be considered.

Each EOI submission should be not more than 5 pages and include the following:

  • A brief proposal for the study with methodology and work plan.
  • A sample/samples of previous related work.
  • A financial proposal with a budget with breakdowns of different costs involved, to the finer detail. A budget with aggregated figures will not be accepted.
  • Updated CVs for the team leader and team members (each CV not more than 2 pages).
  • Contact details of 3 references with complete contact information (i.e. name, organisation, title position, address, email, telephone).


The completed proposal together with a budget and work plan (inclusive of relevant taxes), should be submitted to;

Submissions are by email to [email protected]while addressed to:

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 - 00100 GPO Nairobi

With the Subject below:

Expression of Interest for "Transforming Waste into Wealth: Capacity Building of Coffee Farmers on Vermicomposting for Improved Soil Health and Yields - Solidaridad East and Central Africa

Note: Only successful candidates will be contacted


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